Purpose: Verify a bare-bones SR application. Branch it to build MCVEs.
Prerequisites: Postgres and Redis
Preamble: bundle config local.stimulus_reflex /path/to/stimulus_reflex
Point your stimulus_reflex
to the correct local branch in Gemfile
To install: bundle install && yarn install && rake db:setup && rake db:migrate
Optional: bin/webpack-dev-server
To run: rails s
If webpacker is giving you trouble, please compile a build version by following the instructions in https://docs.stimulusreflex.com/setup#running-edge
This was generated initially with: rails new harness --skip-sprockets --skip-spring --skip-coffee --webpack=stimulus --skip-action-mailbox --skip-action-mailer --skip-active-storage --skip-test --skip-action-text --skip-turbolinks --skip-bootsnap
I'll probably come to regret not including Turbolinks but I wanted everything stripped-down and side-effect free.
I realize that it might seem odd to have a repo intended for MCVEs to have no testing infrastructure set up. As a not-experienced programmatic tester, it seems like I'm the wrong person to tell you how to test what you want to test.