This repository collects all the commands and script used for the reference-free Arabidopsis thaliana pangenome. This work is part of the PhD project carried out by Lia Obinu.
- The reference-free Arabidopsis thaliana pangenome
- Table of contents
- Building the reference-free Arabidopsis thaliana pangenome graph
- Pangenome annotation - reference based
- Pangenome annotation - non-reference sequences
- Get the FASTA file for annotation
- Annotation
- Annotation review
- Final annotation screening
- Gene ontology enrichment analysis
- Sequence-based pangenome analysis
- Similarity analysis
- Other data visualisation
We found in total 93 suitable assemblies, which are at chromosome level or complete genome level. They are coming from the following BioProjects: PRJEB55353, PRJEB55632, PRJEB50694, PRJEB30763, PRJEB31147, PRJEB37252, PRJEB37257, PRJEB37258, PRJEB37260, PRJEB37261, PRJEB40125, PRJEB51511, PRJNA777107, PRJNA779205, PRJNA828135, PRJNA834751, PRJNA10719, PRJNA915353, PRJNA311266, PRJCA005809, PRJCA007112.
We should exclude short contigs from the pangenome, but we need to set a threshold, and for this we must quality inspect the assemblies and check the length distribution. We can do this using QUAST:
quast accessions/*.fna.gz accessions/*.fasta.gz -o ./output_quast -r accessions/GCA_000001735.2_TAIR10.1_genomic.fna.gz -t 40 --eukaryote --large -k --plots-format png
Based on QUAST results, we can decided to trim the contigs that are smaller than 5kbp. The assemblies that will suffer a loss will be the following according to QUAST:
Assembly | # contigs (>= 0 bp) | # contigs (>= 5000 bp) | Total length (>= 0 bp) | Total length (>= 5000 bp) |
GCA_900660825.1_Ath.Ler-0.MPIPZ.v1.0_genomic | 109 | 78 | 119626746 | 119530365 |
GCA_902460265.3_Arabidopsis_thaliana_An-1_chrom_genomic | 111 | 83 | 120129838 | 120059751 |
GCA_902460275.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Cvi-0_genomic | 102 | 71 | 119749512 | 119657772 |
GCA_902460285.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Ler_genomic | 105 | 75 | 120338059 | 120246237 |
GCA_902460295.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Sha_genomic | 94 | 74 | 120289901 | 120224609 |
GCA_902460305.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Kyo_genomic | 184 | 155 | 122202079 | 122112347 |
GCA_902460315.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Eri-1_genomic | 142 | 115 | 120795191 | 120728700 |
For the filtering we can use bioawk
bioawk -c fastx '(length($seq)>5000){print ">" $name ORS $seq}' GCA_900660825.1_Ath.Ler-0.MPIPZ.v1.0_genomic.fna > GCA_900660825.1_Ath.Ler-0.MPIPZ.v1.0_genomic.trim.5k.fna
grep '>' GCA_900660825.1_Ath.Ler-0.MPIPZ.v1.0_genomic.fna | wc -l
grep '>' GCA_900660825.1_Ath.Ler-0.MPIPZ.v1.0_genomic.trim.5k.fna | wc -l
bioawk -c fastx '(length($seq)>5000){print ">" $name ORS $seq}' GCA_902460265.3_Arabidopsis_thaliana_An-1_chrom_genomic.fna > GCA_902460265.3_Arabidopsis_thaliana_An-1_chrom_genomic.trim.5k.fna
grep '>' GCA_902460265.3_Arabidopsis_thaliana_An-1_chrom_genomic.fna | wc -l
grep '>' GCA_902460265.3_Arabidopsis_thaliana_An-1_chrom_genomic.trim.5k.fna | wc -l
bioawk -c fastx '(length($seq)>5000){print ">" $name ORS $seq}' GCA_902460275.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Cvi-0_genomic.fna > GCA_902460275.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Cvi-0_genomic.trim.5k.fna
grep '>' GCA_902460275.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Cvi-0_genomic.fna | wc -l
grep '>' GCA_902460275.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Cvi-0_genomic.trim.5k.fna | wc -l
bioawk -c fastx '(length($seq)>5000){print ">" $name ORS $seq}' GCA_902460285.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Ler_genomic.fna > GCA_902460285.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Ler_genomic.trim.5k.fna
grep '>' GCA_902460285.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Ler_genomic.fna | wc -l
grep '>' GCA_902460285.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Ler_genomic.trim.5k.fna | wc -l
bioawk -c fastx '(length($seq)>5000){print ">" $name ORS $seq}' GCA_902460295.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Sha_genomic.fna > GCA_902460295.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Sha_genomic.trim.5k.fna
grep '>' GCA_902460295.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Sha_genomic.fna | wc -l
grep '>' GCA_902460295.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Sha_genomic.trim.5k.fna | wc -l
bioawk -c fastx '(length($seq)>5000){print ">" $name ORS $seq}' GCA_902460305.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Kyo_genomic.fna > GCA_902460305.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Kyo_genomic.trim.5k.fna
grep '>' GCA_902460305.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Kyo_genomic.fna | wc -l
grep '>' GCA_902460305.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Kyo_genomic.trim.5k.fna | wc -l
bioawk -c fastx '(length($seq)>5000){print ">" $name ORS $seq}' GCA_902460315.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Eri-1_genomic.fna > GCA_902460315.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Eri-1_genomic.trim.5k.fna
grep '>' GCA_902460315.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Eri-1_genomic.fna | wc -l
grep '>' GCA_902460315.1_Arabidopsis_thaliana_Eri-1_genomic.trim.5k.fna | wc -l
Now we should zip the .trim.5k.fna files:
for i in *trim.5k.fna ; do (echo "gzip $i"); done | bash
From now on, we are going to used the trimmed version of these assemblies.
We can follow the S. cerevisiae example:
ls *.gz | cut -f 1 -d '.' | uniq | while read f; do
echo $f
zcat $f.* > $f.fa
To change the sequence names according to PanSN-spec, we can use fastix:
ls *.fa | while read f; do
sample_name=$(echo $f | cut -f 1 -d '.');
echo ${sample_name}
fastix -p "${sample_name}#1#" $f >>
With "${sample_name}#1#"
we specify haplotype_id equals to 1 for all the assemblies, as they are all haploid.
The names of the scaffolds are now following the pattern:
We should remove all what comes after \t
from the fasta headers as this can led to errors in subsequent steps:
cat | sed -E '/^>/s/( +|\t).*//' >
We then should remove organelle scaffolds from our input file. Only three assemblies have Mt e Plt, and the corresponding scaffolds are:
We need to put these headers in a file that we will call Mt_and_Plt_headers.txt
We can now exclude these scaffolds from our previous multifasta input file:
awk '(NR==FNR) { toRemove[$1]; next }
/^>/ { p=1; for(h in toRemove) if ( h ~ $0) p=0 }
p' Mt_and_Plt_headers.txt >
We need to compress our input and to index it:
bgzip -@ 16
samtools faidx
We can now run partition-before-pggb
on our multifasta (note: if it is not possible to estimate the divergence, you should try different settings to individuate the right value to set for -p
partition-before-pggb -i -o output_pbp_p90 -n 93 -t 100 -Y '#' -p 90 -s 10k -V 'GCA_000001735:#:1000' -m -D ./temp
- -i input
- -o output directory
- -n number of haplotypes
- -p percent identity for mapping/alignment
- -s segment length for mapping [default: 5000]
- -V to produce vcf against ref
- -m generate MultiQC report of graphs' statistics and visualizations,automatically runs odgi stats
- -D temporary files directory
We can now run pggb on each community! :-)
To build the graph of each community we will use pggb -p 95
pggb -i output_pbp_p90/ \
-o output_pbp_p90/community.0.out \
-s 10000 -l 50000 -p 95 -n 93 -K 19 -F 0.001 -g 30 \
-k 23 -f 0 -B 10000000 \
-j 0 -e 0 -G 700,900,1100 -P 1,19,39,3,81,1 -O 0.001 -d 100 -Q Consensus_ \
-Y "#" -V GCA_000001735:#:1000 --multiqc --temp-dir ./temp --threads 100 --poa-threads 100
pggb -i output_pbp_p90/ \
-o output_pbp_p90/community.1.out \
-s 10000 -l 50000 -p 95 -n 93 -K 19 -F 0.001 -g 30 \
-k 23 -f 0 -B 10000000 \
-j 0 -e 0 -G 700,900,1100 -P 1,19,39,3,81,1 -O 0.001 -d 100 -Q Consensus_ \
-Y "#" -V GCA_000001735:#:1000 --multiqc --temp-dir ./temp --threads 100 --poa-threads 100
pggb -i output_pbp_p90/ \
-o output_pbp_p90/community.2.out \
-s 10000 -l 50000 -p 95 -n 93 -K 19 -F 0.001 -g 30 \
-k 23 -f 0 -B 10000000 \
-j 0 -e 0 -G 700,900,1100 -P 1,19,39,3,81,1 -O 0.001 -d 100 -Q Consensus_ \
-Y "#" -V GCA_000001735:#:1000 --multiqc --temp-dir ./temp --threads 100 --poa-threads 100
pggb -i output_pbp_p90/ \
-o output_pbp_p90/community.3.out \
-s 10000 -l 50000 -p 95 -n 93 -K 19 -F 0.001 -g 30 \
-k 23 -f 0 -B 10000000 \
-j 0 -e 0 -G 700,900,1100 -P 1,19,39,3,81,1 -O 0.001 -d 100 -Q Consensus_ \
-Y "#" -V GCA_000001735:#:1000 --multiqc --temp-dir ./temp --threads 100 --poa-threads 100
pggb -i output_pbp_p90/ \
-o output_pbp_p90/community.4.out \
-s 10000 -l 50000 -p 95 -n 93 -K 19 -F 0.001 -g 30 \
-k 23 -f 0 -B 10000000 \
-j 0 -e 0 -G 700,900,1100 -P 1,19,39,3,81,1 -O 0.001 -d 100 -Q Consensus_ \
-Y "#" -V GCA_000001735:#:1000 --multiqc --temp-dir ./temp --threads 100 --poa-threads 100
To use odgi untangle
for annotating the pangenome graph, we will switch to untangle_for_annotation
cd odgi
git checkout untangle_for_annotation && git pull && git submodule update --init --recursive
cmake -H. -Bbuild && cmake --build build -- -j 16
gunzip GCA_000001735.2_TAIR10.1_genomic.gff.gz
Now, we will inject only the genes, so we need to extract only gene rows from the gff of TAIR10 and split them based on chromosomes.
