Develop a responsive page using Foundation, the topic will be related with a Bank and you have to suggest the design of the project (See at the bottom of the page).
The required topics for the project are:
- The page should mobile first
- Use Foundation
- Use HTML 5 and CSS 3.
- The code should be semantic.
- The site should be responsive.
- The sections for the project are:
- Login
- Define the section to show this element.
- Header
- It should be sticky.
- Navigation Bar
- It should be sticky.
- At least one element into the navigation bar should be 1 dropdown menu.
- Carousel
- Interest Content
- This section should include a title.
- This section should include a description.
- This section should include at least 3 links.
- Use an Ajax call to retrieve this information.
- Interest links
- Use 3 columns to display links.
- Each link's section must have a title.
- Use 3 columns to display links.
- Footer
- Login
- Explain how to run your project.
- Create a fork of this repository.
- Use any additional technologies that you want.
- Once complete, create a pull request.
|---------Interest Content---------|
|-----|-----Interest Links----|------|
|-----|block 1|block 2|block 3|-----|
|---------Interest Content---------|
|-----|-----Interest Links----|------|
|-----|--------Block 1--------|------|
|-----|--------Block 2--------|------|
|-----|--------Block 3--------|------|