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Wrapper for LiveEngage data retrieval APIs. Can be used for standalone API or for cross-referencing data from all. For Engagement History, Real Time Operational, Users, Skills, Agent Groups.


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No longer actively maintained. AFAIK, this still works just fine, but see the new developer site for more API information:


A small, unofficial wrapper for LiveEngage data retrieval APIs

This wrapper module can be imported into your script to provide a cleaner interface for working with LiveEngage APIs



pip install liveengage_data_app


In order to import and run liveengage_data_app you will need Python 3. You will also need to install the following Python libraries via conda/pip/etc if pip does not already do that for you:

  • requests
  • requests_oauthlib


This module exposes one LiveEngageDataApp class with 6 methods.

Create an app

from liveengage_data_app import LiveEngageDataApp

app = LiveEngageDataApp(account_number='xx',


The initializer takes in 3 arguments

  • LiveEngage Account Number
    • You use your LiveEngage account number to log in to the platform.
  • Keys and Secrets for your LiveEngage app
    • This is a Dictionary of strings. You should not change the dictionary keys, but you should update the dictionary values with your own.
    • You can get your keys and secrets when you create your own API app in LiveEngage
  • Services that you will use with the app
    • There is a set list of services that you can use. Do not change the names of these services, just comment out or remove the ones that you are not using.
    • When you create your own API app in LiveEngage, you can select which services you want to use. You'll see that we only allow the usage of services that retrieve data in this app.
      • Select "advanced" when setting this up in LiveEngage and select "read only" for the skills/users/agentGroups

Get Engagement History Data

eh_data = app.engagement_history(from_epoch='1485177300000', to_epoch='1485213300000')

print(str(eh_data['errors'])) if eh_data['errors'] else print('ok')


This method takes two string arguments of epoch milliseconds. You can use a service like [this one]( - grab the millisecond version) to convert a normal date to epoch milliseconds.


This method returns a dictionary of data['success'] and data['errors']. The 'success' item is a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary representing one chat record. The 'errors' item is a list or errors.

Get Real Time Operational Data

rt_data = app.realtime_operational(minute_timeframe='60', in_buckets_of='15')

print(str(rt_data['errors'])) if rt_data['errors'] else print('Main data: ok')

for method in rt_data['success']:
    details = method + 'data: '
    print(details + str(rt_data['success'][method]['errors'])) if rt_data['success'][method]['errors'] else print(details + 'ok')


This method takes two string arguments. minute_timeframe can be up to 1440 and as low as 5. in_buckets_of is how you want to group the data. If you just want one grouping, make it the same as the timeframe.


This method returns a dictionary of data['success'] and data['errors']. The 'success' item in the dictionary is a dictionary for the three methods of the Real Time API (eg. rt_data['success']['queueHealth'], rt_data['success']['agentactivity'], rt_data['success']['engactivity']). The 'errors' item is a list or errors.

Each of the three method returns (queueHealth, agentActivity, engactivity) also have 'success' and 'errors' items attached to them. The main data is in 'success', any errors are in 'errors'.

Get Users / Skills / Agent Groups Data

users_data = app.users()
print(str(users_data['errors'])) if users_data['errors'] else print('ok')

skills_data = app.skills()
print(str(skills_data['errors'])) if skills_data['errors'] else print('ok')

agent_groups_data = app.agent_groups()
print(str(agent_groups_data['errors'])) if agent_groups_data['errors'] else print('ok')


These methods return a dictionary of data['success'] and data['errors']. The 'success' item in the returns will contain the actual data from a successful call of the method.


Wrapper for LiveEngage data retrieval APIs. Can be used for standalone API or for cross-referencing data from all. For Engagement History, Real Time Operational, Users, Skills, Agent Groups.







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