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Game Guide
If you have never played this game before, then you may wonder what all the rooms are for and what do the other objects do etc.
##The Staff
These ladies will work in the ward, pharmacy or fracture clinic. They can get very busy, so be prepared to hire more than one.
There are three specialists and then a General Practitioner(GP) with no special skills. These are a Surgeon, Psychiatrist and a Researcher. Some Doctors can have more than one of these specialisms. Then there are the grades, which start with a Junior and end with a Consultant.
Juniors are trainees and are cheap to hire, but they are learning and will make mistakes. You had better get them trained in the training room quickly so that they can gain more skills. Consultants are at the top of their game and will diagnose patients more quickly and are less likely to make mistakes. You do have to pay them more, otherwise they will walk out.
These guys work really hard, they repair your expensive machines so that they don't blow up, they water the plants and their worst job is sweeping up the litter, vomit and I won't say what else they have to clean up - yuk.
In bigger hospitals they can be run off their feet, so make sure you employ enough of them.
She works tirelessly, never complains, does not take breaks; she just keeps going. She is vital to your hospital to staff the reception desk and direct your patients to the various rooms.
##The Rooms
###GP's Office
Patients receive their initial consultation and results in the GP's Office
This is the fundamental diagnosis room in your hospital. New patients are sent here to find out what is wrong with them. They are then sent either to further diagnosis or to a room where they can be cured. You might want to build another GP's Office if this one gets too busy. The bigger the room, and the more extra objects you place in it, the higher the prestige for the Doctor. This is also true of all the occupied rooms.
The GP's Office requires any Doctor
###General Diagnosis
A Doctor uses the General Diagnosis Room for basic diagnosis of patients. Cheap and often very effective Patients who require further diagnosis are sent to be checked here. If a GP's Office doesn't find out what is wrong with them, General Diagnosis often will. From here they will be sent back to the GP's office for analysis of the results produced here.
The General Diagnosis Room requires any Doctor
The Psychiatry Room cures mad patients and helps in the diagnosis of other patients, but needs a Doctor with Psychiatry skills.
Patients diagnosed with psychiatric illnesses must visit the Psychiatry Dept. to receive counselling. Psychiatrists can also make diagnoses, finding out what type of illnesses the patients have and, if mental in origin, treating them using the trusty couch.
The Psychiatry Dept. requires a Psychiatrically-trained Doctor
Wards are useful for both diagnosis and pre-operative assessment. Patients are kept here for observation by a Nurse during diagnosis. They remain here prior to having a operation.
The Ward requires one Nurse
###Operating Theatre
This important installation is where a variety of conditions are treated. The Theatre has to be a good size, and must be filled with the correct equipment. It is a vital part of your hospital.
The Operating Theatre requires two Doctors with Surgeon qualifications. It also requires maintenance
The Nurse dispenses drugs here to cure patients Patients who have been diagnosed and whose treatment is a drug must visit the Pharmacy to take their medicine. As more and more drug cures are researched and become available, this room gets busier. You might want to build another Pharmacy later.
This room needs a nurse
A Doctor uses the Cardio Room to diagnose Patients.
Patients are diagnosed and checked in here, before going back to a GP's Office to be assigned to a cure.
The Cardio requires any Doctor. It also requires maintenance
A Doctor uses the Scanner Room to diagnose Patients.
Patients are accurately diagnosed using the sophisticated Scanner. They then go and see a Doctor in the GP's Office for further treatment.
The Scanner requires any Doctor. It also requires maintenance
A Doctor uses the Ultrascan Room to diagnose Patients The Ultrascan is virtually the ultimate in diagnostic equipment. It costs a lot but is worth it if you want superb diagnosing in your hospital.
The Ultrascan requires any Doctor. It also requires maintenance
###Blood Machine Room
A Doctor uses the Blood Machine Room to diagnose Patients.
The Blood Machine is a piece of diagnosis equipment which checks the cells in a patient's blood to find out what is wrong with them.
