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DanielDiazTortolero edited this page Oct 17, 2022 · 1 revision

Modules used:

  • flask and bootstrap

  • wtforms

  • sqlalchemy

  • werkzeug security

  • Selenium (referred as filelock)

  • os

  • subprocess

  • shutil

  • openpyxl

  • datetime

  • uuid

  • json

  • sys

  • fpdf

  • django (platform)

  • django safestring

  • django template

  • json (for django)

  • smtplib

  • email.message

  • concurrent.futures

main code:


Lines 38-50: Django initialization to set page directories.

register = Library()

# file directory
# requirement of two arguments: file address of and fire address of root directory.
files_dir = None
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    files_dir = sys.argv[1]
elif platform.node() in ['', '']:
    files_dir = "/var/www/wsgi-scripts/rubric"
        "Requires argument: path to put files and database (suggestion is `pwd` when already in directory containing")

This portion of the code sets the main directory for the app to the current directory (The first argument aka argv[1]). A dot is mainly used to refer to the current directory being used. Otherwise, it will inform the end-user on how to set an instantiation.

Lines 52-69: Flask initialization and sqlalchemy database deployment.

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'Thisissupposedtobesecret!'
if platform.node() in ['', '']:
    dbpass = None
    with open("{}/dbpass".format(files_dir), 'r') as f:
        dbpass = f.readline().rstrip()

    dbuser = None
    with open("{}/dbuser".format(files_dir), 'r') as f:
        dbuser = f.readline().rstrip()

    app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'mysql://{0}:{1}@'.format(
        dbuser, dbpass)
    app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///{}/account.db'.format(


This is the main Flask instantiation call. It will write the database location for SqlAlchemy and place it in the proper directory. It can work with both MySQL and SQLite. A global config parameter is also set to false ('SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS').

Lines 71-148: Database migration specifics.

bootstrap = Bootstrap(app)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
login_manager = LoginManager()
login_manager.login_view = 'login'

This initializes Bootstrap, SQLAlchemy, and the login_manager services.

class User(UserMixin, db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    #use username or email to login
    username = db.Column(db.String(30), unique=True, nullable=False)
    email = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=True, nullable=False)
    password = db.Column(db.String(80), nullable=False)
    #role in university; ex. instructor or ta
    role = db.Column(db.String(20), nullable=True)
    University = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True)
    #self introduction
    description = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True)

These are the migration definitions for the User table.

class Permission(UserMixin, db.Model):
    #project_id is made up with projectname, owner, shareto
    project_id = db.Column(db.String(255), primary_key=True)
    owner = db.Column(db.String(30), nullable=False)
    shareTo = db.Column(db.String(30), nullable=False)
    #project is project name
    project = db.Column(db.String(150), nullable=False)
    status = db.Column(db.String(50), nullable=False)

These are the migration definitions for the Permission table.

class Project(UserMixin, db.Model):
    project_name = db.Column(db.String(150), primary_key=True)
    owner = db.Column(db.String(30), primary_key=True)
    project_status = db.Column(db.String(50), nullable=False)
    description = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True)

These are the migration definitions for the Project table.

class Evaluation(UserMixin, db.Model):
    #sharer of project can also create evaluation (or not allowed); still undecided
    eva_name = db.Column(db.String(150), primary_key=True)
    project_name = db.Column(db.String(150), primary_key=True)
    project_owner = db.Column(db.String(30), primary_key=True)
    owner = db.Column(db.String(30), nullable=False)
    description = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True)
    last_edit = db.Column(db.String(30), nullable=True)

These are the migration definitions for the Evaluation table.

# not using this table right now
# designed to send messages among users
class Notification(UserMixin, db.Model):
    notification_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    from_user = db.Column(db.String(30), nullable=False)
    to_user = db.Column(db.String(50), nullable=False)
    message_type = db.Column(db.String(50), nullable=False)
    message_content = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True)
    status = db.Column(db.String(50), nullable=False)
    time = db.Column(db.String(50), nullable=False)
    appendix = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=True)

These are the migration definitions for the Notification table. Will probably remain unused.

# besides uploading rubric, we also offer default rubric
class DefaultRubric(UserMixin, db.Model):
    json_name = db.Column(db.String(150), primary_key=True)
    json_description = db.Column(db.String(500), nullable=True)
    json_owner = db.Column(db.String(30), nullable=True)

These are the migration definitions for the DefaultRubric table. This seems to be a sample rubric structure.

# sending emails usually takes a long time; this table record information of the process of email sending
class EmailSendingRecord(UserMixin, db.Model):
    project_name = db.Column(db.String(150), primary_key=True)
    project_owner = db.Column(db.String(30), primary_key=True)
    eva_name = db.Column(db.String(150), primary_key=True)
    num_of_tasks = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True)
    num_of_finished_tasks = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True)

These are the migration definitions for the EmailSendingRecord table. Exists to keep track of emails sent.

Lines 153-157: Setting base directory for pages.

base_directory = os.getcwd()
home_directory = base_directory
base_directory = base_directory + "/users"

These lines set up the base directory to host the website. This directory will be used as a base to reference other folders and files inside the directory.

Lines 163-187: Login manager setup.

# login manager is a extension library for login system including login_required
# login_required
def load_user(user_id):
    return User.query.get(int(user_id))

The call for login_manager's user_loader function is followed by a function that queries the current user's id.

class LoginForm(FlaskForm):
    email = StringField('Email', validators=[validators.InputRequired(), validators.Email(message='Invalid email'), validators.Length(max=255)])
    password = PasswordField('Password', validators=[validators.InputRequired(), validators.Length(min=8, max=80)])
    remember = BooleanField('Remember me')

A class definition for the login form.

class RegisterForm(FlaskForm):
    email = StringField('Email', validators=[validators.InputRequired(), validators.Email(message='Invalid email'), validators.Length(max=255)])
    password = PasswordField('Password', validators=[validators.InputRequired(), validators.Length(min=8, max=80), validators.EqualTo('checkpassword', message='Passwords must match')], description="password size between 8-80")
    checkpassword = PasswordField('Check Password', validators=[validators.InputRequired(), validators.Length(min=8, max=80)], description="write password again")

A class definition for the registration form. Note the use of the previously defined validators to sanitize input.

def js(obj):
    return mark_safe(json.dumps(obj))

A call to sanitize the input received as JSON files.

Lines 190-278: Validator setup and validation cases.

#Validator is function which checks whether the information is correct before proceed;
# NameValidator is used in login
class NameValidator(object):
    def __call__(self, form, field):
        duplicate_project_name = Project.query.filter_by(,
        # print(
        # print(current_user.username)
        # print(duplicate_project_name)
        if duplicate_project_name is not None:
            raise ValidationError("The project name has been used before")

A class definition for the Name validator. Has some deprecated testing code. Will notify if duplicates are found.

# check whether primary keys are in the student file;
class validate_project_student_file(object):
    def __call__(self, form, field):
            path_to_current_user = "{}/{}".format(base_directory, current_user.username)
            path_to_student_file_stored = "{}/".format(path_to_current_user)
            student_file_filename = "student.xlsx"
   + student_file_filename)
            student_file_workbook = load_workbook(path_to_student_file_stored + student_file_filename)
            student_file_worksheet = student_file_workbook['Sheet1']
            find_Student = True if 'Student' in [x.value for x in
                                                 list(student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]] else False
            find_Email = True if 'Email' in [x.value for x in list(student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]] else False
            find_group = True if 'group' in [x.value for x in list(student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]] else False
            find_meta_group = True if 'meta' in [x.value for x in list(student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]] else False
            if find_group is False:
                # os.remove(path_to_student_file_stored)
                raise ValidationError("Can not find group")
            elif find_Student is False:
                raise ValidationError("Can not find Student")
            elif find_Email is False:
                raise ValidationError("Can not find Email")
            # os.remove(path_to_student_file_stored+student_file_filename)
            elif find_meta_group is False:
                raise ValidationError("Can not find meta - group")
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValidationError(e)

The class definition for the validator of student project files. Includes a method that checks for the format, parameters, and necessary information. Then decides whether or not to validate the file based on these parameters.

# check whether primary keys are in the rubric json file
class validate_project_json_file(object):
    def __call__(self, form, field):
            path_to_current_user = "{}/{}".format(base_directory, current_user.username)
            path_to_json_file_stored = "{}/".format(path_to_current_user)
            json_file_filename = "TW.json"
   + json_file_filename)
            myLock = FileLock((path_to_json_file_stored + json_file_filename) + '.lock', timeout=5)
            with myLock:
                with open(path_to_json_file_stored + json_file_filename, 'r')as f:
                    json_data = json.loads(, strict=False)

            if 'name' in json_data.keys() and 'category' in json_data.keys():
                for category in json_data['category']:
                    if 'name' in category.keys() and 'section' in category.keys():
                        category_name = (category['name'])
                        for section in category['section']:
                            if 'name' in section.keys() and 'type' in section.keys() and 'values' in section.keys():
                                for value in section['values']:
                                    if 'name' not in value.keys() or 'desc' not in value.keys():
                                        raise ValidationError("lack of NAME or DESC in json file")

                                raise ValidationError("lack of NAME or TYPE or VALUES in json file")
                        raise ValidationError("lack of NAME or SECTIONS in json file")
                raise ValidationError("lack of NAME or CATEGORY in json file")
        except Exception as e:
            raise ValidationError(e)
        # os.remove(path_to_json_file_stored+ json_file_filename)

The class definition for the validator of JSON rubric files. Is set to find parameters that it needs for the rubric, making sure that they are met accordingly. Otherwise, it will throw an exception if any parameters are missing.

Lines 281-290: Roster and Rubric form validator setup.

# flaskform for wtf
class ProjectForm(FlaskForm):
    project_name = StringField('Project Name',
                               validators=[validators.InputRequired(), validators.Length(min=3, max=150), NameValidator()], description="3-150 characters")
    project_description = StringField('Description', validators=[validators.Length(min=0, max=255)], description="0-255 characters")
    student_file = FileField('Roster', validators=[validators.InputRequired(), validate_project_student_file()])
    json_file = FileField('Rubric', validators=[validators.InputRequired(), validate_project_json_file()])

The class definition for wtforms. It serves as the input method to upload form files for both Rubrics and Rosters.

Lines 301-326: Messaging setup with methods.

