An dummy proof example of using the Kinect to control Dmx
- Windows 10, 8, 8.1
- 64bit computer with a dedicated USB 3.0.
- A Kinect for Windows v2 Device (K4W2).
- Kinect SDK v2
- Update your latest video card driver.
- DirectX 11
- Processing
- Processing library: KinectPV2
- Arduino with Dmx shield, upload the 'ArduinoSerialToDmx' sketch from this repository.
- Arduino library: DmxSimple
Install everything mentioned above
Run 'KinectToDmx' sketch in processing
Get data from the kinect by calling this function (inside the for loop, around line 57):
joints[KinectPV2.JointType_HandLeft].getX(); // This returns the x position of your left hand.
- Replace 'getX' with 'getY' or 'getZ' to get the Y or Z values.
- Replace the joint type with one of the types below to get info about other body parts.
Please note: Only the first skeleton measured is used here, because I'm using a for loop that only uses the first skeleton.
JointType_Head, JointType_Neck, JointType_SpineShoulder
JointType_SpineMid, JointType_SpineShoulder, JointType_SpineShoulder, JointType_SpineBase, JointType_SpineBase
JointType_ShoulderRight, JointType_ElbowRight, JointType_WristRight, JointType_HandRight, JointType_WristRight
JointType_ShoulderLeft, JointType_ElbowLeft, JointType_WristLeft, JointType_HandLeft, JointType_WristLeft
JointType_HipRight, JointType_KneeRight, JointType_AnkleRight
JointType_HipLeft, JointType_KneeLeft, JointType_AnkleLeft
JointType_HandTipLeft, JointType_HandTipRight, JointType_FootLeft, JointType_FootRight, JointType_ThumbLeft, JointType_ThumbRight
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