This is an android keyboard that haptic corresponding morse code as user types. It aims to accelerate new morse code learner build up a sense of character pattern recognition instead of counting "dit"s & "dat"s.
For how morse code lookup table, timing, & technical details, please see DevNotes folder.
Alright, for the sake of this demonstration, I've thrown in a blinking square to help you visualize that haptic feedback. Plus, I've dialed down the speed to a leisurely 5 words per minute.
Now, the vast expanse of meticulously crafted guides on this topic can be easily found with a quick Google search. However, bear with me as I briefly cover the fundamentals, just to make sure we`re all on the same page.
You can think of Morse code as a sequence of bits
, where a 0
represents silence, and a 1
signals a buzz. The key distinction lies in the duration of these signals; a dit
lasts for 1 single unit .
, while a dah
stretches out for 3 units ___
, with 1 unit silence marking the gap between them
Here's an Q
( _ . _ _
) for you and take note of how quickly that dit
Now, let's delve into the famous distress signal, SOS
, and its elegance in Morse code.
Have you ever wondered why 'SOS' is the universally recognized distress call? It's because of its sheer simplicity! The letter O
consists of three dahs
( _ _ _ ), and S
is represented by three dits
( . . . ). Consequently, SOS
translates to dit dit dit dah dah dah dit dit dit
, or as I like to put it, short short short, long~ long~ long~, short short short
. You see, you don't even need to be a Morse code expert to decipher it!
But there's a crucial distinction to be made. The pause between signals (the one between the dots
in . . . ) differs from the pause between letters, like the one between S
and O
. Without this distinction, we might mistake SOS HELP
. Special thanks to celtschk for this example
Let's illustrate this with SOS
And let's not forget about the space; spaces come with a pause of 7, ensuring we don't suffocatewhiletryingtodecodesentenceslikethis: