Dockerfile to build image with npm registry proxied with kappa.
Current Version: 2.6.6
Pull the latest or specific version of the image from the docker index. This is the recommended method of installation as it is easier to update image in the future. These builds are performed by the Docker Trusted Build service.
docker pull burkostya/npm-registry:2.6.6
Alternately you can build the image yourself.
git clone
cd npm-registry
docker build -t '<user>/npm-registry' .
Run container
docker run --name='npm-registry' -i -t --rm \
-p 5984:5984 -p 80:80 \
Couchdb with installed couchapp now available on http://localhost:5984.
- username: admin
- password: password
You can set your login and password for couchdb admin:
docker run --name='npm-registry' -i -t --rm \
-e 'COUCHDB_ADMIN_LOGIN=<login>' \
-e 'COUCHDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password>' \
-p 5984:5984 -p 80:80 \
Kappa is exposed on port 80. You can use it by setting option in .npmrc:
npm config set registry http://localhost
or adding option to every command:
npm --registry http://localhost
For data persistency you should mount a volume
Volumes can be mounted in docker by specifying the '-v' option in the docker run command.
mkdir /opt/data/npm-registry
docker run --name='npm-registry' -d \
-p 5984:5984 -p 80:80 \
-v /opt/data/npm-registry:/var/lib/couchdb \
To upgrade to newer couchapp, follow this steps:
- Update the docker image.
docker pull burkostya/npm-registry:2.6.6
- Stop the currently running image
docker stop npm-registry
docker rm npm-registry
- Backup the application data just by coping content of mounted volume
cp -r /opt/data/npm-registry /some/npm/backup/dir/
- Start the image
docker run --name npm-registry -d \
-e 'COUCHDB_ADMIN_LOGIN=<login>' \
-e 'COUCHDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password>' \
-p 5984:5984 -p 80:80 \
-v /opt/data/npm-registry:/var/lib/couchdb \
- @sameersbn for awesome template of container configuration