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Responsive Google Maps Store locator build in Preact featuring interactive stores list, user geolocation, search box with autocomplete, custom map styles, custom markers and internationalization.

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Store Locator

Responsive Google Maps Store locator build in Preact and Google Maps. Forked and improved from Microapps’s fantastic Store Locator.


Live Demo


  • show a interactive sidebar with list of all stores
  • show links in each store for directions, phone, email and/or website
  • show thumbnails for each store
  • use browser geolocation to set the current location of the user
  • search box with address suggestion dropdown
  • sort stores from the nearest to the farthest and show distance (Km or Mi, walking or driving)
  • set custom markers (globally or even for single stores)
  • set custom map styles
  • fully translatable for internationalization
  • fully responsive and easily customizable with CSS


<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>



    <link href="store-locator.css" rel="stylesheet">


    <div id="my-store-locator"></div>

    <script src="store-locator.js"></script>

      var config = {};

      config.container = document.getElementById( 'my-store-locator' );
      config.apiKey = 'GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY';

      config.stores: [
          name: 'Coliseum',
          address: 'Piazza del Colosseo, 1, 00184 Roma RM',
          location: { lat: 41.8902142, lng: 12.4900422 },
          summary: 'Text displayed in the stores list.'
          description: 'Text displayed in the map when a marker is clicked.',
          phone: '+39 1234567',
          email: '[email protected]',
          website: ''

      storeLocator( config );





The configuration object accepts the following properties.

Property Default Description
container null (required) The DOM element where the map will be rendered.
stores [] (required) List of store objects (see chapter "Store").
searchHint '' Message to display below the search box.
searchRadius 30 The radius in Km or Miles (depending on the currently set unit system) within which to display stores when a new location is chosen.
showStoreDistance true Show the distance from each store to the chosen location.
orderByStoreDistance true Order stores by distance to the chosen location.
i18n {} Collection of strings for internationalization (see chapter "Internationalization").
mapAddress '' Set the address in the search box to use as the initial location.
mapCenter {} (required) Initial map center (LatLngLiteral, { lat: x, lng: y }).
mapFullWidth false Make the map expand to the full width of the container on large screens, and show the store list as an overlay.
mapLanguage '' Set the map language to a specific locale (i.e. 'en_US'). Default is the browser language.
mapMarkerIcon {} Custom icon for store markers. Accepts a google.maps.MarkerOptions interface object.
mapStreetViewControl true Show the Street View icon in the map.
mapStyle [] Map style (see Google Map Style Wizard or Snazzy Maps for styling options).
mapTerrainControl false Show the terrain type switcher in the map.
mapTravelMode 'DRIVING' Mode used to calculate the time between points in the map ('WALKING' or 'DRIVING').
mapUnitSystem 'METRIC' Mode used to calculate the distance between points in the map ('METRIC' {Km} or 'IMPERIAL' {Mi}).
mapZoom 6 Initial map zoom.
onMapInit null Hook which is called after the map initialization. The function is passed the map object.
onPlaceChange null Hook which is called after the search input has changed. The function is passed the place object.


Each store object has the following properties:

Property Type Description
name {String} (required) The name of the store.
address {String} (required) The address of the store.
location {Object} (required) The store coordinates (LatLngLiteral, { lat: x, lng: y }).
marker {Object} Custom icon for store markers. Accepts a google.maps.MarkerOptions interface object. Overrides the global marker icon.
thumbnail {String} The URL of a image representing the store. Displayed both in the stores listing and in the marker infowindow [1].
summary {String} Short description of the store. Displayed in the stores listing [1].
description {String} Full description of the store. Displayed in the marker infowindow [1].
phone {String} The phone number of the store. Displayed in the marker infowindow [1].
email {String} The email address of the store. Displayed in the marker infowindow [1].
website {String} The website URL of the store. Displayed in the marker infowindow [1].

[1] The store info are outputted both in the listing item and in the infowindow. For optimal UX, some of these info are then hidden with CSS on the listing, and some other on the infowindow. If you want to change this, you can do so by simply overriding the styles.

Internationalization (i18n)

The i18n object in the options has the following properties:

Property Default
showPosition 'Show your position'
yourPosition 'Your position'
noResults 'There are no results in the selected area'
getDirections 'Get directions'
callPhoneNumber 'Call phone number'
sendEmail 'Send email'
openWebsite 'Open website'
distanceText '{{distance}}' ({{distance}} represents the computed distance, can be customized by adding text before or after, i.e. {{distance}} away)
byCar 'by car'
byWalk 'by walk'



  • FIX: fixed issue with filters breaking search functionality when no filters are defined


  • FEATURE: added option to set map language to a specific locale


  • CHANGE: Moved filters inside the main navigation and added a toggle for showing and hiding them


  • FIX: fixed issue for when filters are not applied when changing locations


  • FIX: fixed issue for when a filter is disabled and reenabled, it shows all the stores in the listing unregarding of location


  • FEATURE: added support for filters!


  • FEATURE: added option to order stores by distance to the searched location – FIX: various style fixes


  • CHANGE: completely refactored to minimize the number of API requests (now the DistanceMatrix API is called only on stores within the radius of the searched location)
  • CHANGE: changed some option names
  • CHANGE: changed almost all js function names and css class names for better readability


  • CHANGE: added summary option for store
  • FIX: fixed layout issue with thumbnail in the store list


  • FEATURE: added support for store thumbnails!
  • FEATURE: added support for store email addresses (even encoded ones)!
  • CHANGE: renamed class prefix to store-locator , and other class name changes
  • CHANGE: used Material Design Icons in SVG format for better color customization
  • CHANGE: moved searchHint to global options (from i18n.searchHint)
  • FIX: fixed active store scroll position when marker is clicked


  • Add support for identifying stores without using LatLng using the Places API.
  • [DONE] Added support for getting current location on-demand


Responsive Google Maps Store locator build in Preact featuring interactive stores list, user geolocation, search box with autocomplete, custom map styles, custom markers and internationalization.






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