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They are availble for downloard from the LieberLieber Nexus:


Used to check Models for LemonTree Readiness.

Commandline Reference

  --Out               File to output .md e.g.: ''

  --NoCompact         If set the Checks that compact the Model are not run!

  --FailOnErrors      If set the Exitcode will be 2 if there is at least on Check of Status Error!

  --FailOnWarnings    If set the Exitcode will be 1 if there is at least on Check of Status Warning!

  --TableSize         If set the size of the tables in the database will be reported!

  --Orphans           If set Model Orphans will be reported!

  --Model             Required. The  'Model' used for the operation.

  --help              Display this help screen.

  --version           Display version information.

Powershell Example:

&"C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\curl.exe" --output LemonTree.Pipeline.Tools.ModelCheck.exe

LemonTree.Pipeline.Tools.ModelCheck.exe  --model "model.eapx" --out ".\" --FailOnErrors --FailOnWarnings
echo "finished validation with $LASTEXITCODE"
echo "Exit codes of LemonTree.Pipeline.Tools.ModelCheck.exe:"
echo "* -2 = other runtime exception occurred"
echo "* -1 = CLI argument parsing error occurred"
echo "*  0 = model is valid "
echo "*  1 = model has at least one warning (only if --FailOnWarnings or --FailOnErrors)"
echo "*  2 = model has at least one error  (only if --FailOnErrors)"

Sample Output:

LemonTree ModelCheck results

Severity Issue Message
πŸ”΄ Error Auditing is enabled. Auditing is not helpful or required if you manage a model inside a VCS with LemonTree.
πŸ”΄ Error Model has 12 Audit Entires Audits are not helpful or required if you manage a model inside a VCS with LemonTree.
πŸ”΄ Error Model has 1 Resource Allocation Entires Resource Allocations are not supported when using LemonTree.
🟠 Warning Model has 1 VCS enabled Packages Models with Package based VCS are not a supported scenario.
🟒 Passed No DIAGRAMIMAGEMAP entries in the model
🟒 Passed No Baseline entries in the model
🟒 Passed User Security not enabled in the Model
🟒 Passed No embedded binary images or document entries in the model
🟒 Passed No ModelDocument entries in the model
🟒 Passed No t_image entries in the model
🟒 Passed Model size before compact 1.45 MB after 1.45 MB If you run compact on the model you can reduce the size to 99.46%
🟒 Passed Model size before strip and compact 1.45 MB after 1.43 MB If you strip the model from binary content and run compact on the model you can reduce the size to 98.66%

Project Statistics

Count Measure
0 Attributes in Elements
0 Constraints on Elements
0 Efforts on Elements
0 Element Testing
10 Elements in Diagrams
0 File on Elements
0 Metrics on Elements
3 Note
0 Opertions in Elements
7 Package
0 Parameters in Operations
1 Part
0 Requirements in Elements
1 Resources Allocated to Elements
0 Risks on Elements
2 Signal
0 Total Connectors
4 Total Diagrams
13 Total Elements
8 Total Packages
1 Total Root Packages


If the Enterprise Architect Models are "poluted" with DIAGRAMIMAGEMAPS - you can use this little commandline Tool to delete those! (.eap(x) and .qea(x) only)

Powershell Example:

&"C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\curl.exe" --output LemonTree.Pipeline.Tools.RemovePrerenderedDiagrams.exe

.\LemonTree.Pipeline.Tools.RemovePrerenderedDiagrams.exe .\DemoModel.eapx


Used to set "Filters" in LemonTree Single Session Files in the Pipeline.

Powershell Example:

&"C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\curl.exe" --output LemonTree.Pipeline.Tools.SetFilterInSessionFile.exe

.\LemonTree.Pipeline.Tools.SetFilterInSessionFile.exe SampleCompareSession.ltsfs "#Conflicted" "$HideGraphicalChanges