A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase firestore, storage and auth. Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database; originally conceived to port from one database to another.
- FirebaseWrapper
A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase firestore, storage and auth. all-in-one wrapper for a solid subset of CLIENT-SIDE Firebase functions, with a consistent interface. There is a parallel set for ADMIN-SIDE functions as well. Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database; originally conceived to port from one database to another. NOTE: Most helpers return PROMISE.REJECT if no documents are returned. it is assumed projects using this library might want to have an explicitly error trap for such events.
- FirebaseAuthWrapper/authAdmin
A set of helpers around Firebase admin SDK auth. Specific to use in Cloud Functions
- FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase firestore, storage and auth. Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database; originally conceived to port from one database to another.
- FirebaseCloudFunctionsWrapper
A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase firestore, storage and auth. Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database; originally conceived to port from one database to another.
- FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase firestore, storage and auth. Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database; originally conceived to port from one database to another.
- FirebaseStorageWrapper
A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase firestore, storage and auth. Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database; originally conceived to port from one database to another.
- FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator
A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase storage Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database and Storage as a parallel structure originally conceived to port from one database to another.
- FirebaseWrapper
A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase firestore, storage and auth. all-in-one wrapper for a solid subset of CLIENT-SIDE Firebase functions, with a consistent interface. There is a parallel set for ADMIN-SIDE functions as well. Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database; originally conceived to port from one database to another. NOTE: Most helpers return PROMISE.REJECT if no documents are returned. it is assumed projects using this library might want to have an explicitly error trap for such events.
A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase firestore, storage and auth. all-in-one wrapper for a solid subset of CLIENT-SIDE Firebase functions, with a consistent interface. There is a parallel set for ADMIN-SIDE functions as well. Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database; originally conceived to port from one database to another. NOTE: Most helpers return PROMISE.REJECT if no documents are returned. it is assumed projects using this library might want to have an explicitly error trap for such events.
- FirebaseWrapper
- static
- inner
- ~FirebaseConfigObject :
- ~FirebaseConfigObject :
- ~FirebaseConfigObject :
Kind: static method of FirebaseWrapper
Returns: none
Param | Type | Description |
config | FirebaseConfigObject |
Firebase Admin object |
//this specifically loads ALL the subsections, specifically for
//the Browser. See later (tbd) notes for NodeJS
import FirebaseWrapper from "@leaddreamer/firebase-wrapper";
FirebaseWrapper(config); //see below
export * from "@leaddreamer/firebase-wrapper";
Kind: static method of FirebaseWrapper
Returns: none
Param | Type | Description |
config | FirebaseConfigObject |
Firebase Admin object |
//this specifically loads ALL the subsections, specifically for
//the Browser. See later (tbd) notes for NodeJS
import FirebaseWrapper from "@leaddreamer/firebase-wrapper";
FirebaseWrapper(config); //see below
export * from "@leaddreamer/firebase-wrapper";
only authDomain, databaseURL and storageBucket are present when called from a cloud environment
Kind: inner typedef of FirebaseWrapper
Name | Type | Description |
apiKey | string |
required api Key from Firebase Console, |
appId | string |
required app ID from Firebase Console |
projectId | string |
required Firebase projectID from Firebase console |
authDomain | string |
(optional) auth domain from Firebase Console |
databaseURL | string |
(optional) Firestore database URL from Firebase console |
storageBucket: | string |
(optional) URL of Firestore Storage Bucket |
messagingSenderId: | string |
(optional) ID for Messaing service from Firebase Console |
measurementId: | string |
(optional) Analytics/Measurement ID from Firebase Console |
mapsAPIKey | string |
(optional) App ID for Google Maps API, from Google |
only authDomain, databaseURL and storageBucket are present when called from a cloud environment
Kind: inner typedef of FirebaseWrapper
Name | Type | Description |
apiKey | string |
required api Key from Firebase Console, |
appId | string |
required app ID from Firebase Console |
projectId | string |
required Firebase projectID from Firebase console |
authDomain | string |
(optional) auth domain from Firebase Console |
databaseURL | string |
(optional) Firestore database URL from Firebase console |
storageBucket: | string |
(optional) URL of Firestore Storage Bucket |
messagingSenderId: | string |
(optional) ID for Messaing service from Firebase Console |
