Releases: LevBernstein/BeardlessBot
Releases · LevBernstein/BeardlessBot
- Wrote MockMember class
- Added Ruff test
- Simplified animal method
- Separate mute target processing into its own method
- Standardized encoding; trailing commas; lower_case for method names, args, variables
- Made channel.set_permissions actually interface with a channel's _overwrites
- Added support and tests for Python 3.13.0; dropped tests for 3.12.3
- More docstrings, more unit tests
- Dropped unnecessary flake8 plugins that are covered by ruff
- Bumped Python version to 3.12.0 at a minimum; this drops compatibility with 3.10 and 3.11
- Implicit typing union: X | Y instead of typing.Union[X, Y]; X | None instead of typing.Optional[X]
- UpperCamelCase for globally-scoped variables
- Added 18 unit tests, increasing coverage to 90%
- Increased docstring coverage from 10% to 14%; still a long ways to go
- Replaced calls to open(x) with calls to pathlib.Path(x).open()
- Switched to string interpolation for logging
- Specified exact warning to ignore for all type: ignore comments
- Externalized several shared parts of methods from to, reducing copy-pasted code--DRY!
- Separated !dog from the other animal commands to increase readability
- Added more code quality unit tests: mypy and bandit
- Upgraded several dependencies
- Set unit tests to run against several Python versions
- Switched several methods to async, leveraging httpx and aiofiles
- Added method for getting bb-log channel
- Added several badges
- Increased code coverage from 78% to 86%
- Added monkeypatching for several unit tests to remove randomness, outbound connections
Full release version 2.2.0:
- Adds a fix for the getFrogList method occasionally failing
- Adds additional type annotations across the board,
- Includes more documentation
- Adds additional unit tests covering avatars and muting
- Switches to using genbadge for coverage badge creation
- Creates a message history for each mock sendable object, allowing more robust testing
- Adds a mock for threads
- Switches to a more pythonic use of asyncio for unit testing with pytest.mark.asyncio
- Updates to the latest releases for all dependencies
- Upgraded to Python 3.11, nextcord 2.6.0
- Added support for python virtualenv
- Fixed some failing animal methods, removed those relying on endpoints that have been deprecated
v2.0.0 switches to the nextcord library; adds support for threads; adds 2 new regions; plus a variety of other changes.
Release 1.6.2 brings some major changes compared to the last release. Beardless Bot now runs off of the Bot class, allowing it to use the command event instead of the on_message event. In addition, the codebase is now compliant with PEP8's style recommendations, with the except of tabs vs spaces. I quite like tabs.
Version 1.3 brings access to the Brawlhalla API via the commands !brawlclaim, !brawlrank, !brawlstats, and !brawlclan.
Unit testing, edge case handling, commands in separate files