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Lemonymous edited this page Oct 2, 2021 · 2 revisions

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A library giving the ability to create code with switch-like statements.

In contrast to statements in C, there is no flow or fallthrough in this implementation. Executing a case will only ever execute that particular case, or the default case if there is no case with the specified identifier.


Creating a switch

The library returns a table which can be called as a function; taking a case table as its argument, and returning a new switch object with the specified case table.

Argument name Type Description
case table table a table of cases



  • Create a new switch with an empty case table.
local myswitch = switch{}
  • Create a new switch with a populated case table.
local myswitch = switch{
	[1] = "case one",
	[2] = "case two",
	default = "default case"
  • Add a case to the case table.
myswitch[3] = "case three"
  • Add a case as a function to the case table.
myswitch[4] = function()
	return "case four"
  • Add a case with additional parameters to the case table.
myswitch[5] = function(...)
	return "case five\n"..save_table{...}


Executing a case

There are three methods for executing a case.

  1. Calling the switch object's case function
  2. Calling the switch object itself
  3. Using array syntax on the switch object

Each methods requires passing at the very least one argument; the identifier for the case to execute.

Method 1 and 2 supports additional parameters; passed to the case if it is a function; or ignored if it is not.

If the case table has no case for the specified case identifier, the default case will be executed.



  • Execute a case by calling 'case'.
  • The function case supports additional arguments; passed to the case function for the specified case identifier.
LOG(myswitch:case(1, "argument1", "argument2", ...))
  • Execute a case by simply calling the switch object. This is equivalent to using the function case above.
  • This method also supports additional arguments.
LOG(myswitch(1, "argument1", "argument2", ...))
  • Execute a case using array syntax. This is equivalent to the previous two methods, except it does not support passing of additional arguments like them.


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