Servaxle is a fast Dependency Injection Container for PHP.
Dependency Injection Container is presented as a scope. The scope discovers dependencies by reflection. Classes in namespaces will be resolved only.
namespace Tutorial;
class Foo
class Bar
public function __construct(Foo $foo)
$scope = new \LinguaLeo\DI\Scope([
'bar' => Bar::class
$scope->bar; // instance of Tutorial\Bar class
You can define common interface implementation.
namespace Tutorial;
interface AnimalInterface {}
class Dog implements AnimalInterface {}
class Cat implements AnimalInterface {}
class Home
public function __construct(AnimalInterface $animal)
$scope = new \LinguaLeo\DI\Scope([
'home' => Home::class,
AnimalInterface::class => Dog::class
$scope->home; // instanse of Tutorial\Home class with Tutorial\Dog object injection
But you can put simple data types into the scope too.
$scope = new LinguaLeo\DI\Scope([
'user' => 'root'
$scope->getValue('user'); // "root"
You can define a constant also. Constants in a class namespace will be processed too.
$scope = new LinguaLeo\DI\Scope([
'max' => 'PHP_INT_MAX'
$scope->max; // 9223372036854775807 (in 64 bit OS)
You can define a symlink to another variable.
$scope = new LinguaLeo\DI\Scope([
'super' => 'admin',
'@user' => 'super',
'member' => '@user'
$scope->getValue('member'); // "admin" as @user -> super -> admin
You can define a target variable without symlinks lookup.
$scope = new LinguaLeo\DI\Scope([
'super' => 'admin',
'member' => '$super'
$scope->getValue('member'); // "admin"
The scope parses dependencies every time when you call getValue
method. But if you access to a value as a property the scope will cache it.
$scope = new LinguaLeo\DI\Scope([
'now' => function () {
return uniqid();
$scope->getValue('now') === $scope->getValue('now'); // false
$scope->now === $scope->now; // true
You can create own factories for custom init. No special interfaces or classes are required. Just use a magic!
namespace Tutorial;
class RedisFactory
private $host;
public function __construct($host)
$this->host = $host;
public function __invoke()
$redis = new \Redis();
return $redis;
$scope = new \LinguaLeo\DI\Scope([
'redis' => RedisFactory::class,
'' => ''
$scope->redis; // instance of \Redis class
For complex tree of dependencies we created the compilation into PHP script.
namespace Tutorial;
// define classes
class Foo {}
class Bar
public function __construct(Foo $foo) {}
class Baz
public function __construct(Bar $bar) {}
// compiles a tree
$script = \LinguaLeo\DI\Scope::compile([
'baz' => Baz::class
// put into PHP file
file_put_contents('cache.php', '<?php return '.$script.';');
// init a scope from file
$scope = new \LinguaLeo\DI\Scope(include 'cache.php');
$scope->baz; // instance of Tutorial\Baz class
You should instantiate ImmutableScope
class if you don't require auto reflection. It's useful for early compiled dependencies.
$scope = new LinguaLeo\DI\ImmutableScope(include 'cache.php');