The Blood Machine Room requires any Doctor. It also requires maintenance
A Doctor uses the X-ray Room to diagnose Patients.
The X-Ray machine photographs people's insides using special radiation to provide staff with a good idea of what is wrong with them.
The x-ray requires any Doctor. It also requires maintenance
A Doctor uses the Inflator Room to cure Patients with Bloaty Heads.
Patients with the painful-yet-humorous condition of Bloaty Head must come to the Inflation Clinic, where the overlarge cranium will be popped and instantly re-inflated to the correct pressure.
The Inflation Clinic requires any Doctor.
It also requires on-going maintenance by a Handyman
###DNA Clinic
A Doctor uses the DNA-Fixer Room to cure patients with Alien DNA.
Patients who have been meddled with by aliens from another world must have their DNA replaced in this room. The DNA Fixer Machine is a very complex piece of equipment and it would be sensible to keep a fire extinguisher in the room with it, just in case.
It requires a Doctor with Research qualifications to work it
###Hair Restoration
A Doctor uses the Hair-Restorer Room to cure Baldness.
Patients suffering from the extreme condition of Baldness will be directed towards the Hair Restorer Machine in this Clinic. A Doctor will operate the machine, and it will rapidly seed the patient's head with fresh hair.
The Hair Restoration Clinic requires any Doctor.
It also requires periodic maintenance
###Slack Tongue Clinic
A Doctor uses the Tongue-Slicing Room to cure Slack Tongues.
Patients diagnosed in the GP's Office with Slack Tongue will be sent to this clinic for treatment. The Doctor will use a piece of high-tech machinery to extend the tongue and snip it off, thus returning the patient to normal good health.
The Slack Tongue Clinic requires any Doctor.
It also needs maintenance every so often
###Fracture Clinic
A Nurse uses the Fracture Clinic to repair Broken Bones.
Those patients unlucky enough to have Broken Bones will go here. The Cast Removal Machine will use powerful industrial lasers to slice off any hardened cast, causing only a little agony to the patient.
The Fracture Clinic requires a Nurse. It also needs maintenance every so often
A Training room with a Consultant can be used to train other Doctors.
Your Juniors and Doctors can gain valuable extra qualifications by studying in this room. A Consultant with Surgery, Research or Psychiatric skills will pass these on to any Doctors being trained. Doctors who already have these skills will find their ability to use them increases whilst here.
Note: You cannot build Training rooms until later in the game. How long it takes to train a Doctor depends on how many Doctors you send for training at any one time. The more Doctors attending a training session, the longer the session takes. Furnishing the Training Room with Skeletons and Bookcases helps to reduce this length of time. While a Doctor is in training, you can see how far his training has progressed, by calling up the Staff Screen and selecting the Doctor being trained. The Doctor’s skills are displayed at the bottom of the screen on a bar below the scale in which he’s being trained. This indicates how far the Doctor’s training has progressed.
The Training Room requires a Consultant
###Electrolysis Clinic
A Doctor uses the Electrolysis room to cure Hairyitis.
Patients with Hairyitis are directed to this room, where a special machine called the Electrolyser yanks out the hairs and seals the pores electrically using a compound not unlike grout.
The Electrolysis Room requires any Doctor. It also needs maintenance by a Handyman
###Jelly Vat
A Doctor uses the Jelly-vat to cure Jellyitis.
Patients cursed with the risible illness Jellyitis must wobble their way to the Jelly Clinic, and be placed in the Jelly Vat. This cures them in a way still not fully understood by the medical profession.
The Jelly Vat Clinic requires any Doctor. It also needs a Handyman for maintenance
###Staff Room
Doctors, handymen and Nurses relax in the staff room and become less tired.
Your staff get tired as they carry out their jobs. They require this room to relax and refresh themselves. Tired staff slow down, demand more money and will eventually quit. They also make more mistakes. Building a staff room with plenty for them to do is very worthwhile. Make sure there is room for several staff members at one time.
###Research Dept.
Doctors with Research skills can discover new drugs and machines in the Research Room.
New drugs and cures are invented or improved in the Research Room. It's a vital part of your hospital, and will do wonders for your cure percentages.
The Auto-Autopsy Machine is the first machine available and with this you can dispose of troublesome or unwelcome patients, and do research on their remains. (this means that they have to die first) Be warned - using this machine is extremely controversial, if you are found out it will cost you dearly in a loss of reputation. Next, once you have researched it will be the Computer, this is a key research component and the last machine you need to research for this room is the Atom Analyser, also known as the Chemical mixer. This machine speeds up the whole research process. (not yet implemented)
The Research Room requires a Doctor with Research qualifications
Build Toilets to stop Patients making a mess in your hospital!
Patients feeling a call of nature will need to unburden themselves in the comfort of your toilet facilities. You can build extra stalls and wash-basins if you expect a lot of visitors. In some cases, you might consider building further facilities elsewhere in the hospital.
A Doctor uses the Decontamination Shower to cure Radioactivity.
Patients who have been exposed to Radiation are quickly shown to the Decontamination Clinic. This room contains a shower which cleanses them off all the horrid radioactivity and muck.
The Decontamination Shower requires any Doctor. It also needs maintaining by a Handyman
##Corridor Objects
Reception desk Requires a Receptionist who directs patients to Doctors. You need to place at least one of these near each entrance of your hospital to enable your Receptionist to process patients and assign them to Diagnosis Rooms. Right-clicking will rotate the desk before placement.
Bench Provides seating for one patient, making waiting more comfortable. Place these in busy locations. They can be rotated by using the right mouse button before placement with the left button.
Drinks machine Stops patients from getting thirsty and provides revenue. Put drinks machines around your hospital to make your patients happier. They can be rotated with the right mouse button and placed with the left. They require no maintenance once installed.
Litter Bomb So you can sabotage opponents' hospitals (neither are implemented.)
- the following can also be purchased to go into rooms.
Fire extinguisher minimises danger from malfunctioning machinery. Place these in Rooms and Clinics to reduce the risk of a machine malfunctioning. When placed in corridors, they make the building overall safer.
Radiator keeps your hospital from getting cold. These moderate the temperatures in your hospital. Place them at intervals along your walls. Right-clicking rotates them, and left-clicking places them. They require no maintenance once positioned.
Plant keeps patients happy and purifies the air. These cheer up your patients and purify the air, making it more healthy. Handymen will water the plants automatically, but you can adjust their priorities to make sure the plants stay healthy.
Bin In theory patients put their rubbish here. You never actually see them being used though!
###Staff Room Objects
Sofa Employees resting in the Staff Room will sit quietly on a sofa unless there's a better way of relaxing.
Pool table Helps your male staff relax, nurses prefer the TV or video game.
TV Make sure your staff don't miss their favourite programmes.
Video Game Let your staff relax with Hi-Octane playing space invaders.
###Training Room Objects
Projector The Consultant will use this when he is teaching
Lecture chair Your learning Doctors sit here to take notes, get bored and doodle idly. The more chairs you place, the larger your class sizes can be.
- The next two can also be purchased to go into the Psychiatric Room
Bookcase Reference material for Doctors.
Skeleton Used for training purposes and the Halloween party.
Sink Your more hygiene-conscious patients may wash their soiled hands in this. If there aren't enough sinks, patients become unhappy.
Loo Do you really need me to tell you what these are used for?! You should place more than one if you don't want it messy or queues to build up!
###Room Objects
- These are common for a lot of the rooms
Desk Essential for a Doctor or Nurse to put to their PC on.
Filing cabinet Contains patient files, notes and research documents.
Chair Patients sit here and discuss their illnesses.
and then there are:
Beds Really sick people lie around on these.
##Main Screen Area
###The Control Panel
The Control Panel is the technical name we’ve given to the area beneath the Hospital View window. The Control Panel is split into four main sections: Finance, Build/Hire, Business, and Dynamic Info Bar. How the panel works is described in Using the Control Panel, below.
