This is a plugin for connecting to libresensors via miaomiao and bubble transmitters
- US Libre 1 10 day sensors (tested)
- US Libre 1 14 day sensors (untested)
- International Libre 1 sensors (tested)
- European Libre 2 sensors via Transmitters
- European Libre 2 directly via bluetooth
- US libre 2 sensors
- Libre Pro sensors
- Libre H sensors
- Libre 3 or any later generation
- Auto calibration, similar - but not identical - to the official algorithm
- Glucose values can be uploaded to nightscout automatically by Loop
- Optional: Backfill the last 16 minutes of data (recommend to turn off)
- Optional: Backfill the last 8 hours of data (15 minute cadence)
- Glucose data is smoothed to avoid noise, using a 5 point moving average filter
- Official algorithm implements glucose prediction, to align cgm values with blood values; this feature is deliberately removed from this implementation
- Glucose readout interval: 5 minutes
- Glucose alarms
- Glucose notifications on lockscreen
- Manual calibration for expert users (warnings apply here, this feature can be extremly dangerous)
It's a dynamic loop plugin. I usually build a modified loopworkspace to get this working. See the file for futher instructions
The GetGlucoseFromRaw.swift file is not included in this repo. You need to explicitly download this file from other sources and add it before you build