Let's have a look to the gff file:
head GCA_000001735.2_TAIR10.1_genomic.gff
##gff-version 3
#!gff-spec-version 1.21
#!processor NCBI annotwriter
#!genome-build TAIR10.1
#!genome-build-accession NCBI_Assembly:GCA_000001735.2
##sequence-region CP002684.1 1 30427671
CP002684.1 Genbank region 1 30427671 . + . ID=CP002684.1:1..30427671;Dbxref=taxon:3702;Name=1;chromosome=1;ecotype=Columbia;gbkey=Src;mol_type=genomic DNA
CP002684.1 Genbank gene 3631 5899 . + . ID=gene-AT1G01010;Dbxref=Araport:AT1G01010,TAIR:AT1G01010;Name=NAC001;gbkey=Gene;gene=NAC001;gene_biotype=protein_coding;gene_synonym=ANAC001,NAC domain containing protein 1,T25K16.1,T25K16_1;locus_tag=AT1G01010
CP002684.1 Genbank mRNA 3631 5899 . + . ID=rna-gnl|JCVI|mRNA.AT1G01010.1;Parent=gene-AT1G01010;Dbxref=Araport:AT1G01010,TAIR:AT1G01010;gbkey=mRNA;gene=NAC001;inference=similar to RNA sequence%2C mRNA:INSD:BT001115.1%2CINSD:AF439834.1%2CINSD:AK226863.1;locus_tag=AT1G01010;orig_protein_id=gnl|JCVI|AT1G01010.1;orig_transcript_id=gnl|JCVI|mRNA.AT1G01010.1;product=NAC domain containing protein 1
In order to inject the genes in the pangenome, we need to extract the information we need from the gff, and modify them according to the PanSN-spec naming:
awk -F "\t|ID=gene-|;Dbxref" '$1 ~/^CP002684.1$/ && $3 ~/^gene$/ {print ("GCA_000001735#1#"$1"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$10":"$4"-"$5)}' ../../../GCA_000001735.2_TAIR10.1_genomic.gff > chr1.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
head chr1.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed | column -t
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 3631 5899 AT1G01010:3631-5899
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 6788 9130 AT1G01020:6788-9130
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 11101 11372 AT1G03987:11101-11372
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 11649 13714 AT1G01030:11649-13714
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 23121 31227 AT1G01040:23121-31227
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 23312 24099 AT1G03993:23312-24099
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 28500 28706 AT1G01046:28500-28706
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 31170 33171 AT1G01050:31170-33171
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 32727 33009 AT1G03997:32727-33009
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 33365 37871 AT1G01060:33365-37871
Make sure that community 0 is chromosome 1 of TAIR10:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'GCA_000001735'
In order to inject the genes in the pangenome, we need to extract the information we need from the gff, and modify them according to the PanSN-spec naming:
awk -F "\t|ID=gene-|;Dbxref" '$1 ~/^CP002685.1$/ && $3 ~/^gene$/ {print ("GCA_000001735#1#"$1"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$10":"$4"-"$5)}' ../../../GCA_000001735.2_TAIR10.1_genomic.gff > chr2.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
head chr2.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed | column -t
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 1025 3173 AT2G01008:1025-3173
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 2805 3176 AT2G03855:2805-3176
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 3706 5513 AT2G01010:3706-5513
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 5782 5945 AT2G01020:5782-5945
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 6571 6672 AT2G01021:6571-6672
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 7090 7505 AT2G03865:7090-7505
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 7669 9399 AT2G03875:7669-9399
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 9648 9767 AT2G01023:9648-9767
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 9849 10177 AT2G00340:9849-10177
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 50288 51487 AT2G01035:50288-51487
Make sure that community 1 is chromosome 2 of TAIR10:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'GCA_000001735'
In order to inject the genes in the pangenome, we need to extract the information we need from the gff, and modify them according to the PanSN-spec naming:
awk -F "\t|ID=gene-|;Dbxref" '$1 ~/^CP002686.1$/ && $3 ~/^gene$/ {print ("GCA_000001735#1#"$1"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$10":"$4"-"$5)}' ../../../GCA_000001735.2_TAIR10.1_genomic.gff > chr3.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
head chr3.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed | column -t
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 1609 4159 AT3G01015:1609-4159
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 4342 4818 AT3G01010:4342-4818
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 5104 6149 AT3G01020:5104-6149
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 6657 7772 AT3G01030:6657-7772
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 8723 12697 AT3G01040:8723-12697
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 13046 15906 AT3G01050:13046-15906
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 15934 16320 AT3G00970:15934-16320
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 16631 18909 AT3G01060:16631-18909
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 19409 20806 AT3G01070:19409-20806
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 25355 27712 AT3G01080:25355-27712
Make sure that community 2 is chromosome 3 of TAIR10:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'GCA_000001735'
In order to inject the genes in the pangenome, we need to extract the information we need from the gff, and modify them according to the PanSN-spec naming:
awk -F "\t|ID=gene-|;Dbxref" '$1 ~/^CP002687.1$/ && $3 ~/^gene$/ {print ("GCA_000001735#1#"$1"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$10":"$4"-"$5)}' ../../../GCA_000001735.2_TAIR10.1_genomic.gff > chr4.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
head chr4.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed | column -t
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 1180 1536 AT4G00005:1180-1536
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 2895 10504 AT4G00020:2895-10504
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 10815 13359 AT4G00026:10815-13359
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 13527 14413 AT4G00030:13527-14413
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 14627 16079 AT4G00040:14627-16079
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 17639 20183 AT4G00050:17639-20183
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 21351 29064 AT4G00060:21351-29064
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 29072 31426 AT4G00070:29072-31426
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 32748 33756 AT4G00080:32748-33756
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 33800 33872 AT4G00085:33800-33872
Make sure that community 3 is chromosome 4 of TAIR10:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'GCA_000001735'
In order to inject the genes in the pangenome, we need to extract the information we need from the gff, and modify them according to the PanSN-spec naming:
awk -F "\t|ID=gene-|;Dbxref" '$1 ~/^CP002688.1$/ && $3 ~/^gene$/ {print ("GCA_000001735#1#"$1"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$10":"$4"-"$5)}' ../../../GCA_000001735.2_TAIR10.1_genomic.gff > chr5.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
head chr5.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed | column -t
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 2 303 AT5G00730:2-303
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 995 5156 AT5G01010:995-5156
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 5256 5907 AT5G01015:5256-5907
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 5339 5593 AT5G01017:5339-5593
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 5917 8467 AT5G01020:5917-8467
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 9780 13235 AT5G01030:9780-13235
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 13128 16236 AT5G01040:13128-16236
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 18086 20887 AT5G01050:18086-20887
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 22684 24934 AT5G01060:22684-24934
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 25012 25908 AT5G01070:25012-25908
Make sure that community 4 is chromosome 5 of TAIR10:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'GCA_000001735'
The original file from Mascagni et al., 2021 was modified as explained in scripts/bed_to_gff3.ipynb. The coordinates of pseudogenes annotated in the reverse strain were then converted in forward strain to allow compatibility with the downstream analysis. This is how the final annotations file looks like:
head pseudogenes.txt
Chromosome end start coverage Genewise_score position size size Strand Type Pater Species Stop_codon Frameshift
Chr1 6144 6269 0.09 56.39 UTR 129 plus FRAG AT1G01010.1 A.thaliana 0 0
Chr1 47087 47325 0.06 74.09 Intergenic 206 plus FRAG AT1G02730.1 A.thaliana 1 3
Chr1 89932 90153 0.02 24.75 Intergenic 51 plus FRAG AT5G41740.2 A.thaliana 1 3
Chr1 259011 259151 0.06 48.95 Intergenic 84 plus FRAG AT1G01690.1 A.thaliana 0 0
Chr1 266562 267495 0.99 68.96 UTR 979 plus DUP AT4G00525.1 A.thaliana 0 0
Chr1 426018 426176 0.06 17.28 Intergenic 36 plus FRAG AT3G04430.1 A.thaliana 1 1
Chr1 578305 578484 0.04 47.13 Intron_cds 102 plus FRAG AT1G05120.1 A.thaliana 0 0
Chr1 582401 582585 0.46 52.69 Intergenic 236 plus SE AT4G02160.1 A.thaliana 0 1
Chr1 582634 582971 0.57 117.33 Intergenic 247 plus SE AT5G61710.1 A.thaliana 0 1
awk '$1 == "Chr1"' ../../../../pseudogenes.txt | awk -v OFS='\t' '{print($1,$2,$3,$1":"$2"-"$3)}' | sed 's/Chr1/GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1/g' > Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr1.bed
head Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr1.bed
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 6144 6269 GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1:6144-6269
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 47087 47325 GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1:47087-47325
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 89932 90153 GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1:89932-90153
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 259011 259151 GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1:259011-259151
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 266562 267495 GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1:266562-267495
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 426018 426176 GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1:426018-426176
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 578305 578484 GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1:578305-578484
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 582401 582585 GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1:582401-582585
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 582634 582971 GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1:582634-582971
GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1 893047 893493 GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1:893047-893493
awk '$1 == "Chr2"' ../../../../pseudogenes.txt | awk -v OFS='\t' '{print($1,$2,$3,$1":"$2"-"$3)}' | sed 's/Chr2/GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1/g' > Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr2.bed
head Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr2.bed
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 2629 2769 GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1:2629-2769
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 2939 3079 GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1:2939-3079
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 126312 126472 GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1:126312-126472
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 167479 167678 GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1:167479-167678
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 184200 184421 GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1:184200-184421
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 214567 214668 GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1:214567-214668
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 249464 249634 GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1:249464-249634
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 287831 287959 GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1:287831-287959
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 338842 339105 GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1:338842-339105
GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1 343391 343537 GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1:343391-343537
awk '$1 == "Chr3"' ../../../../pseudogenes.txt | awk -v OFS='\t' '{print($1,$2,$3,$1":"$2"-"$3)}' | sed 's/Chr3/GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1/g' > Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr3.bed
head Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr3.bed
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 1009 1200 GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1:1009-1200
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 430020 430130 GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1:430020-430130
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 484416 484737 GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1:484416-484737
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 630152 630235 GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1:630152-630235
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 792374 792475 GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1:792374-792475
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 799113 799223 GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1:799113-799223
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 832148 832279 GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1:832148-832279
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 863502 863939 GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1:863502-863939
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 864622 864843 GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1:864622-864843
GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1 987088 990672 GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1:987088-990672
