I apologyze for my English. I've been using minion, and it's excellent. I thought once that Kohana is not enough mechanisms of automatic generation of simple structures, and has written several tasks.
I use them to automatically generate:
- Controllers,
- Form views,
- Models
- Messages
It's no secret that within the same site many forms run on similar principles, which means they can be easily and automatically generate. Ok, look this:
minion autogen:form
I think is not needed further explanations.
File will be created in APPPATH/views/somefile.php
With the controller is also simple:
minion autogen:controller
Or, if you need to create multiple controllers:
minion autogen:controller
Now to the fun - models. Suppose we have a table of categories
it has a lot of fields, and we need to create a model. Of course,
we can do it manually ... and can be done automatically and avoid routine.
minion autogen:model --name=category
At the same time, table fields will be analyzed types automatically and taken into account in the filters and rules.
See http://kohanaframework.org/3.3/guide/orm/validation#handling-validation-exceptions
minion autogen:message
Creates (or updates, if they already exist) message files.