BillitBot is a moderation tool for your server. From level system to spam filter
We are currently working on building our bot on interactions. As long as we are not finished the normal ones still work!
- General Informations
- Admin/Mod Commands
- User Commands
BullitBot includes many security features for your Discord server, here is a small list of what it can do
- Performance spam filter
- Mention spam filter
- Profanity filter
- Auto detecting NSFW Images
- Auto moderation
- Fun and NSFW Commands
Here you can find a short tutorial how to set up the BullitBot on your server
- after invite you will receive a private message
- go to a command channel
- type -setup
Command | Description | extra informations |
example / alias | Example description | Example informations |
setup | Configure Bot | Type this in a command channel |
/settings welcome | Enable or Disable the welcome message | Slash Command |
/settings automod | Enable or Disable the automod | Slash Command |
prefix | Change the Prefix | ex: -prefix ! |
clear / cl | clear messages | ex: -clear 10 ( mods can use too ) |
changecommand | Change the command channel | Use the command in the new Command channel |
addmod/remod | add or remove a mod | ex: -addmod @name |
kick | kick a user | ex: -kick @name |
ban | ban a user | ex: -ban @name |
unban | unban a user | ex: -unban Name#0000 |
addwarn | Add warn points to user | ex: -addwarn @name 1 ( mods can use too ) |
rmwarn | remove warn points from user | ex: -rmwarn Name#0000 2 (mods can use too) |
slowmode | set slowmode in the channel | ex: -slowmode time ( 0 = disable) |
Command | Description | extra informations |
getprefix | Show the prefix | -getprefix |
/stats | Show Profile Stats ( Leveling and more ) | Slash Command |
/info | Show Bot Informations | Slash Command |
/help | bot help | Slash Command |
/leaderboard | Show Top users | Slash Command |
/banner <value> |
Show a own banner for the Server | Slash Command |
slots / bet | Play Slots | -slot |
chuck | Give a random Chuck Norris joke | -chuck |
gif | Safe for work Gfs | -gif or -gif category |
/remind | remind in given time with reason | Slash Command |
/avatar | get the profile picture from a user | /avatar @name |
afk | set you afk | -afk reason |
/pgif | Show NSFW gifs | -pgif |
/pic | Show NSFW Images | -pic or -pic category |
Command | Description | extra informations |
/radio play | for join in you voice channel | Slash Command |
/radio leave | leave the voice channel | Slash Command |
/radio stop | stop playing | Slash Command |
/rplaying | show what is playing now | Slash Command |
/stayactive | radio not leave | Slash Command |