This project is designed as a make-and-take Halloween workshop that requires:
- 1 - Mini USB cable (blue)
- 1 - Funduino Arduino board (red, with extra pin headers)
- 1 - 9v Alkaline Battery w/attached clip
- 1 - DFPlayer mini, serial controllable MP3 player
- 1 - 4GiB µSD card (w/ten scary skull sounds preloaded)
- 1 - Speaker (8ohm, 3W)
- 1 - Ultrasonic PING distance sensor (HC-SR04, 4pins)
- 2 - Red LEDs
- 2 - 100Ω resistors (for LEDs)
- 2 - 1kΩ resistors (for MP3 serial lines)
- 4 - Female / Female connecting wires
- 12 - Male / Female connector wires
- 1 - SG90 micro 9g servo (for moving the mouth)
- 1 - popsicle stick (for reinforcing the servo mount)
- (opt) - breadboard (if building other things vs making skull electronics permanent)
- (opt) - foam board and velcro (unmounting & use arduino/mp3 in other projects)
- -use of a dremel cutter and hot glue
Because this workshop has more work than can be done in a single 3hr workshop, it is divided into two parts. Part-1 (electronics & coding) and Part-2, the skull hardware hacking build docs.
Reference the PDF build doc on how to connect everything. The steps (other than the first BLINK program) are numbered 2, 3, 4, 5. After blink, load the LCBB_Talking-Skull_2_servo-test code to first test your servo/skull values before continuing on with the other steps or hardware build.
All LCBB code and related materials are copy left (open sourced) under the Creative Commons (CC)(BY)(NC)(SA)[1] License.
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