# messages for the project_profile page
class ManageProjectMessage:
    def __init__(self, path, message, type):
        self.path = path
        self.message = message
        self.type = type

A class to represent Project comments.

class ManageProjectMessages:
    UserNotFound = ManageProjectMessage("unf", "User not found", "negative")
    Created = ManageProjectMessage("create", "Permission successfully created", "positive")
    NotYourself = ManageProjectMessage("self", "You cannot give permission to yourself", "negative")
    Failed = ManageProjectMessage("fail", "Failed to create permission for unknown reason", "negative")
    NoMessage = ManageProjectMessage("success", "", "none")
    UpdatedAuthority = ManageProjectMessage("upauth", "successfully updated authority", "positive")
    DeletedPerm = ManageProjectMessage("delperm", "successfully delete permission", "positive")
    FailedUpAuth = ManageProjectMessage("failupauth", "failure to update authority", "negative")

    def lookup(cls, msg):
        return {cls.UserNotFound.path: cls.UserNotFound,
                cls.Created.path: cls.Created,
                cls.NotYourself.path: cls.NotYourself,
                cls.Failed.path: cls.Failed,
                cls.NoMessage.path: cls.NoMessage,
                cls.UpdatedAuthority.path: cls.UpdatedAuthority,
                cls.DeletedPerm.path: cls.DeletedPerm,
                cls.FailedUpAuth.path: cls.FailedUpAuth}[msg]

This class validates whether a comment results in any error condition. It also has a method to check for these potential errors, displaying the message if there are none.


Lines 329-331: The main home page.

def index():
    return render_template('index.html')

This defines the base directory for the page, namely, index.html.

Lines 334-355: The login page.

#log in function; Access User table
@app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
    form = LoginForm()

    # login validator
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        user = User.query.filter_by(
        if user:
            if check_password_hash(user.password,
                # instructor jump to instructor page, student jump to student page
                # if(user.instructor == "1"):
                return redirect(url_for('instructor_project')) # jacky: after login, users are directed to the Rubric page, instead of Overview page

                return render_template('login.html', msg="password not correct", form=form)
            return render_template('login.html', msg="user doesn't exist", form=form)

    return render_template('login.html', msg="", form=form)

This defines the directory for the login page. It takes into account whether the one accessing is a teacher or a student, and redirects them as such.

Lines 360-387: The sign-up page.

#sign up function; Access User table
@app.route('/signup', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def signup():
    form = RegisterForm()

    # signup validator
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        # check if the user and email has existed in the database
        email_is_taken = User.query.filter_by(
        if email_is_taken:
            return render_template('signup.html', form=form, msg="That email address is already associated with an account")
            hashed_password = generate_password_hash(, method='sha256')
            # In issue 28, we changed username to be email, we saved the username section as we don't need to change the table
            new_user = User(,, password=hashed_password)

            # After making sure that the new user is created, the user's private folder can be created by using the user name

            path_to_user_folder = "{}/{}".format(base_directory, new_user.username)

            return redirect(url_for('login'))

    return render_template('signup.html', form=form, msg="")

This defines the sign-up page. It will make sure that the input information given has not already been taken, and will proceed to make a user folder given the fields are unique. It will then redirect to the login page.

Lines 390-404: The instructor dashboard page.

# home page
def instructor_dashboard():
    # Load all projects to instructor_dashboard
    # Find all projects in User's private folder by using current user

    path_to_current_user = "{}/{}".format(base_directory, current_user.username)
    project_list = [x.project for x in Permission.query.filter_by(owner=current_user.username, shareTo=current_user.username).all()]
    project_len = len(project_list)

    return render_template('instructor_dashboard.html', name=current_user.username, project_list=project_list,

This renders the instructor dashboard home page. It queries all the projects currently available and displays them.

Lines 409-440: Rubric management page: private rubric list.

# Manage Rubrics: showing all private rubric;
@app.route('/project_profile_jumptool', methods=["POST", "GET"])
def project_profile_jumptool():
    # a jump tool before load project
    # display the information of projects (title and desc) and its recent evaluations

    path_to_current_user = "{}/{}".format(base_directory, current_user.username)
    # list of evaluation & list of groups relating to one project
    project_set_map = {}
    # search projects in database by username
    project_list = Permission.query.filter_by(owner=current_user.username, shareTo=current_user.username).all()
    project_information_map = {}
    for project in project_list:
        path_to_evaluation_file = "{}/{}/{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(base_directory, current_user.username,
        evaluation_workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(path_to_evaluation_file)
        evaluation_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['eva']
        group_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['group']
        group_col = []
        for col_item in list(group_worksheet.iter_cols())[0]:
            if col_item.value != "groupid":
        set_of_eva = Evaluation.query.filter_by(project_name=project.project, project_owner=current_user.username).all()
        project_set_map[project.project] = (group_col, set_of_eva)
        project_information_map[project.project] = Project.query.filter_by(project_name=project.project,

    return render_template("project_profile_jumptool.html", project_list=project_list, project_set_map=project_set_map,

This page is the rubric management page to check for each individual projects related to the user. Serves as a review page.

Lines 443-545: Rubric management page: Singular showcase

# Manage Rubrics: show single rubric and its evaluation grading status(graded group, ungraded group, grade table, )
@app.route('/project_profile/<string:project_id>/<string:msg>', methods=["POST", "GET"])
def project_profile(project_id, msg):
    It controls the project_profile.html page, it collects a list of all the evaluations and get them displayed on the web
    :param project_id: project id
    :param msg: it is used to make sure the page is correctly loaded, if not, the error message will be displayed in the
    error box in the web page
    :return: a rendered web page with dictionaries map the info of current project
    # show each grade in this project and divided into eva s
    project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()

    list_of_shareTo_permission = [x for x in
                                  Permission.query.filter_by(project=project.project, owner=current_user.username).all()
                                  if x.shareTo != current_user.username]

    path_to_evaluation_file = "{}/{}/{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(base_directory, current_user.username, project.project)
    evaluation_workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(path_to_evaluation_file)
    evaluation_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['eva']
    group_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['group']
    meta_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['meta']
    list_of_eva = select_by_col_name('eva_name', evaluation_worksheet)
    set_of_eva = set(list_of_eva)
    # get all groups and its owners
    dic_of_eva = {}

    dic_of_choosen = {}
    set_of_meta = set(select_by_col_name('metaid', meta_worksheet))

    meta_group_map_list = []
    for group_index in range(2, len(list(meta_worksheet.iter_rows())) + 1):
        meta_group_map_list.append(select_map_by_index(group_index, meta_worksheet))

    for eva in set_of_eva:
        all_groups_choosen = set()
        all_groups_not_choosen = set()
        all_groups = set()
        choosen = {}
        for meta in set_of_meta:
            choosen[meta] = set()
        total = {}
        notchoosen = {}
        for meta in set_of_meta:

            notchoosen[meta] = set([x['groupid'] for x in meta_group_map_list if str(x['metaid']) == str(meta)])
            total[meta] = set([x['groupid'] for x in meta_group_map_list if str(x['metaid']) == str(meta)])
        # update 9/13: simple profile
        dic_of_eva[eva] = []
        temp_eva = select_row_by_group_id("eva_name", eva, evaluation_worksheet)
        for eva_row in temp_eva:
            for (key, value) in eva_row.items():
                if (key != "group_id") and (key != "eva_name") and (key != "owner") and (key != "date") and (key != "students") and (key != "last_updates"):
                    if (value is not None) and (value != " ") and (value != ""):
                        metaid = [x[0] for x in list(total.items()) if eva_row["group_id"] in x[1]][0]
        for meta in set_of_meta:
            for choosen_i in choosen[meta]:
            for notchoosen_j in notchoosen[meta]:
            for all_k in total[meta]:
        dic_of_choosen[eva] = (choosen, notchoosen, total, all_groups_choosen, all_groups_not_choosen, all_groups)

    tags = [x.value for x in list(evaluation_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]]

    # group management
    management_groups = []
    rows_got_from_group_worksheet = list(group_worksheet.iter_rows())
    for row in rows_got_from_group_worksheet:
        management_groups.append([x.value for x in row])

    records = EmailSendingRecord.query.filter_by(project_name=project.project, project_owner=current_user.username).all()
    if records is not None:
        sending_info_dict = {}
        for record in records:
            sending_info_dict[record.eva_name] = [record.num_of_tasks, record.num_of_finished_tasks]
        sending_info_dict = {}

    permission_message = ManageProjectMessages.lookup(msg)

    return render_template("project_profile.html", dic_of_eva=dic_of_eva, meta_list=set_of_meta,
                           list_of_shareTo_permission=list_of_shareTo_permission, management_groups=management_groups,
                           tags=tags, project=project, set_of_eva=list(set_of_eva), dic_of_choosen=dic_of_choosen,
                           msg=permission_message.message, msg_type=permission_message.type,

This page displays a lot of relevant information on each rubric, as well as its evaluations and details.

Lines 548-569: Project page for group worksheet management

@app.route('/management_group/<string:project_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def managment_group(project_id):
    project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
    path_to_evaluation_xlsx = "{}/{}/{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(base_directory, current_user.username, project.project)
    evaluation_workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(path_to_evaluation_xlsx)
    group_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['group']
    for row_index in range(1, len(list(group_worksheet.iter_rows()))):
        for col_index in range(1, len(list(group_worksheet.iter_cols()))):
            student_email = request.form.get((list(group_worksheet.iter_cols())[0][row_index].value + str(col_index)),
                                             " ")

            # group management detector
            # if the given value is None, inserted should also be None
            if student_email == " " or student_email == "None":
                group_worksheet.cell(row_index + 1, col_index + 1).value = None
                group_worksheet.cell(row_index + 1, col_index + 1).value = student_email
    return redirect(url_for("project_profile", project_id=project_id, msg=ManageProjectMessages.NoMessage.path))

This is the page to manage worksheets for several students. It also checks for each individual student.

