An extension help you coding PYQT form in vsocde. Support ".ui
", ".qrc
", ".pro
", ".ts
" files.
No. | Name | Description |
1 | PYQT: New Form | Open designer |
2 | PYQT: Edit In Designer | Open designer with current ui form |
3 | PYQT: Preview | Preview current ui form |
4 | PYQT: Compile Form | Compile ui form to path defined in "pyqt-integration.pyuic.compile.filepath " |
5 | PYQT: Compile Resource | Compile qrc file to path defined in "pyqt-integration.pyrcc.compile.filepath " |
6 | PYQT: Generate Translation File (.ts) | Compile UI file (.py) to translation file with path defined in "pyqt-integration.pylupdate.compile.filepath " Compile .pro file |
7 | PYQT: Open With Qt Linguist | Open with Qt Linguist for translation file (.ts) |
No. | Name | Description |
1 | pyqt-integration.qtdesigner.path |
Path of executable file of qt designer, the extension will ask you to set at the first time it runs, e.g. c:\\Users\\username\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python35\\Lib\\site-packages\\pyqt5-tools\\designer.exe |
2 | pyqt-integration.pyuic.cmd |
"pyuic" command, default "pyuic5 " |
3 | pyqt-integration.pyuic.compile.filepath |
Compile file path, relative path as default, switch to absolute path by involving ${workspace}, e.g. ${workspace}\\UI\\Ui_${ui_name}.py |
4 | pyqt-integration.pyuic.compile.addOptions |
Additional options for pyuic compiling, it can be a combination of '-x', '-d', '-i', etc. |
5 | pyqt-integration.pyrcc.cmd |
"pyrcc" command, default "pyrcc5 " |
6 | pyqt-integration.pyrcc.compile.filepath |
Compile file path, relative path as default, switch to absolute path by involving ${workspace}, e.g. ${workspace}\\QRC\\${qrc_name} |
7 | pyqt-integration.pyrcc.compile.addOptions |
Additional options for pyrcc compiling, it can be a combination of '-root', '-threshold', '-compress', '-no-compress', etc. |
8 | pyqt-integration.pylupdate.cmd |
"pylupdate" command, default "pylupdate5 " |
9 | pyqt-integration.pylupdate.compile.filepath |
Only works when compiling an UI file (.py), Stores the target '.ts' file's path, relative path as default, switch to absolute path by involving ${workspace}, e.g. ${workspace}\\TS\\${ts_name}.ts |
10 | pyqt-integration.pylupdate.compile.addOptions |
Additional options for pylupdate, it can be a combination of '-verbose', '-noobsolete', '-tr-function', '-translate-function', etc. |
11 | pyqt-integration.linguist.cmd |
"linguist" command, default "linguist " |
Compilation will overwite the target file without confirmation!