- Frontend form fields to be 2 simple text fields e.g. first name, last name.
- Backend to receive posted data as an object and save posted object to simple file in json format.
Built with Clean Architecture with .NET Core 5. Includes both WebAPI and Web Blazor projects and WebAPI.UnitTest project.
- Back-end: ASP.NET Core 5.0 WebAPI
- Front-end: ASP.NET Core 5.0 Blazor
- Make sure you are running on the latest .NET 5 SDK (SDK 5.0 and above only).
- Visual Studio 2019 (v16.8+)
- CQRS with MediatR
- Fluent Validation
- UnitTest with xUnitTest and Moq
- Set both WebAPI and WebApp as Starup Projects
- WebAPI: For the path folder of save posted object to simple file in json format please refer to this section of appsettings.json
"AppConfiguration": {
"FolderJsonPath": "Files\\Persons"
- WebApp Client: Temporary use EndPointConfig.cs to configurate the API's endpoint for web app client.
public const string BaseAPIAddress = "https://localhost:44325";
public const string PersonEndPointPost = "/api/person";