awk '$1 == "Chr4"' ../../../../pseudogenes.txt | awk -v OFS='\t' '{print($1,$2,$3,$1":"$2"-"$3)}' | sed 's/Chr4/GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1/g' > Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr4.bed
head Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr4.bed
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 11253 11351 GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1:11253-11351
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 62136 62339 GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1:62136-62339
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 70243 70416 GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1:70243-70416
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 99056 99229 GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1:99056-99229
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 99355 99464 GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1:99355-99464
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 102138 102411 GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1:102138-102411
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 102614 103287 GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1:102614-103287
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 103362 103703 GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1:103362-103703
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 105289 105375 GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1:105289-105375
GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1 121936 122058 GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1:121936-122058
awk '$1 == "Chr5"' ../../../../pseudogenes.txt | awk -v OFS='\t' '{print($1,$2,$3,$1":"$2"-"$3)}' | sed 's/Chr5/GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1/g' > Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr5.bed
head Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr5.bed
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 17952 18035 GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1:17952-18035
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 18038 18085 GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1:18038-18085
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 453356 453511 GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1:453356-453511
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 453793 454342 GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1:453793-454342
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 498633 498719 GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1:498633-498719
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 595390 595590 GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1:595390-595590
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 597848 597991 GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1:597848-597991
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 660001 660384 GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1:660001-660384
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 672914 673057 GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1:672914-673057
GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1 679891 680126 GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1:679891-680126
odgi inject -i -b chr1.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed -o -t 100 -P
Extract gene names from injected pangenome:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'AT1G' > chr1.genenames.txt
# security check
wc -l chr1.genenames.txt
8771 chr1.genenames.txt
wc -l chr1.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
8771 chr1.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
odgi inject -i -b chr2.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed -o -t 50 -P
Extract gene names from injected pangenome:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'AT2G' > chr2.genenames.txt
# security check
wc -l chr2.genenames.txt
5265 chr2.genenames.txt
wc -l chr2.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
5265 chr2.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
odgi inject -i -b chr3.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed -o -t 50 -P
Extract gene names from injected pangenome:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'AT3G' > chr3.genenames.txt
# security check
wc -l chr3.genenames.txt
6544 chr3.genenames.txt
wc -l chr3.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
6544 chr3.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
odgi inject -i -b chr4.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed -o -t 50 -P
Extract gene names from injected pangenome:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'AT4G' > chr4.genenames.txt
# security check
wc -l chr4.genenames.txt
5007 chr4.genenames.txt
wc -l chr4.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
5007 chr4.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
odgi inject -i -b chr5.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed -o -t 50 -P
Extract gene names from injected pangenome:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'AT5G' > chr5.genenames.txt
# security check
wc -l chr5.genenames.txt
7469 chr5.genenames.txt
wc -l chr5.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
7469 chr5.genes.adj.TAIR10.bed
odgi inject -i ../ -b Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr1.bed -o -t 50 -P
Extract gene names from injected pangenome:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1:' > chr1.pseudogenenames.txt
# security check
wc -l chr1.pseudogenenames.txt
1083 chr1.pseudogenenames.txt
wc -l Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr1.bed
1083 Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr1.bed
odgi inject -i ../ -b Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr2.bed -o -t 50 -P
Extract gene names from injected pangenome:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1:' > chr2.pseudogenenames.txt
# security check
wc -l chr2.pseudogenenames.txt
904 chr2.pseudogenenames.txt
wc -l Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr2.bed
904 Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr2.bed
odgi inject -i ../ -b Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr3.bed -o -t 50 -P
Extract gene names from injected pangenome:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1:' > chr3.pseudogenenames.txt
# security check
wc -l chr3.pseudogenenames.txt
965 chr3.pseudogenenames.txt
wc -l Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr3.bed
965 Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr3.bed
odgi inject -i ../ -b Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr4.bed -o -t 50 -P
Extract gene names from injected pangenome:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1:' > chr4.pseudogenenames.txt
# security check
wc -l chr4.pseudogenenames.txt
804 chr4.pseudogenenames.txt
wc -l Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr4.bed
804 Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr4.bed
odgi inject -i ../ -b Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr5.bed -o -t 50 -P
Extract gene names from injected pangenome:
odgi paths -i -L | grep 'GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1:' > chr5.pseudogenenames.txt
# security check
wc -l chr5.pseudogenenames.txt
919 chr5.pseudogenenames.txt
wc -l Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr5.bed
919 Pseudogenes_TAIR10_chr5.bed
odgi stepindex -i -a 0 -o -t 100 -P
odgi untangle -i -a -R chr1.genenames.txt -j 0 -t 100 -P -p >
odgi stepindex -i -a 0 -o -t 50 -P
odgi untangle -i -a -R chr2.genenames.txt -j 0 -t 50 -P -p >
odgi stepindex -i -a 0 -o -t 50 -P
odgi untangle -i -a -R chr3.genenames.txt -j 0 -t 50 -P -p >
odgi stepindex -i -a 0 -o -t 50 -P
odgi untangle -i -a -R chr4.genenames.txt -j 0 -t 50 -P -p >
odgi stepindex -i -a 0 -o -t 50 -P
odgi untangle -i -a -R chr5.genenames.txt -j 0 -t 50 -P -p >
odgi stepindex -i -a 0 -o -t 100 -P
odgi untangle -i -a -R chr1.pseudogenenames.txt -j 0 -t 100 -P -p >
odgi stepindex -i -a 0 -o -t 100 -P
odgi untangle -i -a -R chr2.pseudogenenames.txt -j 0 -t 100 -P -p >
odgi stepindex -i -a 0 -o -t 100 -P
odgi untangle -i -a -R chr3.pseudogenenames.txt -j 0 -t 100 -P -p >
odgi stepindex -i -a 0 -o -t 100 -P
odgi untangle -i -a -R chr4.pseudogenenames.txt -j 0 -t 100 -P -p >
odgi stepindex -i -a 0 -o -t 100 -P
odgi untangle -i -a -R chr5.pseudogenenames.txt -j 0 -t 100 -P -p >
# genes
~/software/scripts/ -i ../ -c ~/software/scripts/ -m ~/software/scripts/ -d 100 -j 20
# pseudogenes
# pseudogenes paf needs one more step before of the processing, due to the way we named pseudogenes. We have to exclude the alignments of pseudogenes against eachother. This is done automatically for genes, because their pattern doesn't match with the reference name
grep -v '^GCA_000001735#1#CP002684.1:' >
~/software/scripts/ -i ../ -c ~/software/scripts/ -m ~/software/scripts/ -d 100 -j 20
# genes
~/software/scripts/ -i ../ -c ~/software/scripts/ -m ~/software/scripts/ -d 100 -j 20
# pseudogenes
# pseudogenes paf needs one more step before of the processing, due to the way we named pseudogenes. We have to exclude the alignments of pseudogenes against eachother. This is done automatically for genes, because their pattern doesn't match with the reference name
grep -v '^GCA_000001735#1#CP002685.1:' >
~/software/scripts/ -i ../ -c ~/software/scripts/ -m ~/software/scripts/ -d 100 -j 20
# genes
~/software/scripts/ -i ../ -c ~/software/scripts/ -m ~/software/scripts/ -d 100 -j 20
# pseudogenes
# pseudogenes paf needs one more step before of the processing, due to the way we named pseudogenes. We have to exclude the alignments of pseudogenes against eachother. This is done automatically for genes, because their pattern doesn't match with the reference name
grep -v '^GCA_000001735#1#CP002686.1:' >
~/software/scripts/ -i ../ -c ~/software/scripts/ -m ~/software/scripts/ -d 100 -j 20
# genes
~/software/scripts/ -i ../ -c ~/software/scripts/ -m ~/software/scripts/ -d 100 -j 20
# pseudogenes
# pseudogenes paf needs one more step before of the processing, due to the way we named pseudogenes. We have to exclude the alignments of pseudogenes against eachother. This is done automatically for genes, because their pattern doesn't match with the reference name
grep -v '^GCA_000001735#1#CP002687.1:' >
~/software/scripts/ -i ../ -c ~/software/scripts/ -m ~/software/scripts/ -d 100 -j 20
# genes
~/software/scripts/ -i ../ -c ~/software/scripts/ -m ~/software/scripts/ -d 100 -j 20
# pseudogenes
# pseudogenes paf needs one more step before of the processing, due to the way we named pseudogenes. We have to exclude the alignments of pseudogenes against eachother. This is done automatically for genes, because their pattern doesn't match with the reference name
grep -v '^GCA_000001735#1#CP002688.1:' >
~/software/scripts/ -i ../ -c ~/software/scripts/ -m ~/software/scripts/ -d 100 -j 20
mkdir screening_cov95_id95
cd screening_cov95_id95
~/software/scripts/ -i ../collapse_and_merge/collapsed_and_merged.paf -id 95 -jc 0.95 -cov 95 -na 93 -sl 75 -gff /GCA_000001735.2_TAIR10.1_genomic.gff -ft gene
To verify correctness of matrix:
Maximum value: 49.0 found for Feature: AT1G40104 and Assembly: GCA_949796415
grep 'AT1G40104' filter_passed_features.csv | grep 'GCA_949796415' | wc -l
mkdir screening_cov95_id95
cd screening_cov95_id95
~/software/scripts/ -i ../collapse_and_merge/collapsed_and_merged.paf -id 95 -jc 0.95 -cov 95 -na 93 -sl 75 -gff /GCA_000001735.2_TAIR10.1_genomic.gff -ft gene
To verify correctness of matrix:
Maximum value: 129.0 found for Feature: AT2G01020 and Assembly: GCA_946412065
grep 'AT2G01020' filter_passed_features.csv | grep 'GCA_946412065' | wc -l
mkdir screening_cov95_id95
cd screening_cov95_id95
~/software/scripts/ -i ../collapse_and_merge/collapsed_and_merged.paf -id 95 -jc 0.95 -cov 95 -na 93 -sl 75 -gff /GCA_000001735.2_TAIR10.1_genomic.gff -ft gene
To verify correctness of matrix:
Maximum value: 42.0 found for Feature: AT3G41761 and Assembly: GCA_933208065
grep 'AT3G41761' filter_passed_features.csv | grep 'GCA_933208065' | wc -l
mkdir screening_cov95_id95
cd screening_cov95_id95
~/software/scripts/ -i ../collapse_and_merge/collapsed_and_merged.paf -id 95 -jc 0.95 -cov 95 -na 93 -sl 75 -gff /GCA_000001735.2_TAIR10.1_genomic.gff -ft gene
To verify correctness of matrix:
Maximum value: 6.0 found for Feature: AT4G20680 and Assembly: GCA_949796755
grep 'AT4G20680' filter_passed_features.csv | grep 'GCA_949796755' | wc -l
mkdir screening_cov95_id95
cd screening_cov95_id95
~/software/scripts/ -i ../collapse_and_merge/collapsed_and_merged.paf -id 95 -jc 0.95 -cov 95 -na 93 -sl 75 -gff /GCA_000001735.2_TAIR10.1_genomic.gff -ft gene
To verify correctness of matrix:
Maximum value: 8.0 found for Feature: AT5G05050 and Assembly: GCA_949796525
grep 'AT5G05050' filter_passed_features.csv | grep 'GCA_949796525' | wc -l
mkdir screening_cov95_id95
cd screening_cov95_id95
~/software/scripts/ -i ../collapse_and_merge/collapsed_and_merged.paf -id 95 -jc 0.95 -cov 95 -na 93 -sl 75 -gff pseudogenes.gff -ft pseudogene -chr 'CP002684.1' -ref 'GCA_000001735'
mkdir screening_cov95_id95
cd screening_cov95_id95
~/software/scripts/ -i ../collapse_and_merge/collapsed_and_merged.paf -id 95 -jc 0.95 -cov 95 -na 93 -sl 75 -gff pseudogenes.gff -ft pseudogene -chr 'CP002685.1' -ref 'GCA_000001735'
mkdir screening_cov95_id95
cd screening_cov95_id95
~/software/scripts/ -i ../collapse_and_merge/collapsed_and_merged.paf -id 95 -jc 0.95 -cov 95 -na 93 -sl 75 -gff pseudogenes.gff -ft pseudogene -chr 'CP002686.1' -ref 'GCA_000001735'
mkdir screening_cov95_id95
cd screening_cov95_id95
~/software/scripts/ -i ../collapse_and_merge/collapsed_and_merged.paf -id 95 -jc 0.95 -cov 95 -na 93 -sl 75 -gff pseudogenes.gff -ft pseudogene -chr 'CP002687.1' -ref 'GCA_000001735'
mkdir screening_cov95_id95
cd screening_cov95_id95
~/software/scripts/ -i ../collapse_and_merge/collapsed_and_merged.paf -id 95 -jc 0.95 -cov 95 -na 93 -sl 75 -gff pseudogenes.gff -ft pseudogene -chr 'CP002688.1' -ref 'GCA_000001735'
- find the reference paths using odgi paths + grep 'reference_name' and place it in
- extract non reference sequences using odgi paths with the flag
mkdir extract_non_reference_paths
cd extract_non_reference_paths/
odgi paths -i ../ -L | grep 'GCA_000001735' > reference.txt
odgi paths -i ../ --non-reference-ranges reference.txt > non_reference.bed
script is in the scripts directory.