measurementId: | string |
(optional) Analytics/Measurement ID from Firebase Console |
mapsAPIKey | string |
(optional) App ID for Google Maps API, from Google |
A set of helpers around Firebase admin SDK auth. Specific to use in Cloud Functions
- FirebaseAuthWrapper/authAdmin
- static
- inner
Initializes the administrative Auth service of the provided firebase app. Also instantiates various constants and helper functions
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authAdmin
Param | Type |
firebase | firebase |
asynchronously fetches user data from Firestore Authentication
Kind: inner method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authAdmin
Param | Type |
userID | string |
deletes a single user from the authentication system, identified by user ID
Kind: inner method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authAdmin
Param | Type |
userID | string |
sets custom claims on user object overwrites other needed settings
Kind: inner method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authAdmin
Param | Type | Description |
uid | string |
user ID |
customClaim | Object |
claims object, less than 1000 Bytes. null clears |
adds/merges to new claims to user customClaims
Kind: inner method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authAdmin
Param | Type | Description |
uid | string |
user ID |
customClaim | Object |
claims object to be merged with existing claims |
removes all current customClaims on user (sets to null)
Kind: inner method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authAdmin
Param | Type | Description |
uid | string |
user ID |
pages through the full list of users. Woefully inefficient.
Kind: inner method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authAdmin
Param | Type | Description |
pageSize | number |
default 1000 |
pageToken | object |
default null |
A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase firestore, storage and auth. Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database; originally conceived to port from one database to another.
import * as firebase from "firebase/app";
import "firebase/auth";
import FirebaseAuth from "@leaddreamer/firebase-wrapper/FirebaseAuthWrapper";
//the next is optional - if you want the React component
import StyledFirebaseAuth from "react-firebaseui/StyledFirebaseAuth";
import {config} from "wherever-you-put-it";
((myconfig) {
try {
} catch (err) {
FirebaseAuth(firebase, StyledFirebaseAuth);
- FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
- static
- .FirebaseAuth :
- .FirebaseAuthSignInOptions :
- .FirebaseAuthClient(firebase)
- .fetchToken(user) ⇒
- .fetchJWT(user) ⇒
- .refreshAuthUser() ⇒
- .doCreateUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password) ⇒
- .doSignInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password) ⇒
- .doSignInWithGoogle()
- .doSignInWithFacebook()
- .doSignInWithTwitter()
- .doSignOut()
- .doPasswordReset()
- .doSendEmailVerification()
- .doPasswordUpdate()
- .createAnonymousUser() ⇒
- .attachAuthUserListener() ⇒
- .setPersistence()
- .FirebaseAuth :
- inner
- ~fromJSON() :
- ~AdditionalUserInfo :
- ~User :
- ~UserCredential :
- ~AuthChangeProcess :
- ~fromJSON() :
- static
Kind: static property of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Kind: static property of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Initializes the Auth service of the provided firebase app. Also instantiates various constants and helper functions
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Param | Type |
firebase | firebase |
fetches our specific custom claim values from firebase auth
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Fulfil: Returns a user token object
Reject: returns err
Param | Type |
user | FirebaseAuthUser |
Fetch a JWT token for authenticated signed requests
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Fulfil: Returnsa JWT token
Reject: returns an err
Param | Type |
user | FirebaseAuthUser |
triggers an update of the Firebase Auth user object. A listener can be set to monitor these changes
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient.doCreateUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password) ⇒ Promise.<UserCredential>
Creates AND SIGNS IN an authenticated user with the provided email and password Creates a new user account associated with the specified email address and password. On successful creation of the user account, this user will also be signed in to your application. User account creation can fail if the account already exists or the password is invalid. Note: The email address acts as a unique identifier for the user and enables an email-based password reset. This function will create a new user account and set the initial user password.
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Param | Type |
string |
password | string |
FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient.doSignInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password) ⇒ Promise.<UserCredential>
SIGNS IN an existing authenticated user with the provided email and password Creates a new user account associated with the specified email address and password. On successful creation of the user account, this user will also be signed in to your application. User account creation can fail if the account already exists or the password is invalid. Note: The email address acts as a unique identifier for the user and enables an email-based password reset. This function will create a new user account and set the initial user password.
