Note: I have created a colab notebook in this repo, Albert_Finetune_with_Pretrain_on_Custom_Corpus_ToyModel.ipynb, which runs end to end for all steps with a toy model defined below, and requires only CPU for demonstration purpose.
This notebook (albert_toy) illustrates how to
- pretrain Albert with custom corpus
- further fine tune the pretrained Albert This notebook illustrates with example use case as, with a corpus of restaurant reviews to extract if there are any dish names in the restaurant review. The whole corpus of restaurant reviews will be used as custom corpus to pretrain Albert model. The the pretrained albert model would be further fine tuned on custom dish name recognition task (like a custom NER), with training data as labelled restaurant review indicating dish name tokens.
Restaurant reviews:
"I like the mala steamboat a lot",
"The chicken rice doesn't taste nice"
Dish name from the reviews respectively, to be used to create training/evaluation data as labelled restaurant review indicating dish name tokens:
"I like the mala steamboat a lot", "mala steamboat",
"The chicken rice doesn't taste nice.", "chicken rice",
"I like the chicken rice a lot", "chicken rice",
"The mala steamboat doesn't taste nice.", "mala steamboat",
Google didnt open source the wordpeice unsupervised tokenizer, we can modify on open sourced SentencePiece or t2t text encoder subword builder to generate vocab that is compatible with bert/albert models.
An open source implementation of modifying t2t text encoder subword builder could be found at
Clone the repo (Create environment and install requirements accordingly)
Prepare corpus files
run the command in the repo directly python --corpus_filepattern "{corpus_for_vocab}" --output_filename {name_of_vocab} --min_count {minimum_subtoken_counts}
Refer models_toy/vocab.txt for vocab file built by above steps using the sample dataset
Clone the repo (Create environment and install requirements accordingly)
Create Albert pretrain files: run the command in the repo directly using corpus and vocab used in Build Vocab step, python --input_file "{corpus}" --output_file {output_file} --vocab_file {vocab_file}
Refer data_toy/restaurant_review_train for pretraining data created by above step using the sample dataset
Pretrain albert model
- Prepare albert_config_file (models_toy/albert_config.json) : note vocab_size in albert_config_file should be same as the total vocab in Build Vocab step. Refer to for a ablert_base_v2 config file
- Run the command in the repo directly, python --input_file={albert_pretrain_file} --output_dir={models_dir} --albert_config_file={albert_config_file}
Repo: Reference to in ALBERT repo. Details refer to the notebook albert_finetuning_toy.ipynb in this repo.
Repo: Details refer to the notebook albert_finetuning_toy_pytorch_multiGPU.ipynb in this repo.
Great thanks to Google team, for open source Albert
Great thanks to Huggingface team, for open source transformers
Great thanks to M. H. Kwon, for open source Bert-Vocab-Builder
Great thanks to Cybertron AI, for open source Lamb Optimizer