###The Build Timer
The Build Timer is one of the first things you notice when you start playing. It indicates how much time you have before your Hospital opens to the public. You have the option of a few minutes grace in which to begin building and hiring, or you can left-click on GO to open your Hospital immediately. Computer players run three competing Hospitals. Computer players do not always wait until the end of Build Time before opening their Hospitals.(Computer players are not implemented)
###The Advisor
The little chap who lurks in the bottom-right corner of the screen, just above the Control Panel, happens to be very well informed about all aspects of Hospital Management. He’s agreed to keep an eye on you every time you play and give you his good advice for free. Isn’t that nice?
###Menu Bar
Hidden, until you move the pointer to the top edge of the screen, is the Menu Bar. From here, you can save your game, load saved games, alter different aspects of the game, such as game speed, for example, or find out information about your game. There are four menus on the Menu bar File, Options, Display
##Using the Control Panel
From left to right, the Control Panel is split into three sections. On the left is the Finance section. In the middle is the Build/Hire section you’ll be using most. The right-hand third of the panel has two functions. If your mouse is pointing at it, the Business controls pop up from the base of the screen. If the mouse pointer is anywhere else, this section becomes the Dynamic Info Bar. The following paragraphs describe what each section does.
###Finance Controls
Bank Balance This displays how much money you have. Left-click the ‘$’ indicator to see your bank manager. The bank manager can arrange loans for you. Rightclick the ‘$’ sign to see your Bank Statement and compare what you’re spending with what you’re making. See At the Bank for more information on these screens.
Reputation Meter This indicates how your reputation in Theme World is doing. To begin with, it is average. Whether it rises or falls depends on how good you are overall–including curing Patients, coping with emergencies, and keeping your Hospital clean. Your reputation influences the flow of Patients who visit your Hospital, so keep it clean!
The Date A reminder of how long you have before your performance is judged. Running a Hospital keeps you very busy: sometimes it’s difficult to remember what day it is! See Yearly Appraisal for more details.
##Build/Hire Controls
###Build Rooms Begin building any kind of room by left-clicking this control to make the Build Rooms Panel appear. See Build Rooms in Using Pop-up Panels to learn how this panel works.
###Place Corridor Items Provide important fixtures by left-clicking this control to make the Furnish Corridors Panel appear. See Furnish Corridors in Using Pop-up Panels to learn how this panel works.
###Edit Rooms/Items Approve the blueprint for a new room and alter the layout of objects in rooms or corridors by left-clicking this control, to bring up the Edit Rooms/Items Panel. This panel is also automatically selected when you choose a room from the Build Rooms Panel. See Edit Rooms/Items in Using Pop-up Panels to learn how this panel works.
###Hire Staff Employ your Hospital’s Staff by left-clicking this control to bring up the Hire Staff Panel. See Hire Staff in Using Pop-up Panels to learn how this panel works.
##The Business Screen Buttons
The last seven icons on the Control Panel only appear if your pointer moves directly over them. When your pointer isn’t over the area, the Dynamic Info Bar occupies this space. The Business Screen buttons, which appear when your mouse pointer moves to this area, help you manage the behind-the-scenes aspects of Theme Hospital. You can also find out the information you need to compete with other Hospitals. (other Hospitals are not implemented)
###Staff management
This is where you find a list of all your hired Staff. You can see information regarding their happiness, fatigue, and other concerns as well. You can also perform sackings and bonus payouts from this screen. You can use the cursor keys to move from section to section of the Staff Information area, as well as left-clicking the mouse to select the relevant section. If you have a large number of Staff, the big arrow buttons on the left will move you up and down the list, enabling you to see them all.
Morale, Tiredness, and Skill are also shown here as bars. You can spot trends by watching these bars move up or down. The magnifying glass indicates the Staff member’s Attention-to-Detail level.
###Town map
Left-clicking on this button brings up a map showing both the Hospital and the local area around it. There is only one plot of land on the first level. However, from level two onwards you can buy extra plots of land to expand your Hospital. These appear in red. You can buy them by left-clicking on them. You can get information on each plot of land by simply moving your mouse pointer over them.