CRUD operations:

Lines 572-604: Evaluation CRUD Delete.

           methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def delete_eva(project_id, evaluation, group, grader, datetime):
    project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
    path_to_evaluation_xlsx = "{}/{}/{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(base_directory, current_user.username, project.project)
    evaluation_workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(path_to_evaluation_xlsx)
    evaluation_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['eva']
    group_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['group']
    allgroups = select_by_col_name('groupid', group_worksheet)
    students_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['students']

    index = int(select_index_by_group_eva_owner_date(evaluation, group, grader, datetime, evaluation_worksheet))
    evaluation_worksheet.delete_rows(index, 1)

    # check whether all group have at least one empty grade in this evaluation
    group_col_in_eva = set(select_by_col_name('group', evaluation_worksheet))
    empty_group = [x for x in allgroups if x not in group_col_in_eva]

    students = get_students_by_group(group_worksheet, students_worksheet)

    for empty in empty_group:
        students_name = []
        # couple is [email, student_name]
        for student_couple in students[str(group)]:
        empty_row = new_row_generator(str(group), students_name, evaluation, evaluation_worksheet)
    return redirect(url_for("project_profile", project_id=project_id, msg=ManageProjectMessages.NoMessage.path))

This operation selects the attributes of a particular evaluation and then proceeds to delete these. It also makes sure to properly delete any empty values.

Lines 607-638: Project CRUD Delete.

@app.route('/delete_project/<string:project_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def delete_project(project_id):
    Delete a project from database
    :param project_id: project id
    :return: rerender current page
    project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
    permission_to_delete = Permission.query.filter_by(project=project.project).all()
    path_to_current_project = "{}/{}/{}".format(base_directory, current_user.username, project.project)
    if os.path.exists(path_to_current_project):

        # after delete the folder, delete all the permissions that were send from the project
        for permission in permission_to_delete:

        # delete the project in project table
        project_in_database = Project.query.filter_by(project_name=project.project, owner=project.owner).first()
        # FIXME: these messages are not being used
        msg = "project deleted"
        msg = "the project to be deleted could not be found"

    return redirect(url_for("project_profile_jumptool", project_id=project_id))

This operation deletes all of the related files and directories for a particular project. It also makes sure to delete any information related to the project in the database.

Lines 641-660: Permission CRUD Update.

@app.route('/update_permission/<string:project_id>/<string:project_id_full>', methods=["GET", "POST"])
def update_permission(project_id, project_id_full):
        submit = request.form['submit']
        if submit == 'update':
            authority = request.form['authority']
            query = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
            query.status = authority
            msg = ManageProjectMessages.UpdatedAuthority.path
            query = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
            msg = ManageProjectMessages.DeletedPerm.path
    except Exception as e:
        msg = ManageProjectMessages.FailedUpAuth.path

    return redirect(url_for("project_profile", project_id=project_id_full, msg=msg))

This modifies the permission status for a particular project. If the authorization checkup fails on submit, an error is raised.

Lines 663-702: Permission CRUD Create.

@app.route('/create_permission/<string:project_id>', methods=["GET", "POST"])
def create_permission(project_id):
    This is being used in project_profile.html, which creates permission to a another user to share the rubric. The func-
    ction first search the typed in username, if the user exist, it creates a permission in Permission table, otherwise
    it returns to current page with error messages displayed
    :param project_id: current project id
    :return: It depends on the validity of typed in username
        username = request.form.get('username', " ")
        authority = "overwrite"
        pending_authority = "pending|{}".format(authority)
        account_user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first()
        if username != current_user.username:
            if account_user is not None:
                    # create permission:
                project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
                permission_projectid = "{}{}{}{}".format(current_user.username, username, project.project, authority)
                permission_existed = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=permission_projectid).first()
                if permission_existed:
                    return redirect(url_for("project_profile", project_id=project_id, msg="Permission existed!"))
                    new_permission = Permission(project_id=permission_projectid, owner=current_user.username, shareTo=username,
                                                project=project.project, status=pending_authority)

                    return redirect(url_for("project_profile", project_id=project_id, msg=ManageProjectMessages.Created.path))
                return redirect(url_for("project_profile", project_id=project_id, msg=ManageProjectMessages.UserNotFound.path))
            return redirect(url_for("project_profile", project_id=project_id, msg=ManageProjectMessages.NotYourself.path))

        return redirect(url_for("project_profile", project_id=project_id, msg=ManageProjectMessages.Failed.path))

This creates a permission for any other user. There are three potential outcomes when this operation runs: The permission is created with no problem and the user is notified; The permission is not created because the user does not exist, and the end user is informed; The permission is being created for the same end user, and as such it fails.

Lines 705-739: Project CRUD Read (instructor view).

@app.route('/instructor_project', methods=["POST", "GET"])
def instructor_project():
    Load All project and shared project from database for the current user
    :return: a rendered template with all the projects the current user has
    list_of_all_projects = Permission.query.filter_by(shareTo=current_user.username).all()
    list_of_personal_projects = Permission.query.filter_by(owner=current_user.username,
    list_of_shared_project = []
    for project in list_of_all_projects:
        flag = True
        for personal_project in list_of_personal_projects:
            if project.project_id == personal_project.project_id:
                flag = False
        if flag:

    list_of_personal_project_database = {}
    list_of_shared_project_database = {}
    # load the description of project
    for personal_project in list_of_personal_projects:
        project_in_project_db = Project.query.filter_by(project_name=personal_project.project,
        list_of_personal_project_database[project_in_project_db.project_name] = project_in_project_db
    for shared_project in list_of_shared_project:
        project_in_project_db = Project.query.filter_by(project_name=shared_project.project,
        list_of_shared_project_database[project_in_project_db.project_name] = project_in_project_db
    return render_template('instructor_project.html', personal_project_list=list_of_personal_projects,

Lines 742-882: Project CRUD Create.

@app.route('/create_project', methods=["POST", "GET"])
def create_project():
    # Request from file by WTF
    # Create a new project folder under 'path_to_current_user'
    # save files in new folder and build a evaluation doc depending on json file

    path_to_current_user = "{}/{}".format(base_directory,
    path_to_student_file = "{}/student.xlsx".format(path_to_current_user)
    path_to_json_file = "{}/TW.json".format(path_to_current_user)
    form = ProjectForm()
        if form.validate_on_submit():
            # create project folder
            path_to_current_user_project = "{}/{}/{}".format(
                base_directory, current_user.username,

            path_to_student_file_stored = "{}/student.xlsx".format(
            shutil.move(path_to_student_file, path_to_student_file_stored)
            path_to_json_file_stored = "{}/TW.json".format(
            shutil.move(path_to_json_file, path_to_json_file_stored)
            # creating evaluation doc based on grading criteria json file

            # copy student sheet to evaluation doc
            student_file_workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(
            student_file_worksheet = student_file_workbook['Sheet1']

            # create group file depending on student file
            list_of_group = select_by_col_name('group', student_file_worksheet)
            set_of_group = set(list_of_group)

            # Fixing a bug where a None element was found. Is this safe?

            # create a group workbook
            path_to_group_file = "{}/group.xlsx".format(
            group_workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()
            group_file_worksheet = group_workbook.create_sheet('Sheet1')
            meta_file_worksheet = group_workbook.create_sheet('Sheet2')
            # all student information map
            student_map_list = []
            for student_index in range(2, len(list(student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())) + 1):
                    student_index, student_file_worksheet))
            # insert group columns
            group_file_worksheet.cell(1, 1).value = 'groupid'
            meta_file_worksheet.cell(1, 1).value = 'groupid'
            meta_file_worksheet.cell(1, 2).value = 'metaid'
            start_index = 2
            max_num_students_pergroup = 0
            for group in set_of_group:
                group_file_worksheet.cell(start_index, 1).value = group
                student_emails = [x['Email']
                                  for x in student_map_list if x['group'] == group]
                if len(student_emails) > max_num_students_pergroup:
                    max_num_students_pergroup = len(student_emails)
                meta_file_worksheet.cell(start_index, 1).value = group
                meta_group = [x['meta']
                              for x in student_map_list if x['group'] == group][0]
                meta_file_worksheet.cell(start_index, 2).value = meta_group
                for insert_index in range(2, len(student_emails) + 2):
                        start_index, insert_index).value = student_emails[insert_index - 2]
                start_index += 1
            for index in range(1, max_num_students_pergroup+1):
                    1, 1+index).value = ("student" + str(index))

            path_to_evaluation = "{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(
            evaluation_workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()
            evaluation_group = evaluation_workbook.create_sheet('group')
            evaluation_meta = evaluation_workbook.create_sheet('meta')
            evaluation_student = evaluation_workbook.create_sheet('students')
            copy_all_worksheet(evaluation_group, group_file_worksheet)
            copy_all_worksheet(evaluation_meta, meta_file_worksheet)
            copy_all_worksheet(evaluation_student, student_file_worksheet)
            # create EVA depending on the json file
            evaluation_eva = evaluation_workbook.create_sheet('eva')
            # open json file and load json
            myLock = FileLock(path_to_json_file_stored+'.lock', timeout=5)
            with myLock:
                with open(path_to_json_file_stored, 'r')as f:
                    json_data = json.loads(, strict=False)
            # The group id, eva_name, date are defults
            tags_to_append = ['group_id', 'eva_name',
                              'owner', 'date', 'students']
            for category in json_data['category']:
                category_name = (category['name'])
                for section in category['section']:
                    # instructors don't care about the text value, the text values will only be send to students.
                    if section['type'] != 'text':
                        value_to_append = "{}|{}".format(
                            category_name, section['name'])


            # create permission to owener himself
            project_id = "{}{}{}{}".format(
                current_user.username, current_user.username,, 'full')
            self_permission = Permission(project_id=project_id, owner=current_user.username, shareTo=current_user.username,
                               , status='full')

            # create the project in database
            project_to_add = Project(, project_status='public',

            return redirect(url_for("instructor_project"))

            if os.path.exists(path_to_student_file):
            if os.path.exists(path_to_json_file):
            return render_template('create_project.html', form=form, alert="")

    except Exception as e:
        if os.path.exists(path_to_student_file):
        if os.path.exists(path_to_json_file):
        return render_template("create_project.html", form=form, alert=e)

This will use the previously submitted file from wtforms in order to create a directory dedicated to the particular form being submitted. In the case that this directory already exists, there is an exception raised at the end of the code.

def copy_all_worksheet(copy_to, copy_from):
    for row in range(0, len(list(copy_from.iter_rows()))):
        for col in range(0, len(list(copy_from.iter_cols()))):
            copy_to.cell(row=row + 1, column=col +
                         1).value = copy_from.cell(row=row + 1, column=col + 1).value

This function serves the copy every cell value in a worksheet to another one.

