They are availble for downloard from the LieberLieber Nexus:
Used to check Models for LemonTree Readiness.
--Out File to output .md e.g.: ''
--NoCompact If set the Checks that compact the Model are not run!
--FailOnErrors If set the Exitcode will be 2 if there is at least on Check of Status Error!
--FailOnWarnings If set the Exitcode will be 1 if there is at least on Check of Status Warning!
--TableSize If set the size of the tables in the database will be reported!
--Orphans If set Model Orphans will be reported!
--Model Required. The 'Model' used for the operation.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
&"C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\curl.exe" --output LemonTree.Pipeline.Tools.ModelCheck.exe
LemonTree.Pipeline.Tools.ModelCheck.exe --model "model.eapx" --out ".\" --FailOnErrors --FailOnWarnings
echo "finished validation with $LASTEXITCODE"
echo "Exit codes of LemonTree.Pipeline.Tools.ModelCheck.exe:"
echo "* -2 = other runtime exception occurred"
echo "* -1 = CLI argument parsing error occurred"
echo "* 0 = model is valid "
echo "* 1 = model has at least one warning (only if --FailOnWarnings or --FailOnErrors)"
echo "* 2 = model has at least one error (only if --FailOnErrors)"
Severity | Issue | Message | |
π΄ | Error | Auditing is enabled. | Auditing is not helpful or required if you manage a model inside a VCS with LemonTree. |
π΄ | Error | Model has 12 Audit Entires | Audits are not helpful or required if you manage a model inside a VCS with LemonTree. |
π΄ | Error | Model has 1 Resource Allocation Entires | Resource Allocations are not supported when using LemonTree. |
π | Warning | Model has 1 VCS enabled Packages | Models with Package based VCS are not a supported scenario. |
π’ | Passed | No DIAGRAMIMAGEMAP entries in the model | |
π’ | Passed | No Baseline entries in the model | |
π’ | Passed | User Security not enabled in the Model | |
π’ | Passed | No embedded binary images or document entries in the model | |
π’ | Passed | No ModelDocument entries in the model | |
π’ | Passed | No t_image entries in the model | |
π’ | Passed | Model size before compact 1.45 MB after 1.45 MB | If you run compact on the model you can reduce the size to 99.46% |
π’ | Passed | Model size before strip and compact 1.45 MB after 1.43 MB | If you strip the model from binary content and run compact on the model you can reduce the size to 98.66% |
Count | Measure |
0 | Attributes in Elements |
0 | Constraints on Elements |
0 | Efforts on Elements |
0 | Element Testing |
10 | Elements in Diagrams |
0 | File on Elements |
0 | Metrics on Elements |
3 | Note |
0 | Opertions in Elements |
7 | Package |
0 | Parameters in Operations |
1 | Part |
0 | Requirements in Elements |
1 | Resources Allocated to Elements |
0 | Risks on Elements |
2 | Signal |
0 | Total Connectors |
4 | Total Diagrams |
13 | Total Elements |
8 | Total Packages |
1 | Total Root Packages |
If the Enterprise Architect Models are "poluted" with DIAGRAMIMAGEMAPS - you can use this little commandline Tool to delete those! (.eap(x) and .qea(x) only)
&"C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\curl.exe" --output LemonTree.Pipeline.Tools.RemovePrerenderedDiagrams.exe
.\LemonTree.Pipeline.Tools.RemovePrerenderedDiagrams.exe .\DemoModel.eapx
Used to set "Filters" in LemonTree Single Session Files in the Pipeline.
&"C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\curl.exe" --output LemonTree.Pipeline.Tools.SetFilterInSessionFile.exe
.\LemonTree.Pipeline.Tools.SetFilterInSessionFile.exe SampleCompareSession.ltsfs "#Conflicted" "$HideGraphicalChanges