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No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

👥 Accessibility
👥 Accessibility
Screen readers, contrasts, readability, keyboard, etc.
📖 Documentation changes
:book: Documentation changes
Requires a Prisme update
🔖🐛 FIX
:bookmark::bug: FIX
Bug / Visual fix (PR should target Master branch)
🔖✨ Feature
:bookmark::sparkles: Feature
New feature (even a very small one)
💥 Breaking change
💥 Breaking change
Requires actions on products side (even a very small one)
🎨 Design sync
🎨 Design sync
Discussions with design are required
🙏 External
🙏 External
Design System Team only oversee feature's development
👀 Discovery
:eyes: Discovery
The subjects requires R&D in order to be released during the next run
👥 Front
👥 Front
Requires Angular skills
🔰 Good first issue
🔰 Good first issue
Simple task to deal with if you are a new contributer
🔨 Technical
:hammer: Technical
Doesn't affect the output (refactor, dependencies update, cleaning, etc.)
🔴 P1
🔴 P1
High priority
🟠 P2
🟠 P2
Medium priority
🟢 P3
🟢 P3
Low priority
Can we delete this label? 🤔
🚨 Security
🚨 Security
Pull requests that address a security vulnerability
🙈 No log
:see_no_evil: No log
Should not appear in changelog
💀 Deprecate
:skull: Deprecate
Deprecate an element (component, class, mixin, etc.). Should be notified in Prisme.
📐 Angular wrapper
:triangular_ruler: Angular wrapper
Provide an Angular wrapper to a HTML/CSS component
👥 UI
👥 UI
Requires UI/HTML/CSS skills