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Fine-Tuning Image-Conditional Diffusion Models is Easier than You Think

"Fine-Tuning Image-Conditional Diffusion Models is Easier than You Think" Arxiv, 2024 Sep 17 paper code pdf note Authors: Gonzalo Martin Garcia, Karim Abou Zeid, Christian Schmidt, Daan de Geus, Alexander Hermans, Bastian Leibe


  • Task: monocular depth estimators

  • Problems

    • 先前 diffusion depth estimator 推理计算量很大
  • 🏷️ Label: depth estimators

先前方法发现 diffusion 可以做单目深度估计 SOTA

Recent work showed that large diffusion models can be reused as highly precise monocular depth estimators by casting depth estimation as an image-conditional image generation task.


While the proposed model achieved state-of-the-art results, high computational demands due to multi-step inference limited its use in many scenarios.


个人理解:发现 diffusion 推理有 bug(之前一个 WACV 的工作发现的),发现 one-step 训练效果比 diffusion loss 更好(one-step image restore 的方法已经验证过),这篇工作用先前工作的发现的 bug & fix,在 depth estimate 模型上验证了一下。。。

  • 分析先前 diffusion 类似方法推理中存在的 bug,修复后快了 x200 倍
    • 把 DDIM 调整为 single-step,变为 deterministic model,效果 SOTA

In this paper, we show that the perceived inefficiency was caused by a flaw in the inference pipeline that has so far gone unnoticed. The fixed model performs comparably to the best previously reported configuration while being more than 200× faster

To optimize for downstream task performance, we perform end-to-end fine-tuning on top of the single-step model with task-specific losses and get a deterministic model that outperforms all other diffusionbased depth and normal estimation models on common zero-shot benchmarks.

  • 直接微调 SD,不微调 controlnet 效果很好!质疑先前工作有问题 😆

We surprisingly find that this finetuning protocol also works directly on Stable Diffusion and achieves comparable performance to current state-of-theart diffusion-based depth and normal estimation models, calling into question some of the conclusions drawn from prior works.

  • SOTA 。。。


Fig1 右边,蓝色的对 DDIM 修复为 single step;绿色的直接对 SD 微调效果比之前好


单目深度估计,可以在下游任务作为强 prior ,提供深度信息供模型学习

Monocular depth estimation has long been used in many downstream tasks, such as image and video editing, scene reconstruction, novel view synthesis, and robotic navigation.

Since the task is inherently ill-posed due to the scale-distance ambiguity, learning-based methods need to incorporate strong semantic priors in order to perform well

最原始的 SD 工作,用 image-condition 实现深度估计,输出的细节好非常多!

For this reason, recent work has proposed to adapt large diffusion models [41] for monocular depth estimation by casting depth prediction as a conditional image generation task [26].

The resulting models show good task performance and exhibit remarkably high levels of details.

Q:SD 深度估计太慢了!!! ⭐

However, the consensus in the community is that they tend to be slow [16, 18, 26], since they need to perform many evaluations of a large neural network during inference


  • "Repurposing Diffusion-Based Image Generators for Monocular Depth Estimation" CVPR-oral, 2023 Dec 4, Marigold paper code web pdf note Authors: Bingxin Ke, Anton Obukhov, Shengyu Huang, Nando Metzger, Rodrigo Caye Daudt, Konrad Schindler

  • "GeoWizard: Unleashing the Diffusion Priors for 3D Geometry Estimation from a Single Image" ECCV web


看效果和 marigold 接近

  • 实现 cross domain 融合


  • Q:发现 marigold 推理时候存在 diffusion 训练的 bug,对于 image-condition 影响很大;

We investigate the behavior of Marigold and find that its dismal performance in the few-step regime is due to a critical flaw in the inference pipeline. While this bug has already been reported in the general diffusion model literature [30], we demonstrate that it is particularly critical in the scope of image-conditional methods such as Marigold.