Lines 892-1036: Project CRUD Create (By share name).

@app.route('/create_project_by_share/<string:project_id>', methods=["POST", "GET"])
def create_project_by_share(project_id):
    :param project_id:
    new_project_name = request.form['project_name']
    duplicate_project_name = Project.query.filter_by(
        project_name=new_project_name, owner=current_user.username).first()
    if duplicate_project_name is not None:
        return redirect(url_for('account', msg="This rubric name has been used before"))
    path_to_current_user_project = "{}/{}/{}".format(
        base_directory, current_user.username, new_project_name)
    # copy json file:
    project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
    if project is not None:
        owner = project.owner
        project_name = project.project
        # use project name and project owner info to locate the path of json
        path_to_json_file = "{}/{}/{}/TW.json".format(
            base_directory, owner, project_name)
        path_to_json_file_stored = "{}/TW.json".format(
        if os.path.exists(path_to_json_file):
            shutil.copy2(path_to_json_file, path_to_json_file_stored)
            return redirect('account', msg="the rubric you were trying to copy has been deleted")
        return redirect('account', msg="the rubric you were trying to copy has been deleted")

    new_project_desc = request.form['project_desc']
    student_file = request.files['student_file']
    path_to_student_file_stored = "{}/student.xlsx".format(

    # check if the student file is valid:
    student_file_workbook = load_workbook(path_to_student_file_stored)
    student_file_worksheet = student_file_workbook['Sheet1']
    find_Student = True if 'Student' in [x.value for x in list(
        student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]] else False
    find_Email = True if 'Email' in [x.value for x in list(
        student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]] else False
    find_group = True if 'group' in [x.value for x in list(
        student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]] else False
    find_meta_group = True if 'meta' in [x.value for x in list(
        student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]] else False

    if find_Student is False:
        return redirect('account', msg="no Student column in student file!")
    if find_Email is False:
        return redirect('account', msg="no Email column in student file!")
    if find_group is False:
        return redirect('account', msg="no group column in student file!")
    if find_meta_group is False:
        return redirect('account', msg="no meta group column in student file!")

    # create project:
    # create group file depending on student file
    list_of_group = select_by_col_name('group', student_file_worksheet)
    set_of_group = set(list_of_group)

    # Fixing a bug where a None element was found. Is this safe?

    # create a group workbook
    path_to_group_file = "{}/group.xlsx".format(path_to_current_user_project)
    group_workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()
    group_file_worksheet = group_workbook.create_sheet('Sheet1')
    meta_file_worksheet = group_workbook.create_sheet('Sheet2')
    # all student information map
    student_map_list = []
    for student_index in range(2, len(list(student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())) + 1):
            student_index, student_file_worksheet))
    # insert group columns
    group_file_worksheet.cell(1, 1).value = 'groupid'
    meta_file_worksheet.cell(1, 1).value = 'groupid'
    meta_file_worksheet.cell(1, 2).value = 'metaid'
    start_index = 2
    for group in set_of_group:
        group_file_worksheet.cell(start_index, 1).value = group
        student_emails = [x['Email']
                          for x in student_map_list if x['group'] == group]
        meta_file_worksheet.cell(start_index, 1).value = group
        meta_group = [x['meta']
                      for x in student_map_list if x['group'] == group][0]
        meta_file_worksheet.cell(start_index, 2).value = meta_group
        for insert_index in range(2, len(student_emails) + 2):
                start_index, insert_index).value = student_emails[insert_index - 2]
        start_index += 1

    path_to_evaluation = "{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(
    evaluation_workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()
    evaluation_group = evaluation_workbook.create_sheet('group')
    evaluation_meta = evaluation_workbook.create_sheet('meta')
    evaluation_student = evaluation_workbook.create_sheet('students')
    copy_all_worksheet(evaluation_group, group_file_worksheet)
    copy_all_worksheet(evaluation_meta, meta_file_worksheet)
    copy_all_worksheet(evaluation_student, student_file_worksheet)
    # create EVA depending on the json file
    evaluation_eva = evaluation_workbook.create_sheet('eva')
    # open json file and load json
    myLock = FileLock(path_to_json_file_stored+'.lock', timeout=5)
    with myLock:
        with open(path_to_json_file_stored, 'r')as f:
            json_data = json.loads(, strict=False)
    # The group id, eva_name, date are defults
    tags_to_append = ['group_id', 'eva_name', 'owner', 'date', 'students']
    for category in json_data['category']:
        category_name = (category['name'])
        for section in category['section']:
            # instructors don't care about the text value, the text values will only be send to students.
            if section['type'] != 'text':
                value_to_append = "{}|{}".format(
                    category_name, section['name'])

    # create permission to owner himself
    project_id = "{}{}{}{}".format(
        current_user.username, current_user.username, new_project_name, 'full')
    self_permission = Permission(project_id=project_id, owner=current_user.username, shareTo=current_user.username,
                                 project=new_project_name, status='full')

    # create the project in database
    project_id = "{}{}".format(current_user.username, new_project_name)
    project_to_add = Project(project_name=new_project_name, project_status='public',
                             owner=current_user.username, description=new_project_desc)

    return redirect(url_for("instructor_project"))

This operation will use the json files of an existing project to create a brand new one. Similar to the previous operation, it will give permissions to the creator of the project, as well as those linked to it.

Lines 1039-1171: Project CRUD Create (By share name and owner).

@app.route('/create_project_by_share_name_and_owner/<string:type>/<string:project_name>/<string:project_owner>', methods=["POST", "GET"])
def create_project_by_share_name_and_owner(type, project_name, project_owner):

    new_project_name = request.form['project_name']
    duplicate_project_name = Project.query.filter_by(
        project_name=new_project_name, owner=current_user.username).first()
    if duplicate_project_name is not None:
        msg = "This rubric name has been used before"
    path_to_current_user_project = "{}/{}/{}".format(
        base_directory, current_user.username, new_project_name)
    if type == "Share":
        # jacky: use project name and project owner info to locate the path of json?
        path_to_json_file = "{}/{}/{}/TW.json".format(
            base_directory, project_owner, project_name)
        path_to_json_file = "{}/{}/{}".format(
            home_directory, "Default", project_name)
    path_to_json_file_stored = "{}/TW.json".format(
    if os.path.exists(path_to_json_file):
        shutil.copy2(path_to_json_file, path_to_json_file_stored)
        return redirect(url_for('account', msg="the rubric you were trying to copy has been deleted"))
    new_project_desc = request.form['project_desc']
    student_file = request.files['student_file']
    path_to_student_file_stored = "{}/student.xlsx".format(

    # check if the student file is valid:
    student_file_workbook = load_workbook(path_to_student_file_stored)
    student_file_worksheet = student_file_workbook['Sheet1']
    find_Student = True if 'Student' in [x.value for x in list(
        student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]] else False
    find_Email = True if 'Email' in [x.value for x in list(
        student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]] else False
    find_group = True if 'group' in [x.value for x in list(
        student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]] else False
    find_meta_group = True if 'meta' in [x.value for x in list(
        student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]] else False

    if find_Student is False:
        return redirect('account', msg="no Student column in student file!")
    if find_Email is False:
        return redirect('account', msg="no Email column in student file!")
    if find_group is False:
        return redirect('account', msg="no group column in student file!")
    if find_meta_group is False:
        return redirect('account', msg="no meta group column in student file!")

    # create project:
    # create group file depending on student file
    list_of_group = select_by_col_name('group', student_file_worksheet)
    set_of_group = set(list_of_group)
    # create a group workbook
    path_to_group_file = "{}/group.xlsx".format(path_to_current_user_project)
    group_workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()
    group_file_worksheet = group_workbook.create_sheet('Sheet1')
    meta_file_worksheet = group_workbook.create_sheet('Sheet2')
    # all student information map
    student_map_list = []
    for student_index in range(2, len(list(student_file_worksheet.iter_rows())) + 1):
            student_index, student_file_worksheet))
    # insert group columns
    group_file_worksheet.cell(1, 1).value = 'groupid'
    meta_file_worksheet.cell(1, 1).value = 'groupid'
    meta_file_worksheet.cell(1, 2).value = 'metaid'
    start_index = 2
    for group in set_of_group:
        group_file_worksheet.cell(start_index, 1).value = group
        student_emails = [x['Email']
                          for x in student_map_list if x['group'] == group]
        meta_file_worksheet.cell(start_index, 1).value = group
        meta_group = [x['meta']
                      for x in student_map_list if x['group'] == group][0]
        meta_file_worksheet.cell(start_index, 2).value = meta_group
        for insert_index in range(2, len(student_emails) + 2):
                start_index, insert_index).value = student_emails[insert_index - 2]
        start_index += 1

    path_to_evaluation = "{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(
    evaluation_workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()
    evaluation_group = evaluation_workbook.create_sheet('group')
    evaluation_meta = evaluation_workbook.create_sheet('meta')
    evaluation_student = evaluation_workbook.create_sheet('students')
    copy_all_worksheet(evaluation_group, group_file_worksheet)
    copy_all_worksheet(evaluation_meta, meta_file_worksheet)
    copy_all_worksheet(evaluation_student, student_file_worksheet)
    # create EVA depending on the json file
    evaluation_eva = evaluation_workbook.create_sheet('eva')
    # open json file and load json
    myLock = FileLock(path_to_json_file_stored+'.lock', timeout=5)
    with myLock:
        with open(path_to_json_file_stored, 'r')as f:
            json_data = json.loads(, strict=False)
    # The group id, eva_name, date are defults
    tags_to_append = ['group_id', 'eva_name', 'owner', 'date', 'students']
    for category in json_data['category']:
        category_name = (category['name'])
        for section in category['section']:
            # instructors don't care about the text value, the text values will only be send to students.
            if section['type'] != 'text':
                value_to_append = "{}|{}".format(
                    category_name, section['name'])

    # create permission to owener himself
    project_id = "{}{}{}{}".format(
        current_user.username, current_user.username, new_project_name, 'full')
    self_permission = Permission(project_id=project_id, owner=current_user.username, shareTo=current_user.username,
                                 project=new_project_name, status='full')

    # create the project in database
    # project_id = "{}{}".format(current_user.username, new_project_name)
    project_to_add = Project(project_name=new_project_name, project_status='public',
                             owner=current_user.username, description=new_project_desc)

    return redirect(url_for("instructor_project"))

This will create a directory for a project, as well as a directory for its evaluations and student permissions. The particular usefulness of this one is that the student needs a directory before creating the directory. The directory is also validated to avoid repeated definitions and ensure that the permissions are properly granted.

