- cd data
- edit ./data/docker-compose.xml and put in a password ( don't commit this update into source code )
- Start datbase by running [% docker-compose up] from root dir
- Open new terminal and execute default db models and test data [% docker exec database.dev bash /tmp/import.sh]
- To update models update files found in data/dbcreate/ddl-tables.sql | dml-tables.sql then execute test data
- To test connection on your mac laptop do the following: mysql -uroot -p -P13306 -h
- when you are done testing you can destory db container using data/docker-compose rm
- cd app/src
- update ./config with your db host
- update ./config with your db password
- npm install
- npm run start
- fetch https://localhost:5000/api/vi/orders, will return test data from node endpoint
- cd frontend
- npm install
- npm run dev
Andrew Lake Colin Albert Gerald Gordon Marcio Smith Brandon Cox Mygel Bergstresser