Plane summaries (#201)
* Upgrading utils/coordinates to merge all pixel position functions into the single get_pixel_positions function
* Passing the order parameter though to the utils/interpolation.rotate function
* Passing order parameter through to map_coordinates in utils/interpolation.rotate
* Fixing optics.Rotate to take order parameter, update tests
* Removing old commented out code
* Building out the angular conversions in the utils/ script
* Adds the summary method to the ApplyBasisOPD
* Re-adds the CompundAperture class, to be removed later
* Small typo fix
* Adding summary methods to the apertures classes
* Adding summary methods to the propagator classes
* Adding general conversion methods to utils/
* Adding display method to the optics classes
* Add the two_image_plot function to helpers
* Adding new methods to docs
* Updaing summary methods to use the new conversion methods
* Expanding the plot_two_images function
* Adds summary and plotting methods to OpticalLayer and Optics
* Adding the single_image_plot method
* Adding plotting and summary method to detectors, and core classes
* Fixing indexing in the rotate method to prevent dimension swapping
* Adding summary methods to the spectrums
* Updaing summary methods to print the layer name
* Adding summary methods to sources and spectrums
* Adding summarise method to Scene
* Updating Instrument.summarise to print Scene summary
* Small fix to CombinedSpectrum
* Adding spectrum_plot and docs for new helper methods
* Adding the rest of the summarise and plot methods
* Small bug fix to ApplyBasisCLIMB
* Removing old debug print statement
* Incrementing to 10.1, and setting tests to run on 3.11