This is a rabbitMQ brokered, celery cluster running off of a specific formulaic CRF transcode, generated by the central (running django) node Commands are then passed back to the Django node and videos are routed to the appropriate delivery method. This worker
python setup.py install
from command line:
Python instantiate class:
VW = VideoWorker( veda_id = '${ID_STRING}' encode_profile = '${ENCODE_ID}' jobid='${JOB_ID}' )
import celeryapp
veda_id='${ID_STRING}' encode_profile='${ENCODE_ID}' jobid='${JOB_ID}' celeryapp.worker_task_fire.apply_async( (veda_id, encode_profile, jobid), queue='test_node' )
@yro / 2016