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Param | Type |
string |
password | string |
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Returns: callback
- unsubscribe function
Name | Type |
next | AuthChangeProcess |
Kind: static method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Kind: inner method of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Name | Type |
providerId | string |
signInMethod | string |
Kind: inner typedef of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Name | Type |
isNewUser | boolean |
profile | object |
providerId | string |
username | string |
See https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.User
Kind: inner typedef of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Kind: inner typedef of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Name | Type |
additionalUserInfo | AdditionalUserInfo |
credential | AuthCredential |
operationType | "signin" | "link" | "reauthenticate" |
user | "User" |
Kind: inner typedef of FirebaseAuthWrapper/authClient
Param | Type |
user | User |
A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase firestore, storage and auth. Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database; originally conceived to port from one database to another.
- FirebaseCloudFunctionsWrapper
- .FirebaseCloudFunctions(firebase)
- .CloudFunctions() ⇒
- .treeFromParams(Params) ⇒
Initializes the FirebaseCLoud function support
Kind: static method of FirebaseCloudFunctionsWrapper
Param | Type |
firebase | firebase |
import * as firebase from "firebase/app";
import "firebase/functions";
import FirebaseFunctions from "@leaddreamer/firebase-wrapper/FirebaseCloudFunctionsWrapper";
import {config} from "whereever-you-put-it";
((myconfig) {
try {
} catch (err) {
Kind: static method of FirebaseCloudFunctionsWrapper
Fulfil: result as returns from call
Reject: err as returned from call
result = await CloudFunctions("MyGloriousFunction")(argumentToFunction);
Kind: static method of FirebaseCloudFunctionsWrapper
Param | Type |
Params | object |
A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase firestore, storage and auth. Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database; originally conceived to port from one database to another.
- FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
- static
- .FirebaseFirestore(firebase)
- .createUniqueReference(tablePath, refPath) ⇒
- .writeRecord(tablePath, data, refPath, batch, mergeOption) ⇒
- .writeRecordByRefPath(data, refPath, Transaction, mergeOption) ⇒
- .writeBack(data, Transaction, mergeOption) ⇒
- .collectRecords(tablePath, refPath) ⇒
- .collectRecordsByFilter(tablePath, refPath, [filterArray], [sortArray], limit) ⇒
- .collectRecordsInGroup(tableName) ⇒
- .collectRecordsInGroupByFilter(tableName, [filterArray], [sortArray], limit) ⇒
- .fetchRecord(tablePath, Id, refPath, batch) ⇒
- .fetchRecordByRefPath(docRefPath, batch) ⇒
- .fetchRecordByFilter(table, [filterArray], refPath, batch) ⇒
- .fetchRecordInGroupByFilter(table, [filterArray], batch) ⇒
- .deleteRecord(table, record, refPath, batch) ⇒
- .deleteRecordByRefPath(docRefPath, batch) ⇒
- .updateRecordFields(recordUpdate) ⇒
- .updateRecordByRefPath(docRefPath, data, batch) ⇒
- .writeArrayValue(fieldName, fieldValue, docRefPath, batch) ⇒
- .localBatchReturn(incomingBatch, internalBatch) ⇒
- Batch
- .runTransaction(updateFunction) ⇒
- .openWriteBatch() ⇒
- .closeWriteBatch(batch) ⇒
- .openBulkWriter() ⇒