Lines 1174-1188: Project CRUD Read (Load).

@app.route('/load_project/<string:project_id>/<string:msg>', methods=["GET"])
def load_project(project_id, msg):
    # get project by project_id
    project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
    path_to_evaluation_xlsx = "{}/{}/{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(
        base_directory, project.owner, project.project)
    evaluation_workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(path_to_evaluation_xlsx)
    meta_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['meta']
    set_of_eva = Evaluation.query.filter_by(
        project_name=project.project, project_owner=project.owner).all()
    set_of_meta = set(select_by_col_name('metaid', meta_worksheet))

    return render_template("project.html", project=project, data_of_eva_set=set_of_eva, set_of_meta=set_of_meta,

This queries a selection of all the necessary information regarding the project and presents it on the project.html page.

Lines 1191-1258: Evaluation CRUD Create.

@app.route('/create_evaluation/<string:project_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def create_evaluation(project_id):
    # get project by id
    project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
    # load group columns and evaluation worksheet
    evaluation_name = request.form['evaluation_name']
    evaluation_name_find_in_db = Evaluation.query.filter_by(project_owner=current_user.username,
    # give each new evaluation a default value of sending record
    record_existence = EmailSendingRecord.query.filter_by(project_name=project.project,
    if record_existence is None:
        new_record = EmailSendingRecord(project_name=project.project,

    if evaluation_name_find_in_db is None:
        evaluation_desc = request.form.get('evaluation_description', " ")
        path_to_load_project = "{}/{}/{}".format(
            base_directory, current_user.username, project.project)
        path_to_evaluation_file = "{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(
        eva_workbook = load_workbook(path_to_evaluation_file)
        group_worksheet = eva_workbook['group']
        eva_worksheet = eva_workbook['eva']
        meta_worksheet = eva_workbook['meta']
        students_worksheet = eva_workbook['students']

        group_col = []
        for col_item in list(group_worksheet.iter_cols())[0]:
            if col_item.value != "groupid":

        # get all students by students
        students = get_students_by_group(group_worksheet, students_worksheet)
        # create a empty row for each group in the new evaluation
        for group in group_col:
            students_name = []
            # couple is [email, student_name]
            for student_couple in students[str(group)]:
            row_to_insert = new_row_generator(
                str(group), students_name, evaluation_name, eva_worksheet)

        # create evaluation in database:
        evaluation_to_add = Evaluation(eva_name=evaluation_name, project_name=project.project,
                                       project_owner=project.owner, owner=current_user.username,
        msg = "New Evaluation has been created successfully"

        set_of_meta = set(select_by_col_name('metaid', meta_worksheet))
        return redirect(
            url_for('jump_to_evaluation_page', project_id=project.project_id, evaluation_name=evaluation_name, metaid=set_of_meta.pop(), group="***None***", msg=msg))

        return redirect(url_for('load_project', project_id=project_id, msg="The evaluation_name has been used before"))

This operation will create a dedicated directory for one evaluation. It makes sure to avoid duplicates and queries the evaluation into the database. If the evaluation exists, it will redirect the user to the evaluation page.

Other operations:

Lines 1136-1270: Jump to evaluation page.

    methods=["GET", "POST"])
def jump_to_evaluation_page(project_id, evaluation_name, metaid, group, msg):
    # get project by project_id
    project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
    # prepare the json data and group numbers before it jumps to evaluation page
    path_to_load_project = "{}/{}/{}".format(
        base_directory, project.owner, project.project)
    myLock = FileLock(path_to_load_project+'.lock', timeout=5)
    with myLock:
        with open("{}/TW.json".format(path_to_load_project), 'r')as f:
            json_data = json.loads(, strict=False)
    excelLock = FileLock(
        "{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(path_to_load_project) + '.lock', timeout=5)
    with excelLock:
        eva_workbook = load_workbook(
        group_worksheet = eva_workbook['group']
        students_worksheet = eva_workbook['students']
        meta_worksheet = eva_workbook['meta']

        # data of meta groups
        meta_group_map_list = []
        for group_index in range(2, len(list(meta_worksheet.iter_rows())) + 1):
                select_map_by_index(group_index, meta_worksheet))
        group_col = [x['groupid']
                     for x in meta_group_map_list if str(x['metaid']) == str(metaid)]
        # if only click on meta group, by default choose its first group
        if group == "***None***":
            group = group_col[0]
        # check if evaluation exists in the worksheet
        eva_worksheet = eva_workbook['eva']

        # Transform ROWS in worksheet to DICTIONARY
        new_row = {}
        first_row = list(eva_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]
        for tag in first_row:
            new_row[tag.value] = ""

        temp_eva = select_row_by_group_id(
            "eva_name", evaluation_name, eva_worksheet)

        # dictionary contains all data
        eva_to_edit = {}
        # list contains only owners
        owner_list = []

        # first, convert string to time and then pick the latest update which committed by this user.
        previous_max_date = datetime.datetime.min
        active_tab_tuple = ()
        for row in temp_eva:
            if str(group) == str(row['group_id']):
                owner_per_row = str(row['owner'])
                date = str(row['date'])
                date_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                    date, "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
                # tuple will be unique in this evaluation
                tuple = (owner_per_row, date)
                if owner_per_row == current_user.username and date_datetime > previous_max_date:
                    previous_max_date = date_datetime
                    active_tab_tuple = tuple
                eva_to_edit[tuple] = row

        if len(active_tab_tuple) == 0:
            active_tab_tuple = owner_list[0]

        students = get_students_by_group(group_worksheet, students_worksheet)
        for temp_group in group_col:
            index = select_index_by_group_eva(
                evaluation_name, temp_group, eva_worksheet)
            students_attendence = (eva_worksheet.cell(
                index[0], 5).value).split("|")
            for temp_student in students[temp_group]:
                if temp_student[1] in students_attendence:

        path_to_evaluation_file = "{}/{}/{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(
            base_directory, project.owner, project.project)
        evaluation_workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(path_to_evaluation_file)
        evaluation_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['eva']
        meta_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['meta']
        list_of_eva = select_by_col_name('eva_name', evaluation_worksheet)
        set_of_eva = set(list_of_eva)
        dic_of_eva = {}

        dic_of_choosen = {}
        set_of_meta = set(select_by_col_name('metaid', meta_worksheet))

        meta_group_map_list = []
        for group_index in range(2, len(list(meta_worksheet.iter_rows())) + 1):
                select_map_by_index(group_index, meta_worksheet))

        for eva in set_of_eva:
            all_groups_choosen = set()
            all_groups_not_choosen = set()
            all_groups = set()
            choosen = {}
            for meta in set_of_meta:
                choosen[meta] = set()
            total = {}
            notchoosen = {}
            for meta in set_of_meta:
                notchoosen[meta] = set(
                    [x['groupid'] for x in meta_group_map_list if str(x['metaid']) == str(meta)])
                total[meta] = set(
                    [x['groupid'] for x in meta_group_map_list if str(x['metaid']) == str(meta)])
            # update 9/13: simple profile
            dic_of_eva[eva] = []
            temp_eva = select_row_by_group_id(
                "eva_name", eva, evaluation_worksheet)
            for eva_row in temp_eva:
                for (key, value) in eva_row.items():
                    if (key != "group_id") and (key != "eva_name") and (key != "owner") and (key != "date") and (
                            key != "students") and (key != "last_updates"):
                        if (value is not None) and (value != " ") and (value != ""):
                            meta = [x[0] for x in list(
                                total.items()) if eva_row["group_id"] in x[1]][0]
            for meta in set_of_meta:
                for choosen_i in choosen[meta]:
                for notchoosen_j in notchoosen[meta]:
                for all_k in total[meta]:
            dic_of_choosen[eva] = [choosen, notchoosen, total,
                                   all_groups_choosen, all_groups_not_choosen, all_groups]
        listOfGroups = dic_of_choosen[evaluation_name][0][metaid]
        listOfGroupss = []
        if listOfGroups == set():
            listOfGroups = listOfGroupss
            for i in listOfGroups:
            listOfGroups = listOfGroupss
        return render_template("evaluation_page.html", project=project, json_data=json_data, group=group, metaid=metaid,
                               group_col=group_col, set_of_meta=set_of_meta, msg=msg, evaluation_name=evaluation_name,
                               edit_data=eva_to_edit, owner_list=owner_list, students=students,

This operation will render the main evaluation page along all of its functionalities. It will showcase all of the available evaluations, groups, and relevant information and responses. This could be said to be the page instructors can use to read the evaluations made by the users submitting the responses.

Lines 1416-1420: dumper function definition.

def dumper(obj):
        return obj.toJSON()
        return obj.__dict__

This function will serialize each object passed through it so it behaves well as a JSON object inside the python framework.

