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This is an android keyboard that haptic corresponding morse code as user types. It aims to accelerate new morse code learner build up a sense of character pattern recognition instead of counting "dit"s & "dat"s.

For how morse code lookup table, timing, & technical details, please see DevNotes folder.


Alright, for the sake of this demonstration, I've thrown in a blinking square to help you visualize that haptic feedback. Plus, I've dialed down the speed to a leisurely 5 words per minute.

Now, the vast expanse of meticulously crafted guides on this topic can be easily found with a quick Google search. However, bear with me as I briefly cover the fundamentals, just to make sure we`re all on the same page.

The dit, the dah, and the 1 unit pause in between

You can think of Morse code as a sequence of bits, where a 0 represents silence, and a 1 signals a buzz. The key distinction lies in the duration of these signals; a dit lasts for 1 single unit ., while a dah stretches out for 3 units ___, with 1 unit silence marking the gap between them .

Here's an Q ( _ . _ _) for you and take note of how quickly that dit disappears:

GIF of "Q"

The 3 units pause between letters

Now, let's delve into the famous distress signal, SOS, and its elegance in Morse code.

Have you ever wondered why 'SOS' is the universally recognized distress call? It's because of its sheer simplicity! The letter O consists of three dahs ( _ _ _ ), and S is represented by three dits ( . . . ). Consequently, SOS translates to dit dit dit dah dah dah dit dit dit, or as I like to put it, short short short, long~ long~ long~, short short short. You see, you don't even need to be a Morse code expert to decipher it!

But there's a crucial distinction to be made. The pause between signals (the one between the dots in . . . ) differs from the pause between letters, like the one between S and O. Without this distinction, we might mistake SOS HELP with I AM HIS DATE. Special thanks to celtschk for this example

Let's illustrate this with SOS:

GIF of "SOS"

The 7 units pause between words

And let's not forget about the space; spaces come with a pause of 7, ensuring we don't suffocatewhiletryingtodecodesentenceslikethis:

GIF of "hi all"


Android input method editor for morse code








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