A SKSE plugin to connect to a local http server and exchange strongly typed JSON data with it from Papyrus
The Fallout 4 version of the plugin can be found here: https://github.com/Leidtier/F4SE_HTTP
- Call http server and receive reply
- Provide a simple strongly typed dictionary
- string
- int
- float
- bool
- nested dictionaries
- arrays
- Serialize and deserialize typed dictionary to and from JSON
- static link all the dependencies so that they don't have to sit in Skyrim's main directory
- libcurl
- cpr
- nlohmann/json
- Make sure this works on
- Skyrim SE
- Skyrim AE
- Skyrim VR
Create a strongly typed dictionary from Papyrus and send it as json to a local http server.
Papyrus interface strongly influenced by JContainers
function CallHttpServer()
;create a new dictionary and get its handle
int handle = SKSE_HTTP.createDictionary()
;use the handle to store the string *"startConversation"* using the key "requestType"
SKSE_HTTP.setString(handle, "requestType", "startConversation")
SKSE_HTTP.setString(handle, "npc", "Lydia")
;use the handle to store the bool *false* using the key "isInCombatWithPlayer"
SKSE_HTTP.setBool(handle, "isInCombatWithPlayer", false)
;use the handle to store the float *0.123* using the key "testFloat"
SKSE_HTTP.setFloat(handle, "testFloat", 0.123)
;create a second dictionary and get its handle
int handleForContext = SKSE_HTTP.createDictionary()
;use the new handleForContext to store the string *"Dragonsreach"* using the key "location"
SKSE_HTTP.setString(handleForContext, "location", "Dragonsreach")
;use the new handleForContext to store the int *1328* using the key "time"
SKSE_HTTP.setInt(handleForContext, "time", 1328)
;set the new handleForContext as a nested dictionary under the first dictionary using the "context" key
;send the dictionary handle to *http://localhost:5000/mantella*
Receive the reply from the http server
event OnInit()
;Register for the event *SKSE_HTTP_OnHttpReplyReceived* using a custom event
;*SKSE_HTTP_OnHttpReplyReceived* provides a handle to a dictionary that contains the contents of the reply
event OnHttpReplyReceived(int typedDictionaryHandle)
;retrieve string from dictionary using key "replytype". The last parameter is a default that will be used if the value does not exist
string replyType = SKSE_HTTP.getString(typedDictionaryHandle, "replytype", "Error: No reply type received")
string npc = SKSE_HTTP.getString(typedDictionaryHandle, "npc", "Error: No npc to say stuff")
bool npcLikesPlayer = SKSE_HTTP.getBool(typedDictionaryHandle, "npcLikesPlayer", false)
float testFloat = SKSE_HTTP.getFloat(typedDictionaryHandle, "testFloat", 1)
int contextHandle = SKSE_HTTP.getNestedDictionary(typedDictionaryHandle, "context", 0)
string current_location = SKSE_HTTP.getString(contextHandle, "location", "Only the gods know where")
int time = SKSE_HTTP.getInt(contextHandle, "time", 0)
Based on https://github.com/SkyrimScripting/SKSE_Templates Many thanks!