Note: Plots of land cost significant amounts of money and, once bought cannot be sold.
You can see the warmth zone of each radiator indicated as a red dot and a glow surrounding it. By adjusting the plus and minus buttons next to the Heating Level bar on the left, you can increase or decrease the amount of heat produced by your radiators. Note that increasing the heat level will increase your monthly heating bill. You might wish to place more radiators and increase your heat coverage that way. You can view your heating bill below the Heating Level bar on the left. This is the monthly amount you have to pay to keep your radiators functioning at their current level. Buying more radiators increases the bill, as does increasing the heat produced by each one, as described above.
You can change the warmth colours, which are shown on the Town Map. To do this you must click on "Options" and then on "Warmth colours". Now you can choose one of the colours.
In the bottom left of the screen, you are able to see your current bank balance, as well. Left-clicking on this takes you to the Bank Manager screen.
You can also see patients, plants and equipment as little dots on the Town map. You can put one or more dots off by clicking on one of the pencil-buttons at the Town map. Left-clicking on a part of the hospital at the Town Map will bring you to that location of the hospital and closes the Town Map.
###Drug casebook
This screen enables you to alter what you charge for each cure and diagnosis. The percentage of treatment charge tells you what your Hospital is charging based on the recommended price. This recommendation takes into account the reputation of your Hospital and the previous success rating for that particular treatment. You can alter your percentage of the recommended price by left-clicking on the +/- buttons next to it. The Casebook lists the diseases and Diagnosis Rooms you have discovered, diagnosed, or researched but this doesn’t mean that your Staff are able to cure the diseases they can now attempt to treat. At the bottom of the list is the cure indicator. When you highlight an ailment, the icon at the bottom of the list shows you whether the cure is a visit to Psychiatry, a Drug from the Pharmacy, or a Machine.
Note that on the drug cure (a glass beaker), there is a number. This is the effectiveness percentage of that drug. Researching drugs raises their effectiveness.
Keep a regular track of the percentages in the Drug Casebook, as they will change frequently over time and will require readjustment. Overcharging makes money in the short term, but dissuades new Patients from entering the Hospital. Undercharging increases the number of admissions to the Hospital and potentially raises your Reputation, but each treatment earns you less.
The concentrate research button at the bottom of the screen assigns the Research specialization percentage to the currently selected Cure.(over or under charging has no affect at the moment)
This screen is unavailable on the first level, and you must have built a Research Room before you can access it on any of the other levels.
When you first enter the Research screen, all five headings are allocated 20% of the total Research available. If no Researchers are placed in the Research Room, no Research takes place, despite these figures. Researchers, whom you place in the Research Room, split their time equally between each area. To change the priorities of the Researchers, left-click on the arrows next to each area of Research and alter the percentages.
Note: The total allocated Research cannot exceed 100%. In addition, placing more Researchers and Research equipment in the Research Room decreases the time needed for each improvement to be discovered.
The five areas of Research are as follows:
Cure and Diagnosis: This researches new rooms to cure diseases and a greater range of Diagnosis Rooms.
Drugs: This improves the effectiveness of all drugs and decreases their cost to you.
Improvements: This raises the strength of all machines and reduces the cost of replacement machines.
Specialization: This concentrates a percentage of your research on a specific cure that you are able to select in the Casebook screen.
###Status (the pie chart and other players are not implemented)
This screen provides you with information regarding the progress of you and the other players in the game. In the top right, a pie chart indicates how the population is split between the four Hospitals. To the left of this are graphs showing your win criteria. You must gain 100 per cent in all of these criteria by the end of each quarterly cycle to win that level.
The criteria are Reputation, Money, Cures, Happiness, and Hospital Value. Each is a fixed value that you must attain, as set out in the Briefing at the start of each level.
Lose criteria will appear as a red bar instead of a green one. If the red bar reaches 100 per cent you will achieve your lose criteria and forfeit the level.
