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Getting started guide

Jakub edited this page Aug 8, 2018 · 13 revisions

Before we start, it is assumed that for all operating system a command line will be used to type in commands listed below. On Windows you can either use cmd or Powershell, on Linux and Mac - standard terminal is enough.

Getting started

This page will take you on the quick installation tour and will help you set up the environment for spintronics-visual software. Following instructions should be valid for all modern platforms and operating systems (including Windows/Mac/Linux)
Please see Requirements section for potential requirements for your system.

Installing python 3.5 or higher

Firstly, make sure you have installed Python 3.5 or newer. To do that, please go to Python main page and install the software.

Getting release

There are several options to download software

  1. Cloning git repository
    This option requires git software. If you have it, you probably know how to clone a repository
  2. Downloading a release
    The way of downloading this software
    Go here and pick the most suitable release
    (if you don't know which one, pick the latest)

Installing via file

If you are using Mac or Linux, just launch the software by typing in the command:


Automatic build will provide the if you are using Windows, firstly run


by clicking on it. After the installation has succeded, you can launch the software by clicling `


Installing and building manually

Installing requirements

If you've cloned or downloaded this project, go to the main project folder and type in:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

None that your alias for pip might be pip3, pip3.5 etc. instead of pip

This command should install all of the python packages required to run the software. If any package fails to install, please resolve the installation issue and then proceed with further instructions.

As we've installed all the requirements, we are almost ready to go!

Building Cython

We need to set up Cython code that makes the python code run faster as it is precompiled to C lanugage. In order to do that, make sure you run a makefile by typing make in a command line.

None that your alias for python 3.5 or higher might be python, python3.5 etc. instead of python3

Windows users

If you are on Windows machine, go to cython_modules folder, then just run the following command that uses python:

python build_ext --inplace

For other platforms

Do it only in case of problems - Cython should build automatically at startup.

However, if there are any problems later with Cython, despite a successfull build, then go to cython_modules folder and run:

python cython_modules/ build_ext --build-lib cython_modules/build --inplace

Again, this step is not necessary since we have provided automatic build feature that builds up the Cython code at the start of the software.


Congratulations, if none of the above failed, you're ready to go! Run the software by typing


Visit Using the software to get more information about how to use the software