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LordOfBunnies authored Mar 21, 2023
1 parent aadd1c0 commit 441d688
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Showing 5 changed files with 512 additions and 0 deletions.
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions utilities/external_code_finalizer.f95
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
subroutine external_code_finalizer
! Frees all the memory and terminates Amrex so there are no errors
! at the end of the program
! Called by: output_finalize
! Calls:
! External calls: amrex_multifab_destroy,amrex_imultifab_destroy,
! amrex_amrcore_finalize,amrex_finalize
use amrex_amr_module
use amrex_base_module
use mpi
use amr_info_holder
use constants
implicit none
integer :: level,ier

! Destroy all the mutlifabs at every level
!do level = 0,amrex_max_level
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfrho(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfu_vel(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfv_vel(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mftemp(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfpress(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfchi(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfzeta_x(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfzeta_y(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfpi_xx(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfpi_xy(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfpi_yy(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mflambda_x(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mflambda_y(level))
! if (dimensions == 3) then
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfzeta_z(level) )
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfpi_xz(level) )
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfpi_yz(level) )
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfpi_zz(level) )
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mflambda_z(level) )
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfw_vel(level))
! end if
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfalpha(level) )
! call amrex_imultifab_destroy(mfstate(level) )
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mffi(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mffout(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfgi(level))
! call amrex_multifab_destroy(mfgout(level))
!end do
! Terminate Amrex and MPI along with it.
call amrex_amrcore_finalize()
call amrex_finalize()
!call mpi_finalize(ier)
end subroutine
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions utilities/external_code_starter.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
subroutine external_code_starter
! Called by: uclbs_main
! Calls: amr_transfer_data_to_amrex
! External calls: mpi_init,amrex_init
use mpi
!use cgns
use amrex_base_module
use amrex_amr_module
use amr_processes

integer :: ierr,mpi_ierr

!call mpi_init( mpi_ierr )
!if (mpi_ierr /= MPI_SUCCESS) then
! WRITE(*,*) ' Unexpected return from MPI_INIT', ierr
! call error_out
!write(*,*) 'huh?'
call amrex_init()
!write(*,*) 'bonk?'
call amrex_amrcore_init()
!write(*,*) 'wiggles'
call init_amrex()
call external_data_read

!WRITE(*,*) 'Initializing from scratch'
CALL amrex_init_from_scratch(0.0D0)
!WRITE(*,*) 'Initialized'

!call amr_transfer_data_to_amrex

!call init_things

end subroutine
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions utilities/external_data_read.f95
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
subroutine external_data_read
! Retrieves useful information that generally goes directly into
! Amrex. This puts it up at the module level to be used later.
! Called by: external_code_start
! Calls:
! External calls: amrex_parmparse_build,amrex_parmparse_destroy
use constants
use precise
use amrex_base_module
use amrex_amr_module
use amr_info_holder, only: plot_interval,regrid_interval,&
implicit none
integer :: lvl
type(amrex_parmparse) :: pp

plot_interval = 400
regrid_interval = 40
ref_rat = 2
block_factor = 8
max_grid = 64
!is_period = .false.
proper_shell = 2
fixed_lvl = 0

!write(*,*) 'Reading data from command line inputs file.'

call amrex_parmparse_build(pp,"amr")
call pp%query("regrid_int",regrid_interval)
call pp%query("plot_int",plot_interval)
call pp%query("ref_ratio",ref_rat)
call pp%query("blocking_factor",block_factor)
call pp%query("max_grid_size",max_grid)
call pp%query("n_proper",proper_shell)
call pp%query("use_fixed_upto_level",fixed_lvl)
call amrex_parmparse_destroy(pp)

do lvl = 0,amrex_max_level
nodal_domain_limits(1,1,lvl) = 0
nodal_domain_limits(2,1,lvl) = 0
nodal_domain_limits(3,1,lvl) = 0

nodal_domain_limits(1,2,lvl) = amrex_geom(lvl)%domain%hi(1)+1
nodal_domain_limits(2,2,lvl) = amrex_geom(lvl)%domain%hi(2)+1
nodal_domain_limits(3,2,lvl) = amrex_geom(lvl)%domain%hi(3)+1

