This package is a vision module for a robot Yut game on ROS2.
o 대회 : 엑스와이지 인간-로봇 상호작용 기술 구현 챌린지
(XYZ Human-Robot Interaction Technology Implementation Challenge)
o 주최 : 산업통상자원부
o 주관 : 한국로봇산업진흥원, 한국로봇산업협회
o 세부주관 : (주)엑스와이지
o 후원 : 푸드테크로봇협의회
o 결과 : 한국로봇산업기술진흥원 원장상
- Ros2 humble
- Ubuntu 22.04
ros2 launch realsense2_camera camera_name:=my_d455 device_type:=d455
ros2 launch realsense2_camera camera_name:=my_d435 device_type:=d435
ros2 launch xyz_yut_vision
ros2 launch xyz_map_vision
- Detect and Extract game map, game piece.
- Numbering yut piece and extract position and degree. (Back flip pieces)
- Numbering yut piece and extract position and degree. (Non back flip pieces)