Lines 1423-1560: Receive evaluations.

    methods=["GET", "POST"])
def evaluation_page(project_id, evaluation_name, metaid, group, owner, past_date):
    # receive all the data and insert them into xlsx
    # group id, evaluation name, date time is constant
    row_to_insert = []
    group_id = group
    submit_type = request.form['submit_button']
    date ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
    # if edit, create a new row with owner = current user
    if submit_type == 'edit':
    student_list = request.form.getlist('student')
    if len(student_list) > 0:
        row_to_insert.append(" ")

    # The rest are variables from TW
    # get project by project_id
    project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
    path_to_load_project = "{}/{}/{}".format(
        base_directory, project.owner, project.project)
    myLock = FileLock(path_to_load_project+'.lock', timeout=5)
    with myLock:
        with open("{}/TW.json".format(path_to_load_project), 'r')as f:
            json_data = json.loads(, strict=False)
    for category in json_data['category']:
        category_name = category['name']
        for section in category['section']:
            section_name = section['name']
            section_name = '{}{}|{}|{}'.format(
                owner, past_date, category_name, section_name)
            if section['type'] == 'radio':
                if submit_type == 'create':
                    value = request.form.get('{}|{}'.format(
                        category_name, section['name']), " ")
                    value = request.form.get(section_name, " ")
            elif section['type'] == 'checkbox':
                if submit_type == 'create':
                    value = request.form.getlist(
                        '{}|{}'.format(category_name, section['name']))
                    if len(value) != 0:
                        value = '|'.join(value)
                        value = " "
                    value = request.form.getlist(section_name)
                    if len(value) != 0:
                        value = '|'.join(value)
                        value = " "
                # text don't need to be saved
                print('to be continued')
    path_to_evaluation_file = "{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(path_to_load_project)
    excelLock = FileLock(path_to_evaluation_file + '.lock', timeout=5)
    with excelLock:
        evaluation_workbook = load_workbook(path_to_evaluation_file)
        evaluation_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['eva']
        # change the last update by append the current user according to submit type
        if submit_type == 'update':
            index = int(
                select_index_by_group_eva_owner_date(evaluation_name, group_id, owner, past_date, evaluation_worksheet))
            # delete the old row by index
            last_comment = select_by_col_name(
                'comment', evaluation_worksheet)[index - 2]
            comment = request.form.get(
                '{}{}|comment'.format(owner, past_date), " ")
            if comment != " " and last_comment != " ":
                comment = "{}|{}".format(last_comment, comment)
                comment = last_comment
            last_update = select_by_col_name(
                'last_updates', evaluation_worksheet)[index - 2]
            evaluation_worksheet.delete_rows(index, 1)

        elif submit_type == 'create':
            comment = request.form.get('comment', " ")
            last_update = current_user.username

        elif submit_type == 'edit':
            comment = request.form.get(
                '{}{}|comment'.format(owner, past_date), " ")
            last_update = current_user.username
        elif submit_type == 'overwrite':
            index = int(
                select_index_by_group_eva_owner_date(evaluation_name, group_id, owner, past_date, evaluation_worksheet))
            last_comment = select_by_col_name(
                'comment', evaluation_worksheet)[index - 2]
            comment = request.form.get(
                '{}{}|comment'.format(owner, past_date), " ")
            if comment != " " and last_comment != " ":
                comment = "{}|{}".format(last_comment, comment)
                comment = last_comment
            last_update = select_by_col_name(
                'last_updates', evaluation_worksheet)[index - 2]
            last_update = "{}|{}".format(last_update, current_user.username)
            evaluation_worksheet.delete_rows(index, 1)

        # save the workbook

        # change the last edit
        evaluation_in_database = Evaluation.query.filter_by(project_name=project.project, project_owner=project.owner,
        evaluation_in_database.last_edit = current_user.username
        msg = "The grade has been updated successfully"

        return redirect(
            url_for('jump_to_evaluation_page', project_id=project_id, evaluation_name=evaluation_name, metaid=metaid,
                    group=group, owner=owner, msg=msg))

This operation serves as an API that can be used to create, modify, and read evaluations. It can read the input data and modify it inside an xlsx file in the evaluation directory itself.

Lines 1563-1643: Commit evaluation.

def evaluation_commit(project_id, evaluation_name, metaid, group, owner, past_date, category):
        # receive all the data and insert them into xlsx
        # group id, evaluation name, date time is constant
        row_to_insert = []
        group_id = group
        #date ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
        # The rest are variables from TW
        # get project by project_id
        project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
        path_to_load_project = "{}/{}/{}".format(
            base_directory, project.owner, project.project)
        myLock = FileLock(path_to_load_project+'.lock', timeout=5)
        with myLock:
            with open("{}/TW.json".format(path_to_load_project), 'r')as f:
                json_data = json.loads(, strict=False)
        category_to_commit = [
            x for x in json_data['category'] if x['name'] == category][0]
        category_name = category_to_commit['name']
        for section in category_to_commit['section']:
            section_name = section['name']
            section_name = '{}{}|{}|{}'.format(
                owner, past_date, category_name, section_name)
            if section['type'] == 'radio':
                value = request.form.get(section_name, " ")
            elif section['type'] == 'checkbox':
                value = request.form.getlist(section_name)
                if len(value) != 0:
                    value = '|'.join(value)
                    value = " "
                # text don't need to be saved
                print('to be continued')
        path_to_evaluation_file = "{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(
        excelLock = FileLock(path_to_evaluation_file + '.lock', timeout=5)
        with excelLock:
            evaluation_workbook = load_workbook(path_to_evaluation_file)
            evaluation_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['eva']
            # change the last update by append the current user according to submit type

            index = int(
                select_index_by_group_eva_owner_date(evaluation_name, group_id, owner, past_date, evaluation_worksheet))

            last_update = select_by_col_name(
                'last_updates', evaluation_worksheet)[index - 2]
            if last_update != current_user.username:
                last_update = "{}|{}".format(
                    last_update, current_user.username)
            # count the index of category
            # 1,2,3 unchanged
            #evaluation_worksheet.cell(index, 4).value = date
            start_point = 6 + \
                (list(x['name'] for x in json_data['category']).index(

            for i in range(0, len(row_to_insert)):
                # f.write(str(index) + " " + str(i) + str(row_to_insert[i]) + '\n')
                    index, start_point + i).value = row_to_insert[i]

            # save the workbook

            # change the last edit
            evaluation_in_database = Evaluation.query.filter_by(project_name=project.project, project_owner=project.owner,
            evaluation_in_database.last_edit = current_user.username
            msg = "The grade has been updated successfully"

            return jsonify({'success': 'success'})
    except Exception as e:
        return jsonify({'error': e})

This operation serves to commit changes made to an evaluation's structure. It will do this by actively changing the contents of the xlsx file of the evaluation itself.

Lines 1646-1682: Commit attendance.

def attendence_commit(project_id, evaluation_name, metaid, group):
    project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
    path_to_load_project = "{}/{}/{}".format(
        base_directory, project.owner, project.project)
    path_to_evaluation_file = "{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(path_to_load_project)
    attendence = request.form.getlist("student")
    if len(attendence) != 0:
        attendence_string = "|".join(attendence)
        attendence_string = " "
    excelLock = FileLock(path_to_evaluation_file + '.lock', timeout=5)
    with excelLock:
        evaluation_workbook = load_workbook(path_to_evaluation_file)
        evaluation_worksheet = evaluation_workbook['eva']
        # change the last update by append the current user according to submit type

        # change attendency in every row which belongs to that group
        list_of_index = select_index_by_group_eva(
            evaluation_name, group, evaluation_worksheet)
        for index in list_of_index:
            evaluation_worksheet.cell(index, 5).value = attendence_string

        # save the workbook

        # change the last edit
        evaluation_in_database = Evaluation.query.filter_by(project_name=project.project, project_owner=project.owner,
        evaluation_in_database.last_edit = current_user.username
        msg = "The grade has been updated successfully"

        return jsonify({'success': 'success'})

This operation will read the responses of an evaluation and assign the total number of attendance with respect to the responses given. A group that does not participate will also be counted as not in attendance.

Lines 1685-1724: Download Page.

           methods=['GET', 'POST'])
# send all grades in the given evaluation
def download_page(project_id, evaluation_name, group, type, show_score):
    Creating an grade report on top of the download_page.html template, it is used in sendEmail function to create grade
    reports for each group
    :param project_id: current project id
    :param evaluation_name: current name of evaluation
    :param group: current group id
    :param type:
    :param show_score: whether or not displaying the score
    :return: creating a html grade report
    # get project by project_id
    project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
    path_to_load_project = "{}/{}/{}".format(
        base_directory, project.owner, project.project)
    path_to_evaluation_file = "{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(path_to_load_project)
    eva_workbook = load_workbook(path_to_evaluation_file)
    group_worksheet = eva_workbook['group']
    eva_worksheet = eva_workbook['eva']
    students_worksheet = eva_workbook['students']
    myLock = FileLock(path_to_load_project+'.lock', timeout=5)
    with myLock:
        with open("{}/TW.json".format(path_to_load_project), 'r')as f:
            json_data = json.loads(, strict=False)
    if type == "normal":
        temp_eva = select_row_by_group_id(
            "eva_name", evaluation_name, eva_worksheet)
        temp_eva_in_group = [x for x in temp_eva if x['group_id'] == group]

        students_in_one_group = get_students_by_group(
            group_worksheet, students_worksheet)[group]
        msg = "Downloaded grade group{}".format(group)

        return render_template("download_page.html", project=project, json_data=json_data, group=group, msg=msg,
                               evaluation_name=evaluation_name, students=students_in_one_group,
                               grades=temp_eva_in_group, show_score=show_score)

This organizes the evaluations to prepare for printing. Probably deprecated since it includes e-mail features.

Lines 1727-1787: Command to download Xlsx/Html file.

# download xlsx file or html file
@app.route('/download/<string:project_id>/<string:evaluation_name>/<string:current_time>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def download(project_id, evaluation_name, current_time):
    project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
    path_to_load_project = "{}/{}/{}".format(
        base_directory, current_user.username, project.project)
    path_to_evaluation_file = "{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(path_to_load_project)
    eva_workbook = load_workbook(path_to_evaluation_file)
    group_worksheet = eva_workbook['group']
    eva_worksheet = eva_workbook['eva']
    students_worksheet = eva_workbook['students']
    students = get_students_by_group(group_worksheet, students_worksheet)
    myLock = FileLock(path_to_load_project+'.lock', timeout=5)
    with myLock:
        with open("{}/TW.json".format(path_to_load_project), 'r')as f:
            json_data = json.loads(, strict=False)
    group_col = []
    for col_item in list(group_worksheet.iter_cols())[0]:
        if col_item.value != "groupid":
    filename = "{}_{}_{}.xlsx".format(
        project.project, evaluation_name, current_time)
    if evaluation_name == "all_eva":
            return send_file(path_to_evaluation_file, attachment_filename=filename, as_attachment=True)
            # msg = "Successfully downloaded"
            # return redirect(url_for("project_profile_jumptool", project_id=project_id, msg=msg))
        except Exception as e:
        # response = urllib.request.urlopen(url_for('jump_to_evaluation_page', project_name=project_name, evaluation_name=evaluation_name))
        # html =
        # print(html)
        new_row = {}
        first_row = list(eva_worksheet.iter_rows())[0]
        for tag in first_row:
            new_row[tag.value] = ""
        # grab the data that used for this evaluation
        owner = request.form['owner']
        temp_eva = select_row_by_group_id(
            "eva_name", evaluation_name, eva_worksheet)
        eva_to_edit = {}
        for group in group_col:
            for row in temp_eva:
                if str(group) == str(row['group_id']) and str(owner) == str(row['owner']):
                    eva_to_edit[str(group)] = row
        # store the data to a html file and send out(download)
        msg = ""
        path_to_html = "{}/{}_{}.html".format(
            path_to_load_project, project.project, evaluation_name)
        # remove the old file in case duplicated file existence
        if os.path.exists(path_to_html):
        myLock = FileLock(path_to_html+'.lock', timeout=5)
        with myLock:
            with open(path_to_html, 'w') as f:
                f.write(render_template("evaluation_page.html", project=project, json_data=json_data, group_col=group_col,
                                        msg=msg, evaluation_name=evaluation_name, edit_data=eva_to_edit, owner=owner,
        return send_file(path_to_html, as_attachment=True)

This queries the evaluation information and formats it into an html/xlsx file in order to download it. The first half deals with the xlsx case, while the second one deals with an HTML document. It also makes sure to validate the directory and remove duplicates

Lines 1790-1796: Download Rubric.

