This Script helps you create the client_secret required in the Apple Sign-in Rest APIs.
In the root of the Repository, run
$ npm install
- Update the private key in the PrivateKey.p8 file.
- As per the apple's document client_secret needs to be converted in the following JWT format
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "ABC123DEFG"
"iss": "DEF123GHIJ",
"iat": 1437179036,
"exp": 1493298100,
"aud": "",
"sub": ""
For Details insights, kindly check "Creating the Client Secret section" of the following Apple document :
Set the configuration in the config variable.
var config = {
'kid' : 'key_id'
'iss' : 'team_id',
'iat' :,
'exp' : + 86400*180,
'aud' : '',
'sub' : 'client_id',
- Run the npm start command to execute the script.