There are no current Bounties at this time. If you would like to sponsor a bounty, please reach out to LoafPickle
- Have line color and shadow be red when price change is negative
- Add buttons on the bottom of the pullup that allow the user to change the currency from Algorand to USDC or EURS
- Have a compact mode on display which is only the Name, Ticket, Image, Rank, Price, and 1hr change % with the graph. Have an 'More Info' button that pulls up the current display.
- Make the chart line smoother and less jaged
- Add a Trade button on the button that works the same as the link in the embed
- Try to condense the full detail view for mobile devices
- Have an advanced chart button that shows a screenshot of what the chart on vestige looks like
- Have a button that says holders and shows the top 10 holders and their % of the holding.