@app.route('/downloadRubric/<string:type>/<string:name>/<string:owner>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def downloadRubric(type, name, owner):
    if type == "default":
        path_to_default_json = "{}/{}/{}".format(
            home_directory, "Default", name)
        return send_file(path_to_default_json, attachment_filename=name, as_attachment=True)

This will create a json file for the rubric and download it for the end user.

Lines 1801-1887: Send Email.

@app.route('/sendEmail/<string:project_id>/<string:evaluation_name>/<string:show_score>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def sendEmail(project_id, evaluation_name, show_score):
    This function sends emails to students, part of it uses threadpool to accelerate the process, parameters are passed
    from project_profile.html
    :param project_id: current project's id, it is used to locate the current project in Permission table
    :param evaluation_name: current evaluation name
    :param show_score: a option which user can choose to send out the grade report with scores displayed or not
    :return: return to current page
    project = Permission.query.filter_by(project_id=project_id).first()
    path_to_load_project = "{}/{}/{}".format(
        base_directory, project.owner, project.project)
    path_to_evaluation_file = "{}/evaluation.xlsx".format(path_to_load_project)
    eva_workbook = load_workbook(path_to_evaluation_file)
    group_worksheet = eva_workbook['group']
    eva_worksheet = eva_workbook['eva']
    students_worksheet = eva_workbook['students']
    with open("{}/TW.json".format(path_to_load_project), 'r')as f:
        json_data = json.loads(, strict=False)
    # data of groups

    group_col = []
    for col_item in list(group_worksheet.iter_cols())[0]:
        if col_item.value != "groupid":
    from_email = "[email protected]"
    students_emails = select_by_col_name("Email", students_worksheet)
    total_num_of_email = len(students_emails)

    record_existence = EmailSendingRecord.query.filter_by(project_name=project.project,
                                                          project_owner=current_user.username, eva_name=evaluation_name).first()
    if record_existence is None:
        new_record = EmailSendingRecord(project_name=project.project,
    current_record = EmailSendingRecord.query.filter_by(project_name=project.project,
    current_record.num_of_finished_tasks = 0
    current_record.num_of_tasks = total_num_of_email
    # Tried to add the process of building up htmls into threadpool, failed.
    # with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor_building_html:
    #     for group in group_col:
    #         students_email = select_students_by_group(group, group_worksheet)
    #         # grade_of_group = select_row_by_group_id(group)
    #         # students_in_one_group = get_students_by_group(group_worksheet, students_worksheet)
    #         # load download_page.html and store it to 'part' which will be attached to message in mail
    #         file_name = "{}_{}_{}.html".format(project.project, evaluation_name, group)
    #         path_to_html = "{}/{}".format(path_to_load_project, file_name)
    #         if os.path.exists(path_to_html):
    #             os.remove(path_to_html)
    #         with open(path_to_html, 'w') as f:
    #             executor_building_html.submit(f.write(download_page(project.project_id, evaluation_name, group, "normal", show_score)))
    # with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor_sending:
    #     for group in group_col:
    #         students_email = select_students_by_group(group, group_worksheet)
    #         file_name = "{}_{}_{}.html".format(project.project, evaluation_name, group)
    #         path_to_html = "{}/{}".format(path_to_load_project, file_name)
    #         if os.path.exists(path_to_html):
    #             os.remove(path_to_html)
    #         task_status = executor_sending.submit(send_emails_to_students, group, project, evaluation_name, from_email,
    #                                               path_to_html, students_email, current_record)

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor_sending:
        for group in group_col:
            students_email = select_students_by_group(group, group_worksheet)
            file_name = "{}_{}_{}.html".format(
                project.project, evaluation_name, group)
            path_to_html = "{}/{}".format(path_to_load_project, file_name)
            if os.path.exists(path_to_html):
            with open(path_to_html, 'w') as f:
                        evaluation_name, group, "normal", show_score))

            task_status = executor_sending.submit(
                send_emails_to_students, group, project, evaluation_name, from_email, path_to_html, students_email, current_record)
    return redirect(url_for('project_profile', project_id=project_id, msg=ManageProjectMessages.NoMessage.path))
    # we expect no response from the server
    # return redirect(url_for('project_profile', project_id=project_id, msg=msg))

This function prepares the evaluations to send students via e-mail. Possibly deprecated.

Lines 1890-1937: Send mail collectively to students.

def send_emails_to_students(group, project, evaluation_name, from_email, path_to_html, students_email, current_record):
    It was extracted from "sendEmail" function so that threadpool can be easily applied, it interacts with the server
    and send out emails, and it prints debugging messages at last
    :param group: current group name
    :param project: current project name
    :param evaluation_name: current evaluation name
    :param from_email: defined in sendEmail function
    :param path_to_html: it points to the grade report html file of the current group, all group memebers share the same
    html grade report
    :param students_email: a list of emails of students in current group
    :param current_record: sending record (row) in the EmailSendingRecord database, contains three parameters
    :return: X
    subject = "grade: project{}, evaluation{}, group{}".format(
        project.project, evaluation_name, group)
        index = 0
        for email in students_email:
            # create an instance of message
            if email is not None:
                subject += str(index)
                index += 1
                myLock = FileLock(path_to_html+'.lock')
                with open(path_to_html, "r") as file_to_html:
                        ["mail", "-s", subject, "-r", from_email, "-a", path_to_html, email])
                    dateTimeObj =
                    timestampStr = dateTimeObj.strftime(
                        "%d-%b-%Y (%H:%M:%S.%f)")
                    current_record.num_of_finished_tasks += 1
                    print("Sent the email to " + email + " at " + timestampStr)
    except Exception as e:
        print('Something went wrong' + str(e))
        msg = ""
        msg += str(e)
        msg += "\n"
        # remove the html file after sending email
        # in case of duplicated file existence
    print("Number of finished tasks is: " +
    print("sent to email: " + current_record.last_email)
    if os.path.exists(path_to_html):
        # if os.path.exists(path_to_pdf):
        #    os.remove(path_to_pdf)
    # return redirect(url_for('project_profile', project_id=project_id, msg="success"))
    # db.session.commit()

This function serves to send evaluations with the parameter being a group of students. Possibly deprecated.

Lines 1940-1957: Message reading Page.

@app.route('/account/<string:msg>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def account(msg):
    # if msg is success, msg = ""
    if msg == "success":
        msg = ""

    # load default json files
    json_list = DefaultRubric.query.all()
    json_data_of_all_default_rubric = {}
    for json_file in json_list:
        path_to_this_json = "{}/{}/{}".format(
            home_directory, "Default", json_file.json_name)
        with open(path_to_this_json, 'r') as file:
            json_data_of_current_json_file = json.loads(
      , strict=False)
        json_data_of_all_default_rubric[json_file.json_name] = json_data_of_current_json_file
    return render_template('account.html', msg=msg, default_json_list=json_list, json_data_of_all_default_rubric=json_data_of_all_default_rubric)

This uses the assigned JSON to display a message to the user on the page. It validates whether the message exists in the first place or not, not taking action if no JSON is found.

Lines 1960-1996: Search Project.

@app.route('/search_project', methods=['POST'])
def search_project():
    In the account.html, user will active this function when they search rubric by rubric name
    :return: a list of rubric that has the typed name
# flag_project = True
    # load default json files
    json_list = DefaultRubric.query.all()
    json_data_of_all_default_rubric = {}
    for json_file in json_list:
        path_to_this_json = "{}/{}/{}".format(
            home_directory, "Default", json_file.json_name)
        with open(path_to_this_json, 'r') as file:
            json_data_of_current_json_file = json.loads(
      , strict=False)
        json_data_of_all_default_rubric[json_file.json_name] = json_data_of_current_json_file

    # search project
    project_name = request.form.get('project_name')
    project_items = Project.query.filter_by(project_name=project_name).first()
    if project_items:
        list_of_project = Project.query.filter_by(
        json_data_of_all_project = {}
        for project in list_of_project:
            path_to_this_project_json = "{}/{}/{}/TW.json".format(
                base_directory, project.owner, project.project_name)
            with open(path_to_this_project_json, 'r') as file:
                json_data_of_curr_project = json.loads(
          , strict=False)
            json_data_of_all_project[project.project_name +
                                     project.owner] = json_data_of_curr_project
        return render_template('account.html', msg="", list_of_projects=list_of_project, json_data=json_data_of_all_project, default_json_list=json_list, json_data_of_all_default_rubric=json_data_of_all_default_rubric)
        return render_template('account.html', msg="can't find this rubirc", project_name=project_name)

This operation serves as a sort of "search" function when the user is at their account page. After submit it will render all of the rubrics that contain the typed input field. It makes a list and populates it for rendering.

Lines 1999-2078: Search Account.