In particular, our results indicate that existing works have probably drawn wrong conclusions due to flawed inference results

  • "Common diffusion noise schedules and sample steps are flawed" WACV ⭐

对后续工作矫正一下发现的 bug,发现 single-step 效果很 ok

With a small correction to the inference pipeline, Marigold-like models [16, 26] obtain single-step performance that is comparable to multi-step, ensembled inference, while being more than 200× faster

  • "GeoWizard: Unleashing the Diffusion Priors for 3D Geometry Estimation from a Single Image" ECCV web
  1. one-step 能够实现 end2end 训练,效率 up
  2. 使用 self-training 训练技巧,之前对于鉴别器很有用

用 one-step 方式微调 Marigold 使用新的 loss;又在法向量预测,训练的结果类似

We fine-tune Marigold end-to-end into a deterministic affine-invariant depth estimator for monocular images using a scale and shift invariant loss function [39].

  • Q:什么是 shift invariant loss function?


发现用 task 相关的 loss 比 (改结构 + 加数据)效果要好

end-to-end fine-tuning with a task-specific loss outperforms more complicated architectures which were trained on more data

因为 diffusion 训练的bug,直接微调 SD 的效果都比 marigold 好一些。。

direct fine-tuning of Stable Diffusion (SD) into a deterministic feed-forward model, outperforms Marigold and other diffusion-based depth- and normal estimation methods

  1. 深度 & 法向量预测,在实际使用场景需要大幅加速才可用
  2. 加 condition 方式训练效率不如直接 end2end 微调
  3. 少量 + 合成数据效果可以的


Fixing Single-Step Inference

We observe very small differences for almost all pixels, indicating that the model changes predictions very little during inference

c图:可视化了一下 marigold 推理中 single-step 出来纯噪声了。。可以修复为 d 图!!!

b图:用结果还可以的 DDIM 50steps 结果计算下和 GT 的标准差,发现几乎每个像素都变了!!!


  • Q:分析为啥上面 one-step 就不行??

喂给模型的 input 中 timestep 和 latent-noise 不匹配。。。噪声太多了; one-step 时候,模型输入的 timestep 对应的是 GT depth,而模型输入是纯高斯噪声。。。模型接收到了 RGB 图更多的 noise,结果基本没改就出来了

In other words, the model receives significantly more noise than it expects, and forwards the noise almost unchanged

  • Q:解决?

对 timestep 改造一下使之与 noise-level 匹配 ⭐,具体参考 "Common diffusion noise schedules and sample steps are flawed" WACV ⭐;修复完就有这个 c,d 图的结果

align the timestep with the noise level. To do this, we can use the trailing setting as proposed in recent work [30] for image-generative models.


End-to-End Fine-Tuning

  • Q:修复完 marigold 的结果**有很多 artifacts,例如模糊 or 过度补充的细节?**看 fig6

While diffusion-based depth estimation models show good overall performance and accurate details, they also exhibit artifacts such as blurred or over-sharpened outputs;


  • Q:为啥??从提出假设开始!!!:star2: (也不一定对哦。。)

猜测是 diffusion loss 的问题,多个 task(text2image, image-restore)都用同一个 loss,模糊不清。。

This could be due to the diffusion training objective, which does not guarantee that models are trained for the desired downstream task, but for the surrogate denoising task

尝试用 end2end 方式训练

To fix this, we directly finetune the diffusion model in an end-to-end manner.

  • Q:如果用原始 diffusion 多 step 训练的方式,不同 timestep 出来结果存在可信度不高的问题。。这样为了计算 loss,要多 step 出来太慢了。。。

Note that end-to-end fine-tuning of a diffusion model without sensible single-step predictions would require backpropagation through multiple network invocations, which is computationally infeasible for models with hundreds of millions of parameters.

没解决,只是证明 one-step 的重要性!

  • Q:咋办?
  1. 固定使用一个 timestep 不去采样了

we do not sample the timestep t anymore and instead fix t = T in order to always train the model for single-step prediction

  1. 改一下 noise??:question:

we replace the noise with the mean of the noise distribution, i.e., zero, and only forward the RGB latent through the model.

  1. 改一下 loss
  • Q:diffusion 训练 loss 和现在的 loss 有啥区别?

