small program for testing knowledge of time tables
When finished, simply run
$ make
$ sudo make install
to install and
$ sudo make uninstall
to do just that.
It copies the program to ~/home/bin Make sure the file ~/.profile has the following near the end somewhere
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
See Makefile for further discription.
Note, the Makefile was shamelessly copied and adapted from a lecturer, but I believe it is generic enough that no copyright was enfringed. If this is not the case, feel free to contact me to educate
The hashtable is also strongly based on a hashtable of a previous project.
Once again, a very generic implementation, therefore not stolen.
Also, this is a personal project, not meant for commercial use. Not
Supposed to be used to show my own work per se, but an attempt to create
something I enjoy.
The text of "A Tale of Two Cities" was downloaded from
and all mentions of the word "search" removed, save at the end, where the words "search" and "quit" was added, to stop the program testhashtable from getting stuck in a never ending loop.