FoodEx is a django framework based web application which can be used to order food right from any electronic devices which can run a browser and use internet.
In this application, there are three actors like customers, restaurant and delivery person. Every actor will have their own login credentials and features separately.
Customer can search resturants, look at the offers,food and place order. He/She can track details of order like food in preparation, received by delivery person. He/She can give feedback on the order for both restaurant. Through this application customers can also place order for eating at the restaurant so that he/she need not wait at the restaurant when order is being prepared. He/She can track his/her previous orders, previous payments. He/She will have a profile which contains contact details, addresses, email ID.
Restaurants can add food items, update food items, place offers, update offers. They can accept the orders given by customers and see the details of customers, delivery person. They will have a profile which contains their contact details, restaurant address,email ID. They can track their earnings on daily basis, weekly basis, monthly basis and year basis.
Delivery person get the details of the order with restaurant details and customer details like address and mobile numbers. They will have a profile which contains their contact details, restaurant address, email ID. They can track their earnings on daily basis,weekly basis, monthly basis and year basis.
virtualenv venv
Then activate the virtual environment using
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 runserver
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master```