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[v0.12] Changelog

Leidtier edited this page Aug 23, 2024 · 3 revisions

Changelog Mantella v0.12

Core changes

  • MantellaSoftware(Mantella.exe) is now part of the Mantella mod. It is launched automatically when the game is started.
  • The communication between the game and MantellaSoftware no longer happens by reading and writing files but by HTTP calls.
  • The combination of the changes above make it unnecessary to set paths to the game or mod folder anymore.
  • Mantella now comes with the TTS Piper that allows to skip the step of installing xVAsynth or XTTS for new users. Of course xVASynth and XTTS can still be used just as before.
  • MantellaSoftware now comes with a UI that will start in your browser when MantellaSoftware is started. This UI allows to set the config values without editing the config.ini directly which is now discouraged. It also comes with many hints that show you if a config value will cause issues. You can now change most config values while MantellaSoftware is running. If you change a config value in the UI while a Mantella conversation is running it will end the conversation immediately (without a summary) to apply the changed setting.
  • Your config.ini and your conversation summaries are no longer stored in the folder of MantellaSoftware. Instead they are now stored in your windows user folders in ..\Documents\my games\Mantella.
  • It is now discouraged to edit the skyrim_characters.csv or fallout4_characters.csv directly. Instead there are character overrides that allow you to add or edit NPCs. Read more about it and how to use this here.
  • Mantella can now have separate summaries/memories per play through/character. This changes the path where the conversation summary for an NPC is stored to ..\Documents\my games\Mantella\data\Skyrim\conversations\{world identifier}\{NPC}\. The {world identifier} is the name of your player character in the game followed by a number you can set up in the MCM. If you have more than one play through where the player character is named the same you can change this number to still separate them.

Smaller Features and Improvements

  • Conversations
    • Multiple NPCs can be added to a conversation at any time.
    • NPCs can be removed from a conversation without ending it.
    • Non-Follower NPCs will stay in place while talking to you, standard Follower will keep following around. This behaviour can be toggled on/off in the MCM.
    • NPCs will now look at the actor currently speaking.
    • Dialogue entries are now adaptive (start, add, remove) to the current state of the conversation and can be toggled on/off in the MCM.
    • Added MCM option to start speech recording on the press of a button instead of automatically.
  • Player setup
    • There is a new MCM page called Player that contains options that are specific to the player character:
    • A description of the player character that can be referenced in prompts.
    • An alternate description of the player character + A toggle which one to use.
    • The option to voice the player input and which voice model to use for it
    • A slider to change the number for the world identifier (see Core changes)
  • Tracking
    • Weather is now tracked.
    • Added an initial description of the equipment that can be referenced in prompts. Which equipment slots to include can be customized in the MCM.
    • New config value for the maximum amount of events added for one call to the LLM. Default is 5.
  • QoL
    • Radiant dialogue debug messages can be hidden.