A distributed transcoding tool built with gstreamer, ffmpeg and open MPI for Nvidia jetson platfrom
The project can be easily built by using docker build command. Note that the jetpack version of the container and the board must match.
sudo docker build . -t "dtranscoder:v0.8.0"
After you successfully built the image you can easily run the application by using mpi run. The code below illustrates an example and also highlights the necessary flags.
sudo docker run -v ~/vid.mp4:/vid.mp4 \
--security-opt seccomp=unconfined -it --net=host --runtime nvidia \
dtranscoder:v0.8.0 mpirun --allow-run-as-root dtrancoder -i vid.mp4 -e h265
Prints the help message -
Sets the input file path -
Sets the encoding shceme. Options: h264, h265, vp8, vp9