A command-line utility that analyzes a team's map-veto behavior in the 99damage-league.
First, you need to install Stack in order to build the project. Then clone this repository into a local directory and run stack. The build-process takes about 10-25 minutes, if you don't have any of the dependencies installed.
git clone https://github.com/linus4/99veto.git
cd 99veto
stack build
You need to provide the URL to a team's page on 99damage.de . Execute in the project directory.
stack exec 99veto [URL]
- -- help : displays a usage message
- break up the handleArgs function into smaller ones
- refactor the code by providing library functions in src and putting them to use in app; split into multiple modules
- write a test-suite
- find a better solution to accumulate and count the vetos
- add an argument parser (help, number of matches)
- use Either instead of Maybe in Lib to keep error messages
- find a solution for nested case Nothing / Just pyramid (transformer)
- maybe use Text to improve performance
- rename Veto data type (Veto_Veto3...)?
- use mapMaybe to discard matches without a veto?
- catch execption when the user supplies an invalid URL
- analyze ram usage (~120 MB) / laziness -- later
- size of executable (17 MB)?
- package the app `