Quickly have all the dependencies needed for starter projects.
- NodeJS & NPM
- Visual Studio 2015
- SQL Server Management Studio
- Create new website. Visual Studio > File > New Project
- Choose ASP.NET Web Application > Empty
- Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console
- Run command: Install-Package UmbracoCms
- Load default database into SQL Server Management Studio. (C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA)
- Build project and follow Umbraco instructions. Install a blank theme and choose defualt database from SQLSMS in step 5.
- Install SmartBlog from nuget 'packages folder' in developer section in BackOffice
- Download Repo, named Umbraco-Starter-Project, and merge files into new Project
- Create new Github Repo for new Project
- Run NPM commands
Gulp pip
andnpm install
Loads dependencies
- ZURB Foundation
- Mmenu
- Slick.JS
- Router for JS
Font Awesome Icons
- Minifies CSS/JS and move to proper directory
- Built in CSS media Queries
- Built in Mobile menu
- Add structure: Header/Footer/Body
- Blog Module installed
Configures front end tools for fast prototyping