In the top right corner are the names of the Administrators of the four competing Hospitals, including your own. Left-click on any of these names to display the statistics for that Hospital alone.
The Progress Report also displays information regarding the Overall Happiness, Thirst, and Warmth of the Patients in your Hospital.
This screen displays your statistics in chart form:
- Cash In
- Cash Out
- Total Wage Bill
- Bank Balance
- Number of Patients Visiting your Hospital
- Number of Successful Cures
- Number of Deaths
- Reputation
You can toggle each statistic on or off by left-clicking on the relevant pencil on the right. Right clicking on a pencil turns off all the other statistics except that one. You can also cycle through the graph’s time scale by left-clicking the green button below and to the right of the graph display. The default setting shows figures over one year. The second shows twelve years and the third displays 48 years in four-year jumps.
Firstly, you can set the Preferences as to whether a partially Diagnosed Patient will be treated anyway or sent home. If a Patient’s Partial Diagnosis percentage is lower than that of the Send Home Slider, the Patient is automatically sent home. If it is higher than the Guess at Cure slider, then the Patient is automatically sent to be cured. Any Patients with a percentage in between the two sliders will require you to make a decision.
Diagnosis Termination is a sneaky and underhand way to make more money. Although you can Diagnose a Patient to 100%, whereupon the cure is obvious, you can keep the Patient in the Hospital by performing unnecessary further diagnosis, which the Patient eventually has to pay for. The Patient is, of course, not aware of the extra tests and receives the cure needed in due course anyway. It’s just a way of extracting further cash when times are quiet.
You may set Diagnosis Termination to any level over 100%, but be aware that over-diagnosis places extra strain on your resources. If the Patient is kept in the Hospital for too long, he or she could well leave without paying. In that case, you would lose out financially and your reputation would suffer.
Send Staff To Rest governs the threshold of tiredness at which Staff will make their way to the Staff Room to relax. If this is set too low, your Staff will be more alert, but will spend much less time actually engaged upon their work; they’ll be forever in the Staff Room, or on the way to or from it.
If you set the Send Staff To Rest threshold too high, Staff become more tired at their posts and make mistakes, as well as becoming increasingly unhappy. They end up asking for more money and even resigning if they feel they have been taken advantage of.
The Staff Leave Rooms Button toggles whether you want your Staff to attend rooms requiring someone of their Skills when they aren’t actively working in their own room. If this is set to No, Staff are at their most efficient and will stay in their own rooms, unless they are using the Staff Room, or going to or from it. The downside is that you need to employ Staff for every room that requires it, if you wish to adopt this policy. This can be costly if some rooms aren’t used regularly.
This option is best for later levels, when you can afford at least one Doctor for each room. If Staff Leave Rooms is set to Yes, the Staff will leave their rooms if required elsewhere. This setting means that you may employ fewer Staff in your Hospital but it can lead to long queues and inefficiency, if Staff are forever rotating between rooms.
###Yearly Appraisal (Trophy Room)
At the end of each year, you get high score charts to read and maybe even an award to gloat over. You’ll find out exactly how you’re doing, compared to the computer players.
Hall of Fame (not implemented)
Left-click the Thumbs Up icon to see the top ten performers.
Hall Of Shame (not implemented)
Left-click the Thumbs Down icon to find out just how badly you did.
Prizes and Trophies (not fully implemented)
At the end of the year you can receive awards (money or a boost to your reputation) for doing good work during that year. You can also receive a penalty for poor performance, which will either be a deduction from your reputation or your bank balance.
At the moment there are only a few available, we will add some more at various times over the next few months as time allows. It is not possible to add many at the moment though as various other elements will need to be in the game first i.e. rats, computer players etc. The amount you receive/lose and the target/pre set amount will vary per level and is dependent on the values set in the level file.
No Deaths
If you have killed no patients at all during the past year you will receive a monetary award.
If you have cured enough of your patients you will receive a monetary award. If you don't cure enough though, your bank balance will suffer.