Marigold trains to match the latents of the GT depth maps using an MSE loss

直接对 depth map 做 loss 更精确,(这个方案不是很新,看一下 PASD 后面一篇做 image-restoration one-step 的工作就是这么搞得。。)

we optimize to predict good decoded depth maps



Task Loss

For monocular depth estimation, we use an affine-invariant loss function which is invariant to global scale and shift of the depth map. ⭐

  • affine-invariant loss function:拟合出 scale 参数 s & shift 参数 t,调整一下预测的 depth;再做下 L1 Loss

$$ \hat{d} = sd + t\\ \text{Task Specific Loss:} \\ L_{depth} = \frac{1}{HW} \sum{\abs{d_{i,j} - \hat{d_{i,j}}}} $$

we perform least-squares fitting between the ground-truth depth d ∗ and the predicted depth map d to estimate the scale and shift values


法向量 Loss


这里的 Loss 根据 metrics 指标来的。。

  • AbsRel 指标,越小越好

Absolute Mean Relative Error (AbsRel),M 为像素数, a 为预测的 depth $$ Absolute Mean Relative Error (AbsRel) = \frac{1}{M}\sum_{i=1}^{M}\abs{a_i - d_i}/d_i $$

  • $\delta1$ accuracy 越大,每个depth 的差距越小

The second metric, δ1 accuracy, measures the proportion of pixels satisfying max(ai/di , di/ai) < 1.25


dataset 使用 marigold 一样的训练数据

  • Hypersim
  • Virtual KITTI 2

训练的模型细节:直接微调 Marigold 方法;法向量预测,重新训练一个 marigold

For depth estimation, we use the official Marigold checkpoint, whereas for normal esti�mation, we train a model with the same training setup as Marigold’s depth estimation, encoding normal maps as 3D vectors in the color channels.

  • 20K iterations using the AdamW optimizer 3 × 10−5 100-step warm-up
  • batch=32

Fine-tuning takes approximately 3 days on a single Nvidia H100 GPU.


ablation study 看那个模块有效,总结一下

修复完 bug 和 marigold 对比,指标确实好了很多(用 one-step 和之前的 50 step 比)


  • 对比 LCM 模型(先前做 few-steps 推理的方法)

compare vanilla Marigold and a variant distilled into Latent Consistency Model (LCM) [34] for few-step inference with our single-step variants in Tab. 1

  1. LCM 确实垃,比原来的 DDIM 50 垃圾多了
  2. 这里修复 bug 后的模型和原始没差多少,但是效果接近,时间少了很多啊!!。。。展示出来的图像多多少少是挑出来的图了。。。


重新训练一个 marigold 用于法向量(不好说,可能训得不行。。。)


  • 自己重新训练 GeoWizard 发现效果不行。。。打人家


  • 既然复现出来效果拉,所有模型效果重新比对一次


ablation: noise

  • 用提出的 zeros noise 训练下来效果好了一丢丢,但不多。。。



Summary 🌟

learn what

  • 对比 LCM 模型(先前做 few-steps 推理的方法)

compare vanilla Marigold and a variant distilled into Latent Consistency Model (LCM) [34] for few-step inference with our single-step variants in Tab. 1

  1. LCM 确实垃,比原来的 DDIM 50 垃圾多了
  2. 这里修复 bug 后的模型和原始没差多少,但是效果接近,时间少了很多啊!!。。。展示出来的图像多多少少是挑出来的图了。。。
  • 用提出的 zeros noise 训练下来效果好了一丢丢,但不多。。。

how to apply to our task

  • 用 one-step 方式微调 Marigold 使用新的 loss;又在法向量预测,训练的结果类似,发现用 task 相关的 loss 比 (改结构 + 加数据)效果要好

  • affine-invariant loss function:拟合出 scale 参数 s & shift 参数 t,调整一下预测的 depth;再做下 L1 Loss

$$ \hat{d} = sd + t\\ L_{depth} = \frac{1}{HW} \sum{\abs{d_{i,j} - \hat{d_{i,j}}}} $$