A package for working with dynamical systems on complex networks. NetworkDynamics.jl provides an interface between LightGraphs.jl and DifferentialEquations.jl. It allows to define several types of dynamic and static nodes and edges and to link them up in order to create complex network dynamics.
At the moment the behaviour of a node or an edge can be described by algebraic equations or by ordinary differential equations (ODE). Stochastic ordinary differential equations (SDE) can be implemented as a two-layer network - this is still an experimental feature, though. Support for delay differential equations (DDE) is planned for a future release.
Installation is straightforward with Julia's package manager.
(v1.3) pkg> add NetworkDynamics
Check out our step-by-step tutorial as a jupyter notebook or in the docs.
PowerDynamics.jl is an open-source framework for dynamic power grid modeling and analysis build on top of NetworkDynamics.jl.