@app.route('/search_account', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def search_account():
    search by username
    :return: a list of project the user has
    # load default json files
    json_list = DefaultRubric.query.all()
    json_data_of_all_default_rubric = {}
    for json_file in json_list:
        path_to_this_json = "{}/{}/{}".format(
            home_directory, "Default", json_file.json_name)
        with open(path_to_this_json, 'r') as file:
            json_data_of_current_json_file = json.loads(
      , strict=False)
        json_data_of_all_default_rubric[json_file.json_name] = json_data_of_current_json_file

    # search by account
    account_username = request.form.get('account_username')
    account_user = User.query.filter_by(username=account_username).first()
    if account_user is not None:
        list_of_all_projects = Permission.query.filter_by(
        list_of_personal_projects = Permission.query.filter_by(owner=account_username,
        list_of_shared_project = []
        for project in list_of_all_projects:
            flag = True
            for personal_project in list_of_personal_projects:
                if project.project_id == personal_project.project_id:
                    flag = False
            if flag:

        list_of_personal_project_database = {}
        list_of_shared_project_database = {}
        # load the description of project
        # load json data
        json_data = {}
        project_eva = {}
        for personal_project in list_of_personal_projects:
            project_in_project_db = Project.query.filter_by(project_name=personal_project.project,
            list_of_personal_project_database[project_in_project_db.project_name] = project_in_project_db
            evaluations = Evaluation.query.filter_by(
            evaluations_names = [x.eva_name for x in evaluations]
            project_eva[personal_project.project] = evaluations_names
            path_to_this_project_json = "{}/{}/{}/TW.json".format(
                base_directory, personal_project.owner, personal_project.project)
            json_data[personal_project.project_id] = {}
            myLock = FileLock(path_to_this_project_json+'.lock', timeout=5)
            with myLock:
                with open(path_to_this_project_json, 'r')as f:
                    this_json_data = json.loads(, strict=False)
                    json_data[personal_project.project_id] = this_json_data
        for shared_project in list_of_shared_project:
            project_in_project_db = Project.query.filter_by(project_name=shared_project.project,
            list_of_shared_project_database[project_in_project_db.project_name] = project_in_project_db
            evaluations = Evaluation.query.filter_by(
            evaluations_names = [x.eva_name for x in evaluations]
            project_eva[personal_project.project] = evaluations_names
            json_data[shared_project.project_id] = {}
            path_to_this_project_json = "{}/{}/{}/TW.json".format(
                base_directory, shared_project.owner, shared_project.project)
            myLock = FileLock(path_to_this_project_json+'.lock', timeout=5)
            with myLock:
                with open(path_to_this_project_json, 'r')as f:
                    this_json_data = json.loads(, strict=False)
                    json_data[shared_project.project_id] = this_json_data
        return render_template('account.html', msg="", personal_project_list=list_of_personal_projects,
                               list_of_shared_project_database=list_of_shared_project_database, project_eva=project_eva, json_data=json_data, default_json_list=json_list, json_data_of_all_default_rubric=json_data_of_all_default_rubric, flag_2=False)
        msg = "Can't find this user"
        return render_template('account.html', msg=msg)

This operation serves as a way to display important information regarding each account in the system. It will also iterate through all of the existing projects to find any project that is related to each account displayed. It will show not only the related projects, but also all of the important details to be presented on screen. The account information is gathered through JSON files, while each project is gathered through directories.

Lines 2081-2098: Notification system.

@app.route('/notification_receiver/<string:notification_id>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def notification_receiver(notification_id):
    response = request.form['response']
    notification = Notification.query.filter_by(
    permission = Permission.query.filter_by(
    authority = permission.status.split('|')[1]
    if response == 'Decline':
        permission.status = authority
    notification.status = 'read'
    return redirect(url_for('account'))

This operation simply queries notification objects and determines if it has been read (a 'read' tag), and then this determines whether it is shown again afterwards.

Lines 2101-2104: Main Student Dashboard page.

def student_dashboard():
    return render_template('student_dashboard.html', name=current_user.username)

This simply renders the student dashboard page.

Lines 2107-2111: Logout system.

def logout():
    return redirect(url_for('index'))

This serves to change the response of the @login_required lines. It logs the user out.

Lines 2131-2293: Query function definitions.

def select_by_col_name(col_name, worksheet):
    first_row = list(worksheet.iter_rows())[0]
    index_of_col = -1
    for variables in first_row:
        if variables.value == col_name:
            index_of_col = first_row.index(variables)
    if index_of_col == -1:
        return "col_name unmatched"
        col = list(worksheet.iter_cols())[index_of_col]
        data_by_col = []
        for data in range(1, len(col)):
        return data_by_col

This worksheet operation selects the column inside a worksheet that matches the worksheet parameter. It returns an array with each row selected.

# index is the row index in xsl
def select_map_by_index(index, worksheet):
    list_of_rows = list(worksheet.iter_rows())
    # row_to_return = []
    # for item in list_of_rows[index-1]:
    #     row_to_return.append(item.value)
    row_selected = list_of_rows[index - 1]
    tags = list_of_rows[0]
    map_to_return = {}
    for tag_index in range(0, len(tags)):
        tag_value = tags[tag_index].value
        map_to_return[tag_value] = row_selected[tag_index].value
    return map_to_return

This will query all of the cells in a worksheet that share the same index. It will return them in key-value dictionaries according to the tag each is assigned to. Tags are the very first value of the row.

# index is the row index in xsl
def select_row_by_index(index, worksheet):
    list_of_rows = list(worksheet.iter_rows())
    row_to_return = []
    for item in list_of_rows[index - 1]:
    return row_to_return

This will query a selection to all rows that have a particular assigned index. It will return an array of said rows.

# select by the groupid and eva name
def select_index_by_group_eva(eva_name, group_id, worksheet):
    evaluation_list = select_by_col_name("eva_name", worksheet)
    group_list = select_by_col_name("group_id", worksheet)
    list_of_result = []
    for index in range(0, len(evaluation_list)):
        if evaluation_list[index] == eva_name and group_list[index] == group_id:
            list_of_result.append(index + 2)
    return list_of_result

This will query a selection of the indexes used given a group_id. It returns an array of indexes.

# group_id and eva_name and owner are primary key in eva worksheet
def select_index_by_group_eva_owner(eva_name, group_id, owner, worksheet):
    evaluation_list = select_by_col_name("eva_name", worksheet)
    group_list = select_by_col_name("group_id", worksheet)
    owner_list = select_by_col_name("owner", worksheet)
    list_of_result = []
    for index in range(0, len(evaluation_list)):
        if evaluation_list[index] == eva_name and group_list[index] == group_id and owner_list[index] == owner:
            list_of_result.append(index + 2)
    return list_of_result

This query selects the indexes assigned to a particular group_id. It returns an array of indexes.

# find the unique index by eva_name, group id, owner, date
def select_index_by_group_eva_owner_date(eva_name, group_id, owner, date, worksheet):
    evaluation_list = select_by_col_name("eva_name", worksheet)
    group_list = select_by_col_name("group_id", worksheet)
    owner_list = select_by_col_name("owner", worksheet)
    date_list = select_by_col_name("date", worksheet)
    for index in range(0, len(evaluation_list)):
        if evaluation_list[index] == eva_name and group_list[index] == group_id and owner_list[
                index] == owner and date == date_list[index]:
            return index + 2
    return "nothing find"

This query selects the indexes that are assigned to a group_id, evaluation, and date uploaded. It returns either a particular index or a string if the index is not found.

def select_row_by_group_id(col_name, col_value, worksheet):
    # we suppose that the return rows are multiple
    rows_selected = []
    rows_in_worksheet = list(worksheet.iter_rows())
    # index in data_by_col == index in row
    data_by_col = select_by_col_name(col_name, worksheet)
    for index_data in range(0, len(data_by_col)):
        if data_by_col[index_data] == col_value:
            map_to_append = {}
            # tranfer the item to item.value
            for item in rows_in_worksheet[index_data + 1]:
                # create a map contains keys-values : like "group_id" = 1
                index_of_item = rows_in_worksheet[index_data + 1].index(item)
                tag_of_item = rows_in_worksheet[0][index_of_item].value
                map_to_append[tag_of_item] = item.value
            # record each row by its group_id
            # for example : 1:{group_id = 1, date= x/y/z, eva_name = eva3, .....}.
    # if nothing matched, return the empty array;
    return rows_selected

This query selects all the rows that share the same group_id. It returns the result in a list.

# select all students in the group
# implement in group worksheet
def select_students_by_group(group, worksheet):
    students = []
    groups = select_by_col_name("groupid", worksheet)
    index_of_group = groups.index(group) + 2
    row_by_index = list(worksheet.iter_rows())[index_of_group - 1]
    # the first element in row_by_index is groupid
    for student in row_by_index[1:]:
    return students

This query selection will return a list of students given which group they are in.

# generate an empty map with group name and evaluation name
def new_map_generator(group, eva_name, worksheet):
    map_to_return = {}
    tags_of_item = list(worksheet.iter_rows())[0]
    for tag in tags_of_item:
        if tag.value == 'group_id':
            map_to_return[tag.value] = group
        elif tag.value == 'eva_name':
            map_to_return[tag.value] = eva_name
            map_to_return[tag.value] = ''

    return map_to_return

This returns a dictionary that will serve as the structural foundation for each evaluation. Could be considered a somewhat low-level CRUD operation for evaluation.

def new_row_generator(group, students, eva_name, worksheet):
    row_to_return = []
    tags_of_item = list(worksheet.iter_rows())[0]
    for tag in tags_of_item:
        if tag.value == 'group_id':
        elif tag.value == 'eva_name':
        elif tag.value == 'date':
            date ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
        elif tag.value == 'owner':
        elif tag.value == 'students':
            students_string = ",".join(students)
        elif tag.value == 'last_updates':
            row_to_return.append(" ")
    return row_to_return

This creates a row for a worksheet in the form of a list. It will categorize (or tag) each row using a tag object attribute.

def get_students_by_group(group_worksheet, students_worksheet):
    return_map = {}
    for group in list(group_worksheet.iter_rows())[1:]:
        return_map[group[0].value] = []
        for email in group[1:]:
            if email.value is not None:
                index = select_by_col_name(
                    'Email', students_worksheet).index(email.value)
                student_name = select_by_col_name(
                    'Student', students_worksheet)[index]
                student_couple = [email.value, student_name]
    return return_map

This query will return a dictionary of students given their group. It will use student emails as a reference point.

Lines 2296-2305: App initialization.

# After login===============================================================================================================================

# this variable is expected by the wsgi server
application = app

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # db.create_all() # only run it the first time

    # token: MFFt4RjpXNMh1c_T1AQj

These lines will simply initialize the python program, as well as set a variable for wsgi.

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