It takes the output from the previous command and separates sequences shorther than threshold from sequences longer than threshold. It also prints the distribution of the paths length to stdout and to the log file.
~/software/scripts/ -i non_reference.bed -o non_reference_filtered.bed -thr 500
size_category count
1 16361432
2-50 3136982
51-99 168284
100-499 93759
500-999 22737
1000-4999 25706
5000-9999 5370
10000-19999 1905
20000-99999 1253
100000-499999 280
500000-999999 7
from_1Mbp 0
Bedtools needs a genome file for slop. We should use the fasta.fai of the multifasta used for building the pangenome with pggb. I will extend regions smaller than 500 bp of 500bp in both ends.
- filtered_out.bed is the bed file containing all the regions smaller than 500 bp
- non_reference_filtered.bed is the bed file containing all the regions larger than 500 bp
I will enlarge only the sequences contained in filtered_out.bed
bedtools slop -i filtered_out.bed -g ../../ -b 500 > expanded_regions.bed
head expanded_regions.bed
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 0 789
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 0 882
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 0 887
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 0 912
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 0 1013
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 36 1037
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 104 1105
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 752 1753
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 933 1934
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 997 1998
head filtered_out.bed
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 0 289
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 381 382
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 385 387
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 411 412
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 413 513
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 536 537
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 604 605
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 1252 1253
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 1433 1434
GCA_001651475#1#CM004359.1 1497 1498
Right, now the smaller regions have been expanded. Now I will join the expanded regions (expanded_regions.bed) with the regions that were already longer than 500 bp (non_reference_filtered.bed):
cat expanded_regions.bed non_reference_filtered.bed | bedtools sort -i - > slop_final.bed
Now we can apply bedtools merge to exclude overlappings and join close sequences:
bedtools merge -i slop_final.bed -d 100 > non_reference_chr1_for_annotation.bed
- -d 100 means that if there are gaps of 100bp between two sequences they are merged.
Now, with this bed file we should be able to extract the fasta that we want to annotate.
bedtools getfasta -fi ../../ -bed non_reference_chr1_for_annotation.bed -fo non_reference_chr1_for_annotation.fasta -name
head non_reference_chr1_for_annotation.fasta
This is the fasta for annotation.
remove :: from the fasta headers (they have been automatically added):
sed -i 's/^>::/>/' non_reference_chr1_for_annotation.fasta
- find the reference paths using odgi paths + grep 'reference_name' and place it in
- extract non reference sequences using odgi paths with the flag
mkdir extract_non_reference_paths
cd extract_non_reference_paths/
odgi paths -i ../ -L | grep 'GCA_000001735' > reference.txt
odgi paths -i ../ --non-reference-ranges reference.txt > non_reference.bed
script is in the scripts folder.
It takes the output from the previous command and separates sequences shorther than a given threshold from longer sequences. It also prints the distribution of the paths length to stdout and to the log file.
~/software/scripts/ -i non_reference.bed -o non_reference_filtered.bed -thr 500
size_category count
1 11130257
2-50 2121266
51-99 119889
100-499 58584
500-999 15457
1000-4999 19663
5000-9999 4421
10000-19999 1694
20000-99999 1209
100000-499999 256
500000-999999 11
from_1Mbp 0
Bedtools needs a genome file for slop. We can use the fasta.fai of the multifasta used for building the pangenome with pggb. I will extend regions smaller than 500 bp of 500bp in both ends.
- filtered_out.bed is the bed file containing all the regions smaller than 500 bp
- non_reference_filtered.bed is the bed file containing all the regions larger than 500 bp
I will enlarge only the sequences contained in filtered_out.bed
bedtools slop -i filtered_out.bed -g ../../ -b 500 > expanded_regions.bed
head expanded_regions.bed
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 0 614
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 0 703
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 0 780
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 0 796
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 0 966
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 284 1285
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 516 1517
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 564 1565
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 674 1675
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 972 1973
head filtered_out.bed
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 113 114
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 202 203
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 279 280
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 295 296
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 465 466
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 784 785
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 1016 1017
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 1064 1065
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 1174 1175
GCA_001651475#1#CM004360.1 1472 1473
Right, now the smaller regions have been expanded. Now I will join the expanded regions (expanded_regions.bed) with the regions that were already above 500 bp (non_reference_filtered.bed):
cat expanded_regions.bed non_reference_filtered.bed | bedtools sort -i - > slop_final.bed
Now we can apply bedtools merge to exclude overlappings and join close sequences:
bedtools merge -i slop_final.bed -d 100 > non_reference_chr2_for_annotation.bed
- -d 100 means that if there are gaps of 100bp between two sequences they are merged.
Now, with this bed file we should be able to extract the fasta that we want to annotate.
bedtools getfasta -fi ../../ -bed non_reference_chr2_for_annotation.bed -fo non_reference_chr2_for_annotation.fasta -name
remove :: from the fasta headers (they have been automatically added):
sed -i 's/^>::/>/' non_reference_chr2_for_annotation.fasta
- find the reference paths using odgi paths + grep 'reference_name' and place it in
- extract non reference sequences using odgi paths with the flag
mkdir extract_non_reference_paths
cd extract_non_reference_paths/
odgi paths -i ../ -L | grep 'GCA_000001735' > reference.txt
odgi paths -i ../ --non-reference-ranges reference.txt > non_reference.bed
script is in the scripts folder.
It takes the output from the previous command and separates sequences shorther than a given threshold from longer sequences. It also prints the distribution of the paths length to stdout and to the log file.
~/software/scripts/ -i non_reference.bed -o non_reference_filtered.bed -thr 500
size_category count
1 12646306
2-50 2437703
51-99 107639
100-499 59027
500-999 17275
1000-4999 23841
5000-9999 5898
10000-19999 2585
20000-99999 1596
100000-499999 324
500000-999999 12
from_1Mbp 1
Bedtools needs a genome file for slop. We can use the fasta.fai of the multifasta used for building the pangenome with pggb.
I will extend regions smaller than 500 bp of 500bp in both ends.
- filtered_out.bed is the bed file containing all the regions smaller than 500 bp
- non_reference_filtered.bed is the bed file containing all the regions larger than 500 bp
I will enlarge only the sequences contained in filtered_out.bed
bedtools slop -i filtered_out.bed -g ../../ -b 500 > expanded_regions.bed
head expanded_regions.bed
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 0 594
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 0 677
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 0 734
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 0 742
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 0 800
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 0 808
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 0 816
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 0 823
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 0 837
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 0 841
head filtered_out.bed
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 92 94
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 168 177
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 233 234
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 241 242
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 292 300
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 306 308
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 315 316
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 322 323
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 336 337
GCA_001651475#1#CM004361.1 340 341
Right, now the smaller regions have been expanded. Now I will join the expanded regions (expanded_regions.bed) with the regions that were already above 500 bp (non_reference_filtered.bed):
cat expanded_regions.bed non_reference_filtered.bed | bedtools sort -i - > slop_final.bed
Now we can apply bedtools merge to exclude overlappings and join close sequences:
bedtools merge -i slop_final.bed -d 100 > non_reference_chr3_for_annotation.bed
- -d 100 means that if there are gaps of 100bp between two sequences they are merged.
Now, with this bed file we should be able to extract the fasta that we want to annotate.
bedtools getfasta -fi ../../ -bed non_reference_chr3_for_annotation.bed -fo non_reference_chr3_for_annotation.fasta -name
remove :: from the fasta headers (they have been automatically added):
sed -i 's/^>::/>/' non_reference_chr3_for_annotation.fasta
- find the reference paths using odgi paths + grep 'reference_name' and place it in
- extract non reference sequences using odgi paths with the flag
mkdir extract_non_reference_paths
cd extract_non_reference_paths/
odgi paths -i ../ -L | grep 'GCA_000001735' > reference.txt
odgi paths -i ../ --non-reference-ranges reference.txt > non_reference.bed
script is in the scripts folder.
It takes the output from the previous command and separates sequences shorther than a given threshold from longer sequences. It also prints the distribution of the paths length to stdout and to the log file.
~/software/scripts/ -i non_reference.bed -o non_reference_filtered.bed -thr 500
size_category count
1 11148357
2-50 2200442
51-99 112329
100-499 70063
500-999 15581
1000-4999 19389
5000-9999 4439
10000-19999 1948
20000-99999 1331
100000-499999 392
500000-999999 25
from_1Mbp 2
Bedtools needs a genome file for slop. We can use the fasta.fai of the multifasta used for building the pangenome with pggb. I will extend regions smaller than 500 bp of 500bp in both ends.
- filtered_out.bed is the bed file containing all the regions smaller than 500 bp
- non_reference_filtered.bed is the bed file containing all the regions larger than 500 bp
I will enlarge only the sequences contained in filtered_out.bed
bedtools slop -i filtered_out.bed -g ../../ -b 500 > expanded_regions.bed
head expanded_regions.bed
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 4567 5570
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 4571 5574
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 4575 5584
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 4586 5612
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 4614 5616
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 4617 5619
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 4620 5623
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 4624 5628
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 4630 5662
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 4673 5674
head filtered_out.bed
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 5067 5070
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 5071 5074
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 5075 5084
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 5086 5112
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 5114 5116
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 5117 5119
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 5120 5123
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 5124 5128
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 5130 5162
GCA_001651475#1#CM004362.1 5173 5174
Right, now the smaller regions have been expanded. Now I will join the expanded regions (expanded_regions.bed) with the regions that were already above 500 bp (non_reference_filtered.bed):
cat expanded_regions.bed non_reference_filtered.bed | bedtools sort -i - > slop_final.bed
Now we can apply bedtools merge to exclude overlappings and join close sequences:
bedtools merge -i slop_final.bed -d 100 > non_reference_chr4_for_annotation.bed
- -d 100 means that if there are gaps of 100bp between two sequences they are merged.
Now, with this bed file we should be able to extract the fasta that we want to annotate.
bedtools getfasta -fi ../../ -bed non_reference_chr4_for_annotation.bed -fo non_reference_chr4_for_annotation.fasta -name
remove :: from the fasta headers (they have been automatically added):
sed -i 's/^>::/>/' non_reference_chr4_for_annotation.fasta
- find the reference paths using odgi paths + grep 'reference_name' and place it in
- extract non reference sequences using odgi paths with the flag
mkdir extract_non_reference_paths
cd extract_non_reference_paths/
odgi paths -i ../ -L | grep 'GCA_000001735' > reference.txt
odgi paths -i ../ --non-reference-ranges reference.txt > non_reference.bed
script is in the scripts folder.
It takes the output from the previous command and separates sequences shorther than a given threshold from longer sequences. It also prints the distribution of the paths length to stdout and to the log file.
~/software/scripts/ -i non_reference.bed -o non_reference_filtered.bed -thr 500
size_category count
1 15088021
2-50 2535317
51-99 98407
100-499 158317
500-999 21568
1000-4999 23741
5000-9999 6136
10000-19999 2140
20000-99999 1024
100000-499999 180
500000-999999 10
from_1Mbp 1
Bedtools needs a genome file for slop. We can use the fasta.fai of the multifasta used for building the pangenome with pggb. I will extend regions smaller than 500 bp of 500bp in both ends.