- .closeBulkWriter(bulkWriter) ⇒
- .runTransaction(updateFunction) ⇒
- FieldPath
- .documentId :
- .documentId :
- FieldValue
- .deleteFieldValue :
- .serverTimestampFieldValue :
- .incrementFieldValue(n) ⇒
- .decrementFieldValue(n) ⇒
- .arrayRemoveFieldValue(elements) ⇒
- .arrayUnionFieldValue(elements) ⇒
- .deleteFieldValue :
- Listeners
- .ListenRecords(tablePath, refPath, dataCallback, errCallback) ⇒
- .ListenQuery(tablePath, refPath, dataCallback, errCallback, [filterArray], [sortArray]) ⇒
- .ListenCollectionGroupRecords(tablePath, refPath, dataCallback, errCallback) ⇒
- .ListenCollectionGroupQuery(table, [filterArray], [sortArray], dataCallback, errCallback) ⇒
- .ListenRecord(tablePath, Id, refPath, dataCallback, errCallback) ⇒
- .ListenRecords(tablePath, refPath, dataCallback, errCallback) ⇒
- Paginator
- .PaginateFetch
- new exports.PaginateFetch(table, filterArray, sortArray, refPath, limit)
- .limit :
- .status :
- .PageForward() ⇒
- .PageBack() ⇒
- .PaginateGroupFetch
- new exports.PaginateGroupFetch(group, [filterArray], [sortArray], limit)
- .limit :
- .status :
- .PageForward() ⇒
- .PageBack() ⇒
- .PaginatedListener
- new exports.PaginatedListener(tablePath, refPath, dataCallback, errCallback, limit, [filterArray], [sortArray])
- .limit :
- .status :
- .PageForward() ⇒
- .PageBack() ⇒
- .ChangeLimit(newLimit) ⇒
- .ChangeFilter([filterArray]) ⇒
- .unsubscribe()
- .PaginateFetch
- Tree Slice
- .ownerFilter(owner, queryFilter) ⇒
- .listenSlice(owner, collectionName, dataCallback, response, errCallback, response) ⇒
- .fetchSlice(owner, collectionName) ⇒
- .querySlice(owner, collectionName, queryFilter) ⇒
- .listenQuerySlice(owner, collectionName, filterArray, dataCallback, response, errCallback, response) ⇒
- .ownerType(record) ⇒
- .ownerId(record) ⇒
- .ownerRefPath(record) ⇒
- .ownerByChild(record) ⇒
- .ownerByOwnerType(ownerId, ownerType) ⇒
- .fetchOwner(record) ⇒
- .ownerFilter(owner, queryFilter) ⇒
- Typed
- .recordType(record) ⇒
- .recordId() ⇒
- .typedWrite(data, parent, type, batch) ⇒
- .typedWriteByTree(data, tree, type, batch) ⇒
- .typedWriteByChild(data, tree, type, batch) ⇒
- .typedCreate(data, parent, type, batch) ⇒
- .treeFromChild(child) ⇒
- .typedTablePathFromTree(tree, type, branchType) ⇒
- .typedRefPathFromTree(tree, type) ⇒
- .typedIdFromChild(child, type)
- .typedTablePathFromChild(child, type) ⇒
- .typedRefPathFromChild(child, type) ⇒
- .typedFetchFromChild(child, refPath, type, batch) ⇒
- .typedFetchFromTree(tree, refPath, type, batch) ⇒
- .typedCollectFromTree(tree, type, batch) ⇒
- .typedCollectFromChild(child, type, batch)
- .recordType(record) ⇒
- inner
- static
maximum concurrent writes
Kind: static constant of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Initializes the Firestore service of the provided firebase app. Also instantiates various constants and helper functions
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Param | Type |
firebase | firebase |
import * as firebase from "firebase/app";
import "firebase/firestore";
import FirebaseFirestore from "@leaddreamer/firebase-wrapper/FirebaseFirestoreWrapper";
import {config} from "whereever-you-put-it";
((myconfig) {
try {
} catch (err) {
Creates a DocumentReference document to the collection referenced in parameter tablePath (relative to optional refPath). This is can be useful for Transactions and Batches, which can only get(), set() or update() existing documents. Tricksie!
