Releases: LukeSaward1/DiFM-Speedrun-Mod
Releases · LukeSaward1/DiFM-Speedrun-Mod
- Fixed timescale issues when going back to main menu in an area where timescale modifications are in effect.
- Fixed bug which prevented players from starting a new game if they cleared their data.
- You can now going back to the main menu during cutscenes.
- The timer no longer fades out during transitions.
- Fixes the secret stats not being saved or pulled from registry.
- Fixes late timer start that occurred if you clicked on a button other than the start game button in the main menu and then clicked the start game button just as the screen was about to go to black.
- Fixes duplicate timer bug where if you went into the credits or extras menu and then came back to the main menu, the timer would be duplicated.
- Added Epilepsy Mode, which cycles through the colors of the game name text on the main menu significantly slower than without it on (permanently on for now)
First release of the speedrun mod.
• In-game timer (Automatically starts, stops and resets)
• All Endings mode (features for All Endings category is enabled in this mode)
• Mute all music (ability to mute all music so that you can listen to other music while still be able to hear the in-game sound.
• Preliminary Autosplitter support
• Reset to menu hotkey (pressing this hotkey automatically brings you to the main menu and avoids the bug where the section is not visible)
• Automatic run start (pressing this will bring you to the main menu and then automatically starts the run)
• Chroma [color-changing] game name