- filtered_out.bed is the bed file containing all the regions smaller than 500 bp
- non_reference_filtered.bed is the bed file containing all the regions larger than 500 bp
I will enlarge only the sequences contained in filtered_out.bed
bedtools slop -i filtered_out.bed -g ../../ -b 500 > expanded_regions.bed
head expanded_regions.bed
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 0 501
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 0 503
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 0 508
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 0 510
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 0 515
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 0 517
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 0 522
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 0 524
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 0 529
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 0 531
head filtered_out.bed
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 0 1
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 2 3
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 6 8
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 9 10
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 14 15
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 16 17
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 21 22
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 23 24
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 28 29
GCA_001651475#1#CM004363.1 30 31
Right, now the smaller regions have been expanded. Now I will join the expanded regions (expanded_regions.bed) with the regions that were already above 500 bp (non_reference_filtered.bed):
cat expanded_regions.bed non_reference_filtered.bed | bedtools sort -i - > slop_final.bed
Now we can apply bedtools merge to exclude overlappings and join close sequences:
bedtools merge -i slop_final.bed -d 100 > non_reference_chr5_for_annotation.bed
- -d 100 means that if there are gaps of 100bp between two sequences they are merged.
Now, with this bed file we should be able to extract the fasta that we want to annotate.
bedtools getfasta -fi ../../ -bed non_reference_chr5_for_annotation.bed -fo non_reference_chr5_for_annotation.fasta -name
remove :: from the fasta headers (they have been automatically added):
sed -i 's/^>::/>/' non_reference_chr5_for_annotation.fasta
#get taxonomy files
# format db
diamond makedb --in uniref100.fasta --taxonmap prot.accession2taxid.FULL.gz --taxonnodes nodes.dmp --taxonnames names.dmp -d uniref100 --threads 20
We need to download the conversion table between UniProt names and Araport from TAIR10 website: will need this table to use the
For the same script, we also need to extract informations from the uniref100 headers:
grep '>' uniref100.fasta > headers_uniref100
sed -i 's/^>//' headers_uniref100
awk '{split($0, a, " "); printf "%s\t", a[1]; for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) printf "%s%s", $i, (i==NF ? "" : "_"); print ""}' headers_uniref100 > info_headers.txt
rm headers_uniref100
diamond blastx -d uniref100 -q non_reference_chr1_for_annotation.fasta -o diamond_chr1_top0_results.tsv --range-culling --top 0 -F 15 -f 6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qlen staxids sscinames sskingdoms skingdoms sphylums -t ./ -p 50 --log
We want to refine the annotations found by diamond blastx, and not repeat the whole analysis with exonerate. To do so, we should prepare some input files and run exonerate using the '' script.
In order to speed up the analysis, we are going to split the diamond results in chunks, and with the help of seqtk we will create the protein and sequence fasta files, in order to parallelise exonerate (which doesn't allow multithreading).
For each chunk we need to create:
- a file containing the whole sequences where diamond found proteins
- a file containing the proteins that matched with our sequences from the database.
To automate this step I created the
It splits diamond results in chunks and for each chunks seqtk extracts the fasta of the proteins and the fasta of the sequences.
Here's how we can use it:
~/software/scripts/ -i ../diamond_chr1_top0_results.tsv -l 100000 -s ../non_reference_chr1_for_annotation.fasta -p uniref100.fasta
Then, we can run exonerate in parallel on the different chunks with the following command for each chunk (change suffix for each chunk):
perl ~/software/scripts/ --protein_fasta diamond_chunk_aa_proteins.fasta --genome_fasta diamond_chunk_aa_seqs.fasta --diamond_results diamond_chunk_aa --suffix aa
# join all the results together
cat exonerate_results_aa.gff exonerate_results_ab.gff exonerate_results_ac.gff exonerate_results_ad.gff exonerate_results_ae.gff exonerate_results_af.gff exonerate_results_ag.gff exonerate_results_ah.gff exonerate_results_ai.gff exonerate_results_aj.gff exonerate_results_ak.gff > chr1_exonerate_results.gff
# remove chunks to save space
rm exonerate_results_*
To parse the results of exonerate we are going to use
# extract C4 alignments
awk '/C4 Alignment:/,/vulgar/{if (!/vulgar/) print}' chr1_exonerate_results.gff > chr1_C4_alignments.txt
# Parse the results
~/software/scripts/ -e chr1_exonerate_results.gff -c chr1_C4_alignments.txt -t TAIR2UniprotMapping.txt -i info_headers.txt
diamond blastx -d uniref100 -q non_reference_chr2_for_annotation.fasta -o diamond_chr2_top0_results.tsv --range-culling --top 0 -F 15 -f 6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qlen staxids sscinames sskingdoms skingdoms sphylums -t ./ -p 50 --log
~/software/scripts/ -i ../diamond_chr2_top0_results.tsv -l 100000 -s ../non_reference_chr2_for_annotation.fasta -p uniref100.fasta
Then, we can run exonerate in parallel on the different chunks with the following command for each chunk (changing suffix for each chunk):
perl ~/software/scripts/ --protein_fasta diamond_chunk_aa_proteins.fasta --genome_fasta diamond_chunk_aa_seqs.fasta --diamond_results diamond_chunk_aa --suffix aa
cat exonerate_results_aa.gff exonerate_results_ab.gff exonerate_results_ac.gff exonerate_results_ad.gff exonerate_results_af.gff exonerate_results_ag.gff exonerate_results_ah.gff > chr2_exonerate_results.gff
rm exonerate_results_*
awk '/C4 Alignment:/,/vulgar/{if (!/vulgar/) print}' chr2_exonerate_results.gff > chr2_C4_alignments.txt
~/software/scripts/ -e chr2_exonerate_results.gff -c chr2_C4_alignments.txt -t ~/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/TAIR2UniprotMapping.txt -i info_headers.txt
diamond blastx -d uniref100 -q non_reference_chr3_for_annotation.fasta -o diamond_chr3_top0_results.tsv --range-culling --top 0 -F 15 -f 6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qlen staxids sscinames sskingdoms skingdoms sphylums -t ./ -p 50 --log
~/software/scripts/ -i ../diamond_chr3_top0_results.tsv -l 100000 -s ../non_reference_chr3_for_annotation.fasta -p uniref100.fasta
Then, we can run exonerate in parallel on the different chunks with the following command for each chunk (change suffix for each chunk):
perl ~/software/scripts/ --protein_fasta diamond_chunk_aa_proteins.fasta --genome_fasta diamond_chunk_aa_seqs.fasta --diamond_results diamond_chunk_aa --suffix aa
cat exonerate_results_aa.gff exonerate_results_ab.gff exonerate_results_ac.gff exonerate_results_ad.gff exonerate_results_ae.gff exonerate_results_af.gff exonerate_results_ag.gff exonerate_results_ah.gff exonerate_results_ai.gff > chr3_exonerate_results.gff
rm exonerate_results_*
awk '/C4 Alignment:/,/vulgar/{if (!/vulgar/) print}' chr3_exonerate_results.gff > chr3_C4_alignments.txt
~/software/scripts/ -e chr3_exonerate_results.gff -c chr3_C4_alignments.txt -t TAIR2UniprotMapping.txt -i info_headers.txt
diamond blastx -d uniref100 -q non_reference_chr4_for_annotation.fasta -o diamond_chr4_top0_results.tsv --range-culling --top 0 -F 15 -f 6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qlen staxids sscinames sskingdoms skingdoms sphylums -t ./ -p 50 --log
~/software/scripts/ -i ../diamond_chr4_top0_results.tsv -l 100000 -s ../non_reference_chr4_for_annotation.fasta -p uniref100.fasta
Then, we can run exonerate in parallel on the different chunks with the following command for each chunk (changing suffix for each chunk):
perl ~/software/scripts/ --protein_fasta diamond_chunk_aa_proteins.fasta --genome_fasta diamond_chunk_aa_seqs.fasta --diamond_results diamond_chunk_aa --suffix aa
cat exonerate_results_aa.gff exonerate_results_ab.gff exonerate_results_ac.gff exonerate_results_ad.gff exonerate_results_ae.gff exonerate_results_af.gff exonerate_results_ag.gff > chr4_exonerate_results.gff
rm exonerate_results_*
awk '/C4 Alignment:/,/vulgar/{if (!/vulgar/) print}' chr4_exonerate_results.gff > chr4_C4_alignments.txt
~/software/scripts/ -e chr4_exonerate_results.gff -c chr4_C4_alignments.txt -t TAIR2UniprotMapping.txt -i info_headers.txt
diamond blastx -d uniref100 -q non_reference_chr5_for_annotation.fasta -o diamond_chr5_top0_results.tsv --range-culling --top 0 -F 15 -f 6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qlen staxids sscinames sskingdoms skingdoms sphylums -t ./ -p 50 --log
~/software/scripts/ -i ../diamond_chr5_top0_results.tsv -l 100000 -s ../non_reference_chr5_for_annotation.fasta -p uniref100.fasta
Then, we can run exonerate in parallel on the different chunks with the following command for each chunk (changing suffix for each chunk):
perl ~/software/scripts/ --protein_fasta diamond_chunk_aa_proteins.fasta --genome_fasta diamond_chunk_aa_seqs.fasta --diamond_results diamond_chunk_aa --suffix aa
cat exonerate_results_aa.gff exonerate_results_ab.gff exonerate_results_ac.gff exonerate_results_ad.gff exonerate_results_ae.gff exonerate_results_af.gff exonerate_results_ag.gff exonerate_results_ah.gff exonerate_results_ai.gff exonerate_results_aj.gff > chr5_exonerate_results.gff
rm exonerate_results_*
awk '/C4 Alignment:/,/vulgar/{if (!/vulgar/) print}' chr5_exonerate_results.gff > chr5_C4_alignments.txt
~/software/scripts/ -e chr5_exonerate_results.gff -c chr5_C4_alignments.txt -t TAIR2UniprotMapping.txt -i info_headers.txt
These are the files of the results that we get from
--> these are the UniRef100 annotations that have surely a correspondent TAIR10 annotation. From these, we will need to exclude UniRef genes/pseudogenes which have not a unique correspondent TAIR locus. This is needed as itg may lead to uncorrect calculations of statistics and downstream analysis.new_results_not_tair.tsv
--> These are the "new genes" that we found with the analysis, meaning that they don't have a correspondent in TAIR10 annotations. To have very robust results, we need to filter them to keep only the results corresponding to reviewed proteins (i.e. those coming from UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot), as UniRef also contains proteins which were not reviewed.
Since the gene names were grouped by UniProt ID, and the corresponding TAIR names were concatenated in a single field separated by a ,
when more than one, we can simply remove those lines which contain a comma in the field containing TAIR names:
# chr1
awk -F'\t' '$26 !~ /,/' corresponding_to_tair.tsv > reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv
# chr2
awk -F'\t' '$26 !~ /,/' corresponding_to_tair.tsv > reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv
# chr3
awk -F'\t' '$26 !~ /,/' corresponding_to_tair.tsv > reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv
# chr4
awk -F'\t' '$26 !~ /,/' corresponding_to_tair.tsv > reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv
# chr5
awk -F'\t' '$26 !~ /,/' corresponding_to_tair.tsv > reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv
We need to review new_results_not_tair.tsv
by looking in uniprot if they have been confirmed or not.
We will proceed in this way:
- extraction of the unique UniRef IDs from
(for genes and pseudogenes, unclassified will be excluded) - go to UniProt ID mapping
- select from UniRef100 to UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot --> this will give us automatically only reviewed results
- upload IDs list, submit the job
- costumise results (TSV format) to get also Gene Ontology info (we will need this later)
- Be sure to include info about proteins review (it's under miscellaneous options)
- include also taxonomic lineage
grep 'gene' new_results_not_tair.tsv | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq > IDs_chr1.txt
The script
will drop all the results coming from proteins that were not reviewed.