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: DocumentReference
- Firestore Document Reference
Param | Type | Description |
tablePath | string |
string representing a valid path to a collection to create the new document in, relative to a document reference passed in |
refPath | string |
an optional valid document reference to start the table path |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.writeRecord(tablePath, data, refPath, batch, mergeOption) ⇒ Promise.<Record>
Writes a Firestore record to collection indicated by tablePath relative to option DocumentReference refPath
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: Promise.<Record>
- - a copy of the written record
Param | Type | Description |
tablePath | string |
string representing a valid path to a collection to create or update the document in, relative to a document reference passed in |
data | Record |
Data/Record object to write to database |
refPath | string |
an optional valid document reference to start the table path |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
optional chain token to include this operation as part of an Atomic Transaction |
mergeOption | boolean |
whether to merge into existing data; default TRUE |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.writeRecordByRefPath(data, refPath, Transaction, mergeOption) ⇒ Promise.<Record>
Writes given data object (or map) to the given documentReference
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: Promise.<Record>
- data record as written
Param | Type | Description |
data | Record |
Object/Map to be written back to the Firestore |
refPath | string |
DocumentReference to write document to |
Transaction | WriteBatch | Transaction |
Optional Transaction to enclose this action in |
mergeOption | boolean |
whether to merge into existin data; default TRUE |
Writes a local-schema document back to the Firestore. Assume object/map came from the firestore
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: Promise.<Record>
- record as written.
Param | Type | Description |
data | Record |
Object/Map to be written back to the Firestore |
data.refPath | string |
required to be present |
Transaction | WriteBatch | Transaction |
Optional Transaction to enclose this action in |
mergeOption | boolean |
whether to merge into existin data; default TRUE |
query for a SET of records
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Param | Type | Description |
tablePath | string |
string representing path ro requested collection |
refPath | string |
string representing a path to the relative PARENT of the requested collection |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.collectRecordsByFilter(tablePath, refPath, [filterArray], [sortArray], limit) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Record>>
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Descriptions: returns an array of documents from Firestore
Param | Type | Description |
tablePath | string |
a properly formatted string representing the requested collection - always an ODD number of elements |
refPath | string |
(optional) allows "table" parameter to reference a sub-collection of an existing document reference (I use a LOT of structured collections) |
[filterArray] | filterObject |
an array of filterObjects The array is assumed to be sorted in the correct order - i.e. filterArray[0] is added first; filterArray[length-1] last returns data as an array of objects (not dissimilar to Redux State objects) with both the documentID and documentReference added as fields. |
[sortArray] | sortObject |
a 2xn array of sort (i.e. "orderBy") conditions |
limit | number |
limit result to this number (if at all) |
query for a SET of records from a COLLECTIONGROUP - all collections of a similar name, regardless of parents. It is up to the User to ensure these are at a similar level/structure - Firestore just matches the name
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Param | Type | Description |
tableName | string |
string describing the NAME of the collection group desired |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.collectRecordsInGroupByFilter(tableName, [filterArray], [sortArray], limit) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<Record>>
queries for Records from a CollectionGroup, filtered by the passed array of filterObjects
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Param | Type | Description |
tableName | string |
string describing the Name of the collectiongroup |
[filterArray] | filterObject |
an array of filterObjects The array is assumed to be sorted in the correct order - i.e. filterArray[0] is added first; filterArray[length-1] last returns data as an array of objects (not dissimilar to Redux State objects) with both the documentID and documentReference added as fields. |
[sortArray] | sortObject |
a 2xn array of sort (i.e. "orderBy") conditions |
limit | number |
limit result to this number (if at all) |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.fetchRecord(tablePath, Id, refPath, batch) ⇒ Promise.<(Record|WriteBatch|Transaction)>
retrieve a record from the Firestore. If a Batch object is passed, returns a chained Btahc object
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Param | Type | Description |
tablePath | string |
path to the enclosing collection |
Id | string |
Id of the specific document requested |
refPath | string |
optional document reference to base tablePath from |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
optional batch reference |
fetches a single record from the database, using just a refPath to identify the document
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Param | Type | Description |
docRefPath | string |
string identifying the full path to the requested document |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
object for collecting batched operations |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.fetchRecordByFilter(table, [filterArray], refPath, batch) ⇒ Promise.<(Record|WriteBatch|Transaction)>
fetches a SINGLE record from the database, using just a filter to identify the document. DANGEROUSLY assumes the filter identifies a SINGLE document, even if the query always returns an array
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Param | Type | Description |
table | string |
a properly formatted string representing the requested collection - always an ODD number of elements |
[filterArray] | filterObject |
array of objects describing filter operations |
refPath | string |
optional document reference to base tablePath from |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