Few deaths/Too many deaths
If you have killed only a few patients you will receive a small award and if you kill too many you will receive a penalty.
Cure v Deaths
There is also an award for where your ratio of cured patients is high when compared to those you have killed. There is also a penalty for when the ratio is poor.
Super VIP visits
If you please all of the VIP’s that visit your hospital during the past year you will receive a small boost to your reputation. You will have to get a “super” feedback for each visit you have had though!
High vending sales
If your vending sales (cans of coke) are high (above the pre set amount) you will receive a monetary award.
High Reputation
If you have had a high reputation throughout the last year you will receive a monetary award if it was always above a certain threshold.
There are also smaller awards for having a reputation above a pre set level and a penalty if you fall below another pre set level.
Hospital Value
If your hospital value is above a pre set amount you receive an award and if it is less than another pre set value you receive a penalty.
Other Prizes
These will need to be implemented at some point and are:
Rat shooting accuracy, Rats – number shot, Plants – well looked after, Staff happiness, Patient happiness, Cleanliness, Emergency success rate, Waiting times, Well kept machines, Research (being really fast or too slow,) Good TECH – similar to previous
Hospitals sometimes have to deal with disasters and continue to work efficiently, even under the strain these things exert on normal Hospital operation. To test your mettle, we’ve included a few likely disasters in the game.
###Vomit Waves
Vomit isn’t a nice subject but your Patients are in your Hospital because they’re sick and sometimes they will actually be sick. Cleaning up this mess quickly and without fuss is part of a Handyman’s job. However, you know what it’s like. If one person sees another person being sick, the feeling of nausea spreads to both-and you have two people being sick. In a Hospital where people are sick already, if your Handymen are too busy to clean up the mess, your Hospital can suffer from wave of vomiting. Think of the way an avalanche starts with a single snowball... A vomit wave can overwhelm your Handymen and give you a genuinely serious problem to sort out.
###Boiler Breakdowns
If you have a lot of radiators and not many Handymen, there’s a risk that all the radiators will breakdown, leading to protracted periods of hot and cold, which won’t do your Patients any good at all. Once a boiler breakdown occurs, there’s nothing you can do about it. You have to wait until it is fixed again automatically.
The incidence of a small tremor will prepare you for the larger quakes which will occur shortly afterwards. These damage your machines, adding to their Used Counts. If a machine already has a large Used Count, it might even explode, so if you notice the tremor and you value life, get your Handymen onto the machines in time for the imminent Continent Shaker. After a machine in a room is exploded, you can't edit or remove the room anymore.
###Rats (not implemented)
The appearance of rats in your Hospital is a by-product of litter and other filth. Rats get in through holes in the skirting boards. If you see a rat, point your cursor over it and shoot! Splat one rat! Just make sure a Handyman cleans it up.
Emergencies are special circumstances in which a number of Patients have a certain disease or condition. You don’t have to diagnose these Patients; you already know what’s wrong with them. Instead, you have to try to cure them all within a certain time limit, if you choose to accept the Emergency. If you do choose to handle the Emergency, a Nurse’s watch appears in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. This counts down the time you have in which to cure the Emergency Patients. The Patients arrive in a helicopter on the helipad outside your Hospital and go to the Receptionist. You can identify them by the flashing blue lights above their heads. The Receptionist sends them to the correct treatment room. Some cures take longer than others so make sure you haven’t overestimated your Hospital’s facilities.
###Win or Lose
Whether you win or lose a level is determined by how well you achieved the objectives contained in the Briefing you received at the beginning of the level.
The Status Screen shows you, in terms of percentage, how close you are to meeting the criteria required to win.
At the end of each quarter (three months), you are judged on how you have performed. If you have satisfied all the objectives, you may proceed to the next Hospital or remain where you are. Remaining where you are lets you build up your score and money. However, you must proceed through all the levels to complete the game. As well as having to meet all the criteria for winning, you must avoid meeting any of the losing criteria that were also outlined in the Briefing.
If you meet the lose criteria, scandal strikes your Hospital and the game ends.
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