MicroCore v1.0.0
It's finally time for the first release of MicroCore! I've been working on this core for a long time, and I hope you enjoy my work. I believe this is the best Arduino ATtiny13 core available, and it's specked with awesome features like:
- Super optimized core files - Everything have been rewritten to fit into this tiny microcontroller
- AVR keywords highlighting - Register names such as DDRB and PORTB get automatically highlighted
- AVR C example files - Want to create really elegant and efficient code? have a look at the AVR C examples on how you can get started!
- Multiple clock frequencies available - select the clock frequency that suits your project the best
- Multiple Brown-out options available
- Accurate timing implemented - without slowing down the microcontroller, like core13 did
- Possible to turn off core feature that's not used, to save space