webpage for manicure salon
contributor: Martin Červenka, living: Prague, age: 28,
Hello this is my first bigger webpage project. I am working in React and Redux frameworks with Node.js. Trying to make a webpage for my wife for her manicure salon. I would also like to find a job in a Pargue(CZ) as a webdeveloper.
The app is now able to login with Google, add comentars, reserve an appointment in calendar and pay with credit card for reserved term (dummy credit card is 424242424242424242). User can delete only the comment he himself added.
the webpage is online at https://boiling-sands-96880.herokuapp.com/
used libraries and technologies: Express, React, Redux, Redux-thunk, MongoDb, Passport, Ajax, REST API, Websocket, Stripe, React-gallery, react-big-calendar,