!write(*,*) 'nodal domain',nodal_domain_limits(1:3,1:2,lvl)
end do

!call amrex_parmparse_build(pp,"geometry")
!call pp%query("is_periodic",is_period)
!call amrex_parmparse_build(pp)

write(*,*) 'Command line input file read.'

end subroutine
223 changes: 223 additions & 0 deletions utilities/modules/quick_calcs.f95
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
module quick_calcs
! Putting these in an external procedure for error check and optional arguments
! to be able to work.
use precise
use constants
implicit none
public :: quick_sutherlands,quick_therm_cond

SUBROUTINE quick_sutherlands(loc_mu,loc_temp,inter_lvl,dim_mu,dim_temp)
! A quick Sutherland's Law calculation to find the viscosity at the local node
! Called by: collision
! Calls:
REAL(kind=dp),INTENT(IN) :: loc_temp
REAL(kind=dp),INTENT(OUT) :: loc_mu
real(kind=dp),optional :: dim_mu,dim_temp
REAL(kind = dp),parameter :: const_s = 110.15,temp_ref = 273.15,visc_ref = 1.716D-5
REAL(kind=dp) :: unit_mu,unit_temp
logical,optional :: inter_lvl

unit_temp = loc_temp*t_ref*gama

unit_mu = visc_ref*((unit_temp/temp_ref)**1.5)*((temp_ref+&

if (present(inter_lvl)) then
if (inter_lvl) then
loc_mu = (unit_mu*2)/mu_ref
loc_mu = unit_mu/mu_ref
end if
loc_mu = unit_mu/mu_ref
end if

if (present(dim_mu)) then
dim_mu = unit_mu
end if
if (present(dim_temp)) then
dim_temp = unit_temp
end if

SUBROUTINE quick_therm_cond(loc_kappa,loc_rho,loc_temp,startup)
! This calculates the heat conductivity for a broad range of conditions
! Called by: collision,basic_fluids_calc
! Calls: error_out
REAL(kind=dp),INTENT(IN) :: loc_rho,loc_temp
REAL(kind=dp),INTENT(OUT) :: loc_kappa
REAL(kind=dp) :: unit_temp,unit_kappa,unit_rho,unit_p
REAL(kind=dp) :: ak,bk,ck,dk,ek,kek,kappa_bottom
logical,optional :: startup

!mfp =
!c_bar = 3.0D0*kb*temper/molec_mass_air

if (present(startup)) then
kappa_bottom = 1.0D0
kappa_bottom = kappa_ref
end if

unit_temp = loc_temp*t_ref*gama
unit_rho = loc_rho*rho_ref
unit_p = unit_temp*unit_rho*gas_const_R
!write(*,*) 'temps',unit_temp,loc_temp,t_ref,gama

if (unit_temp <= 500.0D0) then
loc_kappa = kappa_convert*(5.9776D-6 * unit_temp**1.5 / (unit_temp +194.4))/kappa_bottom
else if (unit_temp > 500.0D0 .AND. unit_temp <= 2250.0D0) THEN
unit_rho = loc_rho*rho_ref

unit_p = unit_rho*gas_const_R*unit_temp/101300.0D0
! Set up the coefficients for the most likely band
if (unit_p < 10.0D0 .AND. unit_p > 0.1D0) THEN
ak = 0.334316D0
bk = 3.28202D0
ck = 11.9939D0
dk = 20.0944D0
ek = 4.62882D0

kek = LOG(unit_temp/10000.0D0)
unit_kappa = EXP(ak*kek**4 + bk*kek**3 + ck*kek**2 + dk*kek +ek)
loc_kappa = unit_kappa/kappa_bottom
else if (unit_p > 10.0D0 .AND. unit_p < 100.0D0) then
ak = 0.413573D0
bk = 3.83393D0
ck = 13.1885D0
dk = 20.7305D0
ek = 4.27728D0