~/software/scripts/ -i chr1_reviewed_proteins.tsv -a new_results_not_tair.tsv -o reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv
grep 'gene' new_results_not_tair.tsv | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq > IDs_chr2.txt
~/software/scripts/ -i chr2_reviewed_proteins.tsv -a new_results_not_tair.tsv -o reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv
grep 'gene' new_results_not_tair.tsv | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq > IDs_chr3.txt
~/software/scripts/ -i chr3_reviewed_proteins.tsv -a new_results_not_tair.tsv -o reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv
grep 'gene' new_results_not_tair.tsv | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq > IDs_chr4.txt
~/software/scripts/ -i chr4_reviewed_proteins.tsv -a new_results_not_tair.tsv -o reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv
grep 'gene' new_results_not_tair.tsv | cut -f 1 | sort | uniq > IDs_chr5.txt
~/software/scripts/ -i chr5_reviewed_proteins.tsv -a new_results_not_tair.tsv -o reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv
Now, we can screen the whole pangenome, using all the data coming from exonerate
and odgi untangle
We'll need the following files:
--> obtained
--> obtained
--> obtained
and reviewed
--> obtained
and reviewed
~/software/scripts/ -u filter_passed_features.csv -p pangenome_screening.csv -t reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv -n reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv -a 93 -s 75
~/software/scripts/ -u filter_passed_features.csv -p pangenome_screening.csv -t reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv -n reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv -a 93 -s 75
~/software/scripts/ -u filter_passed_features.csv -p pangenome_screening.csv -t reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv -n reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv -a 93 -s 75
~/software/scripts/ -u filter_passed_features.csv -p pangenome_screening.csv -t reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv -n reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv -a 93 -s 75
~/software/scripts/ -u filter_passed_features.csv -p pangenome_screening.csv -t reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv -n reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv -a 93 -s 75
We'll need the following files:
--> obtained
--> obtained
--> obtained
and reviewed
--> obtained
and reviewed
~/software/scripts/ -u filter_passed_features.csv -p pangenome_screening.csv -t reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv -n reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv -a 93 -s 75
~/software/scripts/ -u filter_passed_features.csv -p pangenome_screening.csv -t reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv -n reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv -a 93 -s 75
~/software/scripts/ -u filter_passed_features.csv -p pangenome_screening.csv -t reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv -n reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv -a 93 -s 75
~/software/scripts/ -u filter_passed_features.csv -p pangenome_screening.csv -t reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv -n reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv -a 93 -s 75
~/software/scripts/ -u filter_passed_features.csv -p pangenome_screening.csv -t reviewed_corresponding_to_tair.tsv -n reviewed_not_tair_results.tsv -a 93 -s 75
The universe for A. thaliana was obtained from:
The analysis was then performed on using TopGO as shown in scripts/TopGO.R
To obtain information about the structure of each graph, we can use the command odgi stats
odgi stats -i -m > chr1_odgi_stats.yaml
odgi stats -i -m > chr2_odgi_stats.yaml
odgi stats -i -m > chr3_odgi_stats.yaml
odgi stats -i -m > chr4_odgi_stats.yaml
odgi stats -i -m > chr5_odgi_stats.yaml
We can use odgi paths --coverage-levels
as in the following example:
odgi paths -i --coverage-levels 2,75,93 > chr1_nodes_classification.txt
odgi paths --coverage-levels
classifies the nodes in genomic classes. In our case, we couldn't use this script for classification because the number of paths did not correspond to the number of assemblies included in the pangenome.
odgi paths -i -H -D "#" -p1 -t 100 > chr1_nodes_composition.txt
odgi paths -i -H -D "#" -p1 -t 100 > chr2_nodes_composition.txt
odgi paths -i -H -D "#" -p1 -t 100 > chr3_nodes_composition.txt
odgi paths -i -H -D "#" -p1 -t 100 > chr4_nodes_composition.txt
odgi paths -i -H -D "#" -p1 -t 100 > chr5_nodes_composition.txt
~/software/scripts/ -i chr1_nodes_composition.txt -p chr1 -o chr1_matrix.csv -na 93 -sl 75
~/software/scripts/ -i chr2_nodes_composition.txt -p chr2 -o chr2_matrix.csv -na 93 -sl 75
~/software/scripts/ -i chr3_nodes_composition.txt -p chr3 -o chr3_matrix.csv -na 93 -sl 75
~/software/scripts/ -i chr4_nodes_composition.txt -p chr4 -o chr4_matrix.csv -na 93 -sl 75
~/software/scripts/ -i chr5_nodes_composition.txt -p chr5 -o chr5_matrix.csv -na 93 -sl 75
We will join the graph with odgi squeeze
and subsequently we will run odgi similarity
to obtain a similarity matrix.
odgi squeeze
needs a file with the list of the graphs as input
nano graphs.txt
Squeeze the graphs:
odgi squeeze -f graphs.txt -o squeezed_pangenome.og -t 100 -P
Obtain the matrix:
odgi similarity -i squeezed_pangenome.og -D '#' -d -t 100 -P > similarity_nodes.tsv
# get dataset from gene matrix
perl --file concatenated_matrix.csv --iterations 10 --campionamenti 10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-93 --mode NOT_REI --output out_shuffling.txt
# get the figure
python3 out_shuffling.txt # for the zoom of the "All" curve
python3 out_shuffling.txt
Join not transposed matrices
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/genes/all
mkdir gene_cluster
cd gene_cluster
ln -s ../../chr1/matrix_chr1.txt
ln -s ../../chr2/matrix_chr2.txt
ln -s ../../chr3/matrix_chr3.txt
ln -s ../../chr4/matrix_chr4.txt
ln -s ../../chr5/matrix_chr5.txt
mv concatenated_matrix.csv genes_concatenated_matrix.csv
cp genes_concatenated_matrix.csv ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/R_plots/Cluster/
# Load data
my_data <- read.csv("Cluster/genes_concatenated_matrix.csv", header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
# Extract assembly names
assembly_names <- colnames(my_data)[2:94]
# Load locations
locations <- read.csv("genebank_country_1.csv", sep="\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE)
colnames(locations) <- c("Assembly", "Location")
country_to_colour <- c(
'Afghanistan' = "salmon2",
'Belgium' = "gold3",
'Cape Verde' = "darkgreen",
'Czech Republic' = "grey46",
'France' = "red",
'Germany' = "magenta",
'Italy' = "brown",
'Japan' = "springgreen4",
'Lithuania' = "black",
'Netherlands' = "green",
'Poland' = "orange",
'Madeira' = "darkviolet",
'Romania' = "pink",
'Spain' = 'deepskyblue3',
'Sweden' = "olivedrab",
'Tanzania' = 'blue',
'United Kingdom' = 'mediumpurple',
'USA' = 'cyan')
# Create a mapping from assembly names to countries
assembly_to_country <- setNames(locations$Location, locations$Assembly)
# Map assembly names to colors through their countries
assembly_to_color <- sapply(assembly_names, function(assembly) {
country <- assembly_to_country[assembly]
color <- country_to_colour[country]
# Calculate Jaccard distance
dist.jaccard <- vegdist(t(my_data[, 2:94]), method = "jaccard")
write.csv(as.matrix(dist.jaccard), "genes_PAV_jaccard_distance_matrix.csv", row.names = TRUE)
# Perform hierarchical clustering
res.hc <- hclust(d = dist.jaccard, method = "ward.D2")
# Calculate the cophenetic distance matrix from the clustering result
# Compute the cophenetic correlation
cophenetic_corr <- cor(as.dist(dist.jaccard), as.dist(res.coph))
# Print cophenetic correlation to check the quality of the clustering
phylo_tree <- as.phylo(res.hc)
# Prepare a data frame that ggtree can use to map colors to tips
# The row names of 'my_data' are assumed to be the assembly names used in 'phylo_tree$tip.label'
# Ensure these names match those in 'assembly_to_color'
tip_colors <- data.frame(label = names(assembly_to_color), color = assembly_to_color)
# Plot the tree with colored tips
p <- ggtree(phylo_tree, layout="circular") +
geom_tiplab(aes(color = label), size = 4) +
scale_color_manual(values = tip_colors$color) +
theme_tree2() +
theme(legend.position = "none", # Adjust legend position
plot.background = element_blank(), # Customize background
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), # Remove grid lines
axis.text = element_blank(), # Hide axis text
axis.ticks = element_blank()) # Hide axis ticks
# Save the plot
ggsave(filename = "Cluster/phylo_jaccard_ward_PAV_genes.png", plot = p, width = 16, height = 16, dpi = 300)
Join not transposed matrices
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/pseudogenes/all
mkdir pseudogene_cluster
cd pseudogene_cluster
ln -s ../../chr1/matrix_chr1.txt
ln -s ../../chr2/matrix_chr2.txt
ln -s ../../chr3/matrix_chr3.txt
ln -s ../../chr4/matrix_chr4.txt
ln -s ../../chr5/matrix_chr5.txt
mv concatenated_matrix.csv pseudogenes_concatenated_matrix.csv
cp pseudogenes_concatenated_matrix.csv ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/R_plots/Cluster/
mamba activate R
# Load data
my_data <- read.csv("Cluster/pseudogenes_concatenated_matrix.csv", header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
# Extract assembly names
assembly_names <- colnames(my_data)[2:94]
# Load locations
locations <- read.csv("genebank_country_1.csv", sep="\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE)
colnames(locations) <- c("Assembly", "Location")
country_to_colour <- c(
'Afghanistan' = "salmon2",
'Belgium' = "gold3",
'Cape Verde' = "darkgreen",
'Czech Republic' = "grey46",
'France' = "red",
'Germany' = "magenta",
'Italy' = "brown",
'Japan' = "springgreen4",
'Lithuania' = "black",
'Netherlands' = "green",
'Poland' = "orange",
'Madeira' = "darkviolet",
'Romania' = "pink",
'Spain' = 'deepskyblue3',
'Sweden' = "olivedrab",
'Tanzania' = 'blue',
'United Kingdom' = 'mediumpurple',
'USA' = 'cyan')
# Create a mapping from assembly names to countries
assembly_to_country <- setNames(locations$Location, locations$Assembly)
