- minecraft-installer
- whatsapp-desktop
- spotify-client
- google-earth-pro-stable
grey-on-grey icons (many in cinnamon-settings)
improve status icons: nm-signal-, volume-audio-, power icons
remove humanity-icon-theme and ubuntu-mono
mintwelcome icon
.deb icon
csd-power: linuxmint/cinnamon-settings-daemon#209
blueberry won't launch in VM (Xfce): "bt-adapter -i" hangs and then segfaults
intel-microcode is missing
gist-paste still used in xapps/mintsystem
update translations
update installation guide translations
release upgrade tool:
- migrate to pkexec
- make sure timeshift config is in place
- make sure mdm isn't in use anymore
- suggestions:
- Re-enable 3rd party repositories after upgrade. A backup of the APT sources gets stored in ./Upgrade-Backup/APT but the tutorial didn't cover this or what to do with it (probably best to just find what the 3rd party repositories were and re-enable them manually from instructions on their website). Important for things like Google Chrome.
- mintupgrade replaces user modified configuration files in /etc without prompting, leaving .dpkg-old files behind. Perhaps cover this tidbit in the tutorial.
- lightdm asks username to be typed
- flatpak/ostree/appstream?
- meson/debhelper/dh_autoreconf?
rtd dev guide
rtd security guide
update installation slideshow
internet: flash/java
movies: DVD
connected: refs to ICQ..
consider brisk menu
add firewall enablement to welcome app?
safeguard against package removals (for instance, don't let users perform updates which would remove sensitive packages).
notice to reboot the computer when appropriate
purge old kernels?
systray icon or infobar to notify user of new Mint versions
remember sorting of updates
have an option for update manager to initiate a timeshift backup prior to applying upgrades?
port mintstick to python3
detect missing l10n packages and hint at mintlocale
warn about root password if not set
add dark variant support to Mint-Y (needs fixes in Caja)
mint-y lack of borders without compositing
gtk color variations
cursor theme?
sound theme?
slightly taller/darker panel?
generic menu icon?
bump resolution of branded backgrounds
enable recent by default, fix mem leak
muffin to render titlebars with GTK themes (i.e. drop support for metacity themes)
PR on network applet to use libnm/libnma (needs fixes in Debian Stretch)
video thumbnails are blurry
marco: add support for GTK dark variants
plymouth: center text, hide "None" value
would be nice to show release number
don't ship icons with generic names in /usr/share/hicolor. All icons should be prefixed (cs-, xapp-, nemo-..etc..) so they don't conflict with other packages
local files
web engines
switch mozo for menulibre
dmesg errors
foreign packages if pinned by mint
wrong lsb info..etc.
slow boot sequence
slow shutdown sequence
implement an alarm clock
CSD/Cinnamon should set GtkSettings' gtk-print-preview-command to "xreader-previewer -u -p %s %f" (test by launching xreader from terminal, ask for a print preview and see error trying to launch evince on stdout)
cinnamon slow to start after boot --> delay execution of appsys/docinfo until the DE is loaded
CSD: support mouse wheel speed? Evdev scrolling distance?
menu keywords: looking for display in menu shows color first
preferences > keyboard > custom shortcuts. Used with a Spanish keyboard layout. Recorded: crtl+number and ctrl+Shift+number (e.g. ctrl+1 and ctrl+shift+1 = ctrl+!) they are recorded correctly. When using the shortcut the command defined in the shift combination is triggered with just ctrl+number (i.e. ctrl+1). The complete combination triggers nothing (i.e. ctrl+shift+1 does nothing) and the comand defined in ctrl+number can never be used. This worked in 17.3.
track/troubleshoot shutdown sequence (user should know what is happening when shutdown isn't immediate)
track/troubleshoot vsync, compositing, unredirected windows and policy
menu: consider adopting this layout (, same as ours/mintmenu, only better.
todo list applet/desklet
calendar events applet/desklet
multiple clocks
network applet: airplane mode (quick way to rfkill all)
nemo: retire computer:/// place (which is completely useless) or revamp it into something better
alt-tab and panel use icon provided by appsys, ignoring icon set by the application itself (example: a python window using widow.set_icon_name())
actions in panel launchers aren't translated if not present in .desktop file
gnome-system-monitor moves out of place in Expo
When using Cinnamon bar at top, and secondary monitor with higher height than the main display, some apps like KDE Apps (Krita, Kdenlive) or Wine Based Apps (teamviewer) will display menus from toolbar in the wrong place. Being more specific: The menus will be displayed in the position that they should be displayed at main monitor, however in this case the window is maximized in the secondary monitor.
Is there any reason why there are two names for the same item, eg. "Trash" and "Rubbish Bin"? Would it be better to standardise on only one name?
add gnome-screenshot to panel, right-click and select "Take screenshot of a selected area". This runs gnome-screenshot -a.. it should work but it doesn't. Is it because of the panel launcher capturing the click event or something?
make the GOA frontend an Xapp (it should be cross-DE), disable buggy/irrelevant services
implement an app-sharing protocol to quickly move a document from one app to another
gestures support:
zoom document in pix
zoom view in nemo
previous/next document in pix
sound-volume/seek in xplayer
pause/resume in xplayer
full-screen in xplayer
full-screen in xviewer
doesn't rotate videos when playing them
vignettes should look better, and the same in all themes
support prefer-dark-themes
treeview in sidebar shows unecessary "(empty)" when dirs have no subdirs
xreader-previewer use full-color icons
Tray icons are black with mint-y themes.
mint-x-icons: network status icons have a dark background in panel 33px and bigger (sound icon looks wrong in 41px and bigger).
mint-y The maximize/restore window control button doesn’t change visually between in maximized and restored state (default theme and Mint-Y-Dark)
compiler optimization: consider optimizing compiled binaries for Cinnamon/Xapps
HiDPI support:
upstream apps using GTK2: Gimp, Hexchat, Tomboy.
consider enabling recommends
review logind.conf changes in:
client-rendered icon/menu (ala libindicator)
support all the features from GTK statusicon (tooltips, left/right clicks etc..)
network discovery:
easy out-of-the-box interactions (messaging/presence/file-sharing) over the LAN
windows compatibility layer:
seamless wine integration