This repo contains the project of my deploma paper, which based on the thesis of
A theoretical evaluation framework for test suite quality assessment to improve spectral fault localization techniques
by Chunyan Ma (School of Software and Microelectronics, Northwestern Polytechnical University).
- runner: to run the program in database (Software-artifact Infrastructure Repository and Defects4j) and generate coverage information.
- analyze: test suit quality assessment and optimization
- chart: generate chart
- utils: utility functions
- application: a bunch of class that contains main method, to run the project.
SIR database is located in resources, while Defects4j has to be executed by docker.
- run the main class directly in IDE
- or use
mvn exec:java -DmainClass="...."
- or install docker and use
Output files are located in target/outputs/
, cache file in target/outputs/.cache