# Map assembly names to colors through their countries
assembly_to_color <- sapply(assembly_names, function(assembly) {
country <- assembly_to_country[assembly]
color <- country_to_colour[country]
# Calculate Jaccard distance
dist.jaccard <- vegdist(t(my_data[, 2:94]), method = "jaccard")
write.csv(as.matrix(dist.jaccard), "pseudogenes_PAV_jaccard_distance_matrix.csv", row.names = TRUE)
# Hierarchical clustering
res.hc <- hclust(d = dist.jaccard, method = "ward.D2")
# Calculate the cophenetic distance matrix from the clustering result
# Compute the cophenetic correlation
cophenetic_corr <- cor(as.dist(dist.jaccard), as.dist(res.coph))
# Print cophenetic correlation to check the quality of the clustering
# Convert to phylo object
phylo_tree <- as.phylo(res.hc)
# Prepare a data frame that ggtree can use to map colors to tips
# The row names of 'my_data' are assumed to be the assembly names used in 'phylo_tree$tip.label'
# Ensure these names match those in 'assembly_to_color'
tip_colors <- data.frame(label = names(assembly_to_color), color = assembly_to_color)
# Plot the tree
p <- ggtree(phylo_tree, layout="circular") +
geom_tiplab(aes(color = label), size = 4) +
scale_color_manual(values = tip_colors$color) +
theme_tree2() +
theme(legend.position = "none", # Adjust legend position
plot.background = element_blank(), # Customize background
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), # Remove grid lines
axis.text = element_blank(), # Hide axis text
axis.ticks = element_blank()) # Hide axis ticks
# Save the plot
ggsave(filename = "Cluster/phylo_jaccard_ward_PAV_pseudogenes.png", plot = p, width = 16, height = 16, dpi = 300)
For this figure we generated the input file using odgi similarity
after joining all the graphs from each chromosomes with odgi squeeze
To generate the phylogenetic tree we will follow these instructions:
mamba activate R
setwd ("/home/lia/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/nodes_similarity")
path_dist_tsv <- 'similarity_nodes.tsv'
# Read sparse matrix
sparse_matrix_df <- read_tsv(path_dist_tsv)
# Prepare distance matrix
jaccard_dist_df <- sparse_matrix_df %>%
arrange(group.a, group.b) %>%
select(group.a, group.b, jaccard.distance) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = group.b, values_from = jaccard.distance) %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "group.a")
dist.jaccard <- as.dist(jaccard_dist_df)
write.csv(as.matrix(dist.jaccard), "nodes_jaccard_distance_matrix.csv", row.names = TRUE)
# Perform hierarchical clustering
res.hc <- hclust(d = dist.jaccard)
# Calculate the cophenetic distance matrix from the clustering result
# Compute the cophenetic correlation
cophenetic_corr <- cor(as.dist(dist.jaccard), as.dist(res.coph))
# Print cophenetic correlation to check the quality of the clustering
# Convert hclust object to phylo
phylo_tree <- as.phylo(res.hc)
# Load locations
locations <- read.csv("genebank_country_1.csv", sep="\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE)
colnames(locations) <- c("Assembly", "Location")
#extract assembly names
assembly_names <- locations$Assembly
country_to_colour <- c(
'Afghanistan' = "salmon2",
'Belgium' = "gold3",
'Cape Verde' = "darkgreen",
'Czech Republic' = "grey46",
'France' = "red",
'Germany' = "magenta",
'Italy' = "brown",
'Japan' = "springgreen4",
'Lithuania' = "black",
'Netherlands' = "green",
'Poland' = "orange",
'Madeira' = "darkviolet",
'Romania' = "pink",
'Spain' = 'deepskyblue3',
'Sweden' = "olivedrab",
'Tanzania' = 'blue',
'United Kingdom' = 'mediumpurple',
'USA' = 'cyan')
# Create a mapping from assembly names to countries
assembly_to_country <- setNames(locations$Location, locations$Assembly)
# Map assembly names to colors through their countries
assembly_to_color <- sapply(assembly_names, function(assembly) {
country <- assembly_to_country[assembly]
color <- country_to_colour[country]
# Prepare a data frame that ggtree can use to map colors to tips
# The row names of 'my_data' are assumed to be the assembly names used in 'phylo_tree$tip.label'
# Ensure these names match those in 'assembly_to_color'
tip_colors <- data.frame(label = names(assembly_to_color), color = assembly_to_color)
# Remove country information from tip_colors labels
tip_colors$label <- sub("\\..*", "", tip_colors$label)
# Ensure tip_colors is a named vector
tip_colors_named <- setNames(tip_colors$color, tip_colors$label)
# Plot the tree with color mapping
p <- ggtree(phylo_tree, layout="circular") +
geom_tiplab(aes(label = label, color = label), size = 4) +
scale_color_manual(values = tip_colors_named) +
theme_tree2() +
theme(legend.position = "none", # Adjust legend position
plot.background = element_blank(), # Customize background
panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), # Remove grid lines
axis.text = element_blank(), # Hide axis text
axis.ticks = element_blank()) # Hide axis ticks
# Display the plot
# Save the plot
ggsave(filename = "phylo_jaccard_nodes.png", plot = p, width = 16, height = 16, dpi = 300)
We will need the following files:
with the results from all the chromosomes- A file called
, where we have theFeature/Pater
columns fromfinal_screening_GO.tsv
with the results from all the chromosomes matrix_transposed.csv
, to be obtained
- The dataset rearranged for R, to be obtained with
- Final screening and Presence-absence matrix per chromosome
# chr1
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/genes/chr1
cut -f 1,4 final_genes_screening_GO.tsv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr1"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr1_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr1"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' presence_absence_matrix.csv > matrix_chr1.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr1.txt > chr1_transp_matrix.txt
# chr2
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/genes/chr2
cut -f 1,4 final_genes_screening_GO.tsv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr2"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr2_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr2"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' presence_absence_matrix.csv > matrix_chr2.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr2.txt > chr2_transp_matrix.txt
# chr3
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/genes/chr3
cut -f 1,4 final_genes_screening_GO.tsv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr3"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr3_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr3"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' presence_absence_matrix.csv > matrix_chr3.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr3.txt > chr3_transp_matrix.txt
# chr4
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/genes/chr4
cut -f 1,4 final_genes_screening_GO.tsv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr4"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr4_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr4"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' presence_absence_matrix.csv > matrix_chr4.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr4.txt > chr4_transp_matrix.txt
# chr5
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/genes/chr5
cut -f 1,4 final_genes_screening_GO.tsv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr5"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr5_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr5"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' presence_absence_matrix.csv > matrix_chr5.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr5.txt > chr5_transp_matrix.txt
- Join Transposed matrices
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/genes/all
ln -s ../chr1/chr1_transp_matrix.txt
ln -s ../chr2/chr2_transp_matrix.txt
ln -s ../chr3/chr3_transp_matrix.txt
ln -s ../chr4/chr4_transp_matrix.txt
ln -s ../chr5/chr5_transp_matrix.txt
- Join loci classes
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/genes/all
ln -s ../chr1/chr1_loci_classes.txt
ln -s ../chr2/chr2_loci_classes.txt
ln -s ../chr3/chr3_loci_classes.txt
ln -s ../chr4/chr4_loci_classes.txt
ln -s ../chr5/chr5_loci_classes.txt
for f in chr*_loci_classes.txt; do tail -n +2 "$f"; done >> combined_loci_classes.txt
- R dataset
perl ../ combined_loci_classes.txt concatenated_matrix.csv > loci_comp_classes.txt
This last script produces also data_set_R.txt
which is the file we are going to use for the figure. Let's rename the file:
mv data_set_R.txt R_data_genes_PAV_total.txt
Install required packages
mamba activate R
mamba install r-ggplot2
mamba install r-factoextra
mamba install conda-forge::r-vegan
mamba install bioconda::bioconductor-ggtree
mamba install conda-forge::r-ape
mamba install bioconda::bioconductor-ggtreeextra
Open R
data<-read.table(file="./Assembly_based_genes/R_data_genes_PAV_total.txt", sep="\t", header=FALSE)
colnames(data)<-c("Assembly", "Class", "Count")
custom_colors <- c("private" = "black", "dispensable" = "beige", "softcore" = "olivedrab", "core" = "firebrick") # Replace with your actual classes and desired colors
# Order the classes in a custom order
data$Class <- factor(data$Class, levels = c("private", "dispensable", "softcore", "core")) # Replace with your actual class order
# Assign names to the colors based on the levels of Class
names(custom_colors) <- levels(data$Class)
# Create the plot
gene_plot_impr <- ggplot(data = data, aes(x = Assembly, y = Count, fill = Class)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
coord_flip() +
theme_minimal() + # Set a white background
theme(text = element_text(size = 6),
#panel.grid.major = element_blank(), # Remove major grid lines
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), # Remove minor grid lines
panel.background = element_blank(), # Ensure the background is white
plot.background = element_blank()) +
scale_fill_manual(values = custom_colors) # Apply the custom colors
# Print the plot
ggsave(filename = "Assembly_based_genes/gene_plot_PAV_total.png", plot = gene_plot_impr, width = 10, height = 7, dpi = 300)
This will be based on untangle results only.