kek = LOG(unit_temp/10000.0D0)
unit_kappa = EXP(ak*kek**4 + bk*kek**3 + ck*kek**2 + dk*kek +ek)
loc_kappa = unit_kappa/kappa_bottom
else if (unit_p > 100.0D0 .AND. unit_p < 1000.0D0) then
ak = 0.208749D0
bk = 1.92122D0
ck = 6.58813D0
dk = 10.7630D0
ek = -1.27699D0

kek = LOG(unit_temp/10000.0D0)
unit_kappa = EXP(ak*kek**4 + bk*kek**3 + ck*kek**2 + dk*kek +ek)
loc_kappa = unit_kappa/kappa_bottom
else if (unit_p > 0.10D0 .AND. unit_p < 0.010D0) then
ak = 1.05928D0
bk = 10.0924D0
ck = 35.6709D0
dk = 56.1818D0
ek = 24.9670D0

kek = LOG(unit_temp/10000.0D0)
unit_kappa = EXP(ak*kek**4 + bk*kek**3 + ck*kek**2 + dk*kek +ek)
loc_kappa = unit_kappa/kappa_bottom
WRITE(*,*) 'Parameters are way out of whack, something went wrong'
write(11,*) 'Parameters are way out of whack, something went wrong'
call error_out
end if
! Find the local value of kappa, the thermal conductivity

else if (unit_temp > 2250.0D0 .AND. unit_temp <= 4250.0D0) THEN

if (unit_p < 10.0D0 .AND. unit_p > 0.1D0) THEN
ak = 10.9992D0
bk = 387.106D0
ck = 387.282D0
dk = 5.48304D0
ek = -1.20106D0

kek = LOG(unit_temp/10000.0D0)
unit_kappa = EXP(ak*kek**4 + bk*kek**3 + ck*kek**2 + dk*kek +ek)
loc_kappa = unit_kappa/kappa_bottom
else if (unit_p > 10.0D0 .AND. unit_p < 100.0D0) then
ak = 82.1184D0
bk = 308.927D0
ck = 423.174D0
dk = 250.668D0
ek = 47.5889D0

kek = LOG(unit_temp/10000.0D0)
unit_kappa = EXP(ak*kek**4 + bk*kek**3 + ck*kek**2 + dk*kek +ek)
loc_kappa = unit_kappa/kappa_bottom
else if (unit_p > 100.0D0 .AND. unit_p < 1000.0D0) then
ak = 38.8677D0
bk = 123.284D0
ck = 144.224D0
dk = 72.8083D0
ek = 0.684807D0

kek = LOG(unit_temp/10000.0D0)
unit_kappa = EXP(ak*kek**4 + bk*kek**3 + ck*kek**2 + dk*kek +ek)
loc_kappa = unit_kappa/kappa_bottom
else if (unit_p > 0.10D0 .AND. unit_p < 0.010D0) then
ak = 101.351D0
bk = 490.653D0
ck = 868.620D0
dk = 666.792D0
ek = 180.596D0

kek = LOG(unit_temp/10000.0D0)
unit_kappa = EXP(ak*kek**4 + bk*kek**3 + ck*kek**2 + dk*kek +ek)
loc_kappa = unit_kappa/kappa_bottom
WRITE(*,*) 'Parameters are way out of whack, something went wrong'
write(11,*) 'Parameters are way out of whack, something went wrong'
call error_out
end if
! kek = LOG(unit_temp/10000.0D0)
! unit_kappa = EXP(ak*kek**4 + bk*kek**3 + ck*kek**2 + dk*kek +ek)
! loc_kappa = unit_kappa/kappa_ref
WRITE(*,*) 'Temperature diverging, exiting',loc_temp,unit_temp,loc_kappa,loc_rho
CALL error_out
end if

!write(*,*) 'boing boing'


end module

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