After months of working on different components of my home lab (software and hardware), I decided to share my experience in case it can help someone. Fell free de create a ticket if you have a question or have a better way to achieve the same target.
- Projets : Some of my projects
- Node Red : Some of my automations
- Home Assistant : Some tips
- Watchtower : My configuration
- Bed Occupancy Sensor : Great tutorial by Everything Smart Home
- Zigbee Chair Occupancy Sensor : For control light in my diner room
- Standing desk Remote Control : Control standing desk position during the day but not during a Zoom call with Home Assistant and Node_RED
- Standing Desk Occupancy Sensor : Because the HA Mac app sensor go inactive when I watch video
- Bed LED : Using WS2812B, WLED and Wemos D1 mini
- Bathroom's fan : Control by humidity
- Security Alarm : Using all the sensors available
- Presence detection : Using HomeKit for better accuracy