We will need the following files:
with the results from all the chromosomes- A file called
, where we have theFeature/Pater
columns frompangenome_screening.csv
with the results from all the chromosomes matrix_transposed.csv
, to be obtained
- The dataset rearranged for R, to be obtained with
- Pangenome screening and matrix per chromosome
# chr1
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/untangle_based_results/genes/chr1
cut -f 2,8 pangenome_screening.csv > chr1_loci_classes.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix.csv > chr1_transp_matrix.txt
# chr2
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/untangle_based_results/genes/chr2
cut -f 2,8 pangenome_screening.csv > chr2_loci_classes.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix.csv > chr2_transp_matrix.txt
# chr3
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/untangle_based_results/genes/chr3
cut -f 2,8 pangenome_screening.csv > chr3_loci_classes.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix.csv > chr3_transp_matrix.txt
# chr4
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/untangle_based_results/genes/chr4
cut -f 2,8 pangenome_screening.csv > chr4_loci_classes.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix.csv > chr4_transp_matrix.txt
# chr5
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/untangle_based_results/genes/chr5
cut -f 2,8 pangenome_screening.csv > chr5_loci_classes.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix.csv > chr5_transp_matrix.txt
- Join Transposed matrices
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/untangle_based_results/genes/
mkdir all
cd all
ln -s ../chr1/chr1_transp_matrix.txt
ln -s ../chr2/chr2_transp_matrix.txt
ln -s ../chr3/chr3_transp_matrix.txt
ln -s ../chr4/chr4_transp_matrix.txt
ln -s ../chr5/chr5_transp_matrix.txt
- Join loci classes
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/untangle_based_results/genes/all
ln -s ../chr1/chr1_loci_classes.txt
ln -s ../chr2/chr2_loci_classes.txt
ln -s ../chr3/chr3_loci_classes.txt
ln -s ../chr4/chr4_loci_classes.txt
ln -s ../chr5/chr5_loci_classes.txt
for f in chr*_loci_classes.txt; do tail -n +2 "$f"; done >> combined_loci_classes.txt
- R dataset
perl ../ combined_loci_classes.txt concatenated_matrix.csv > loci_comp_classes.txt
This last script produces also data_set_R.txt
which is the file we are going to use for the figure. Let's rename the file:
mv data_set_R.txt R_data_genes_CNV_untangle.txt
data<-read.table(file="Assembly_based_genes/R_data_genes_CNV_untangle.txt", sep="\t", header=FALSE)
colnames(data)<-c("Assembly", "Class", "Count")
custom_colors <- c("private" = "black", "dispensable" = "beige", "softcore" = "olivedrab", "core" = "firebrick") # Replace with your actual classes and desired colors
# Order the classes in a custom order
data$Class <- factor(data$Class, levels = c("private", "dispensable", "softcore", "core")) # Replace with your actual class order
# Assign names to the colors based on the levels of Class
names(custom_colors) <- levels(data$Class)
# Create the plot
gene_plot_impr <- ggplot(data = data, aes(x = Assembly, y = Count, fill = Class)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
coord_flip() +
theme_minimal() + # Set a white background
theme(text = element_text(size = 6),
#panel.grid.major = element_blank(), # Remove major grid lines
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), # Remove minor grid lines
panel.background = element_blank(), # Ensure the background is white
plot.background = element_blank()) +
scale_fill_manual(values = custom_colors) # Apply the custom colors
# Print the plot
ggsave(filename = "Assembly_based_genes/gene_plot_CNV_untangle.png", plot = gene_plot_impr, width = 10, height = 7, dpi = 300)
We will need the following files:
with the results from all the chromosomes- A file called
, where we have theFeature/Pater
columns fromfinal_screening_GO.tsv
with the results from all the chromosomes matrix_transposed.csv
, to be obtained
- The dataset rearranged for R, to be obtained with
- Final screening and Presence-absence matrix per chromosome
# chr1
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/pseudogenes/chr1
cut -f 1,4 final_pseudogenes_screening_GO.tsv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr1"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr1_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr1"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' presence_absence_matrix.csv > matrix_chr1.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr1.txt > chr1_transp_matrix.txt
# chr2
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/pseudogenes/chr2
cut -f 1,4 final_pseudogenes_screening_GO.tsv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr2"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr2_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr2"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' presence_absence_matrix.csv > matrix_chr2.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr2.txt > chr2_transp_matrix.txt
# chr3
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/pseudogenes/chr3
cut -f 1,4 final_pseudogenes_screening_GO.tsv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr3"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr3_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr3"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' presence_absence_matrix.csv > matrix_chr3.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr3.txt > chr3_transp_matrix.txt
# chr4
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/pseudogenes/chr4
cut -f 1,4 final_pseudogenes_screening_GO.tsv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr4"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr4_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr4"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' presence_absence_matrix.csv > matrix_chr4.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr4.txt > chr4_transp_matrix.txt
# chr5
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/pseudogenes/chr5
cut -f 1,4 final_pseudogenes_screening_GO.tsv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr5"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr5_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr5"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' presence_absence_matrix.csv > matrix_chr5.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr5.txt > chr5_transp_matrix.txt
- Join Transposed matrices
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/pseudogenes/
mkdir all
cd all
ln -s ../chr1/chr1_transp_matrix.txt
ln -s ../chr2/chr2_transp_matrix.txt
ln -s ../chr3/chr3_transp_matrix.txt
ln -s ../chr4/chr4_transp_matrix.txt
ln -s ../chr5/chr5_transp_matrix.txt
- Join loci classes
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/final_screening/pseudogenes/all
ln -s ../chr1/chr1_loci_classes.txt
ln -s ../chr2/chr2_loci_classes.txt
ln -s ../chr3/chr3_loci_classes.txt
ln -s ../chr4/chr4_loci_classes.txt
ln -s ../chr5/chr5_loci_classes.txt
for f in chr*_loci_classes.txt; do tail -n +2 "$f"; done >> combined_loci_classes.txt
- R dataset
perl ../ combined_loci_classes.txt concatenated_matrix.csv > loci_comp_classes.txt
This last script produces also data_set_R.txt
which is the file we are going to use for the figure. Let's rename the file:
mv data_set_R.txt R_data_pseudogenes_PAV_total.txt
Install required packages
mamba activate R
mamba install r-ggplot2
mamba install r-factoextra
Open R
data<-read.table(file="./Assembly_based_pseudogenes/R_data_pseudogenes_PAV_total.txt", sep="\t", header=FALSE)
colnames(data)<-c("Assembly", "Class", "Count")
custom_colors <- c("private" = "black", "dispensable" = "beige", "softcore" = "olivedrab", "core" = "firebrick") # Replace with your actual classes and desired colors
# Order the classes in a custom order
data$Class <- factor(data$Class, levels = c("private", "dispensable", "softcore", "core")) # Replace with your actual class order
# Assign names to the colors based on the levels of Class
names(custom_colors) <- levels(data$Class)
# Create the plot
gene_plot_impr <- ggplot(data = data, aes(x = Assembly, y = Count, fill = Class)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
coord_flip() +
theme_minimal() + # Set a white background
theme(text = element_text(size = 6),
#panel.grid.major = element_blank(), # Remove major grid lines
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), # Remove minor grid lines
panel.background = element_blank(), # Ensure the background is white
plot.background = element_blank()) +
scale_fill_manual(values = custom_colors) # Apply the custom colors
# Print the plot
ggsave(filename = "Assembly_based_pseudogenes/pseudogene_plot_PAV_total.png", plot = gene_plot_impr, width = 10, height = 7, dpi = 300)
This will be based on untangle results only.
We will need the following files:
with the results from all the chromosomes- A file called
, where we have theFeature/Pater
columns frompangenome_screening.csv
with the results from all the chromosomes matrix_transposed.csv
, to be obtained
- The dataset rearranged for R, to be obtained with
- Pangenome screening and matrix per chromosome
# chr1
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/untangle_based_results/pseudogenes/chr1
cut -f 2,8 pangenome_screening.csv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr1"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr1_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr1"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' matrix.csv > matrix_chr1.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr1.txt > chr1_transp_matrix.txt
# chr2
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/untangle_based_results/pseudogenes/chr2
cut -f 2,8 pangenome_screening.csv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr2"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr2_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr2"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' matrix.csv > matrix_chr2.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr2.txt > chr2_transp_matrix.txt
# chr3
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/untangle_based_results/pseudogenes/chr3
cut -f 2,8 pangenome_screening.csv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr3"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr3_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr3"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' matrix.csv > matrix_chr3.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr3.txt > chr3_transp_matrix.txt
# chr4
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/untangle_based_results/pseudogenes/chr4
cut -f 2,8 pangenome_screening.csv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr4"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr4_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr4"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' matrix.csv > matrix_chr4.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr4.txt > chr4_transp_matrix.txt
# chr5
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/untangle_based_results/pseudogenes/chr5
cut -f 2,8 pangenome_screening.csv > loci_classes.txt
# append _chr* to gene names
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr5"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' loci_classes.txt > chr5_loci_classes.txt
awk -F'\t' 'NR==1 {print; next} { $1 = $1 "_chr5"; print $0 }' OFS='\t' matrix.csv > matrix_chr5.txt
# transpose matrix
perl ../ matrix_chr5.txt > chr5_transp_matrix.txt
2. Join Transposed matrices
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/untangle_based_results/pseudogenes/ mkdir all cd all
ln -s ../chr1/chr1_transp_matrix.txt ln -s ../chr2/chr2_transp_matrix.txt ln -s ../chr3/chr3_transp_matrix.txt ln -s ../chr4/chr4_transp_matrix.txt ln -s ../chr5/chr5_transp_matrix.txt
3. Join loci classes
cd ~/Arabidopsis_pangenome/FINAL/untangle_based_results/pseudogenes/all
ln -s ../chr1/chr1_loci_classes.txt ln -s ../chr2/chr2_loci_classes.txt ln -s ../chr3/chr3_loci_classes.txt ln -s ../chr4/chr4_loci_classes.txt ln -s ../chr5/chr5_loci_classes.txt
for f in chr*_loci_classes.txt; do tail -n +2 "$f"; done >> combined_loci_classes.txt
3. R dataset
perl ../ combined_loci_classes.txt concatenated_matrix.csv > loci_comp_classes.txt
This last script produces also `data_set_R.txt` which is the file we are going to use for the figure. Let's rename the file:
mv data_set_R.txt R_data_pseudogenes_CNV_untangle.txt
mamba activate R R
### Make the figure
data<-read.table(file="Assembly_based_pseudogenes/R_data_pseudogenes_CNV_untangle.txt", sep="\t", header=FALSE)
colnames(data)<-c("Assembly", "Class", "Count")
custom_colors <- c("private" = "black", "dispensable" = "beige", "softcore" = "olivedrab", "core" = "firebrick") # Replace with your actual classes and desired colors
# Order the classes in a custom order
data$Class <- factor(data$Class, levels = c("private", "dispensable", "softcore", "core")) # Replace with your actual class order
# Assign names to the colors based on the levels of Class
names(custom_colors) <- levels(data$Class)
# Create the plot
gene_plot_impr <- ggplot(data = data, aes(x = Assembly, y = Count, fill = Class)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
coord_flip() +
theme_minimal() + # Set a white background
theme(text = element_text(size = 6),
#panel.grid.major = element_blank(), # Remove major grid lines
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), # Remove minor grid lines
panel.background = element_blank(), # Ensure the background is white
plot.background = element_blank()) +
scale_fill_manual(values = custom_colors) # Apply the custom colors
# Print the plot
ggsave(filename = "Assembly_based_pseudogenes/pseudogene_plot_CNV_untangle.png", plot = gene_plot_impr, width = 10, height = 7, dpi = 300)
we need to obtain a huge matrix:
cd /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/all_graphs
ln -s /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr1/node_matrix/chr1_matrix.csv
ln -s /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr2/node_matrix/chr2_matrix.csv
ln -s /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr3/node_matrix/chr3_matrix.csv
ln -s /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr4/node_matrix/chr4_matrix.csv
ln -s /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr5/node_matrix/chr5_matrix.csv
screen -S combine_matrices
mamba activate pandas
cd /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr1/node_matrix/
cut -f 1,4 PAV_CNV.csv > chr1_loci_classes.txt
cd /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr2/node_matrix/
cut -f 1,4 PAV_CNV.csv > chr2_loci_classes.txt
cd /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr3/node_matrix/
cut -f 1,4 PAV_CNV.csv > chr3_loci_classes.txt
cd /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr4/node_matrix/
cut -f 1,4 PAV_CNV.csv > chr4_loci_classes.txt
cd /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr5/node_matrix/
cut -f 1,4 PAV_CNV.csv > chr5_loci_classes.txt
cd /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/all_graphs
ln -s /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr1/node_matrix/chr1_loci_classes.txt
ln -s /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr2/node_matrix/chr2_loci_classes.txt
ln -s /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr3/node_matrix/chr3_loci_classes.txt
ln -s /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr4/node_matrix/chr4_loci_classes.txt
ln -s /home/edg01/edg01/lia/Arabidopsis/pangenome/ara_pan_from_April/chr5/node_matrix/chr5_loci_classes.txt
for f in chr*_loci_classes.txt; do tail -n +2 "$f"; done >> combined_loci_classes.txt
screen -r combine_matrices
./ combined_loci_classes.txt concatenated_matrix.csv > loci_comp_classes_pav.txt
mv data_set_R.txt pav_data_set_R.txt
mamba activate R
data<-read.table(file="Assembly_based_nodes/pav_data_set_R.txt", sep="\t", header=FALSE)
colnames(data)<-c("Assembly", "Class", "Count")
custom_colors <- c("private" = "black", "dispensable" = "beige", "softcore" = "olivedrab", "core" = "firebrick") # Replace with your actual classes and desired colors
# Order the classes in a custom order
data$Class <- factor(data$Class, levels = c("private", "dispensable", "softcore", "core")) # Replace with your actual class order
# Assign names to the colors based on the levels of Class
names(custom_colors) <- levels(data$Class)
# Create the plot
node_plot_pav <- ggplot(data = data, aes(x = Assembly, y = Count, fill = Class)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
coord_flip() +
theme_minimal() + # Set a white background
theme(text = element_text(size = 6),
#panel.grid.major = element_blank(), # Remove major grid lines
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), # Remove minor grid lines
panel.background = element_blank(), # Ensure the background is white
plot.background = element_blank()) +
scale_fill_manual(values = custom_colors) + # Apply the custom colors
scale_y_continuous(labels = label_number()) # Format y-axis labels to avoid scientific notation
# Print the plot
ggsave(filename = "Assembly_based_nodes/nodes_plot_PAV.png", plot = node_plot_pav, width = 10, height = 7, dpi = 300)
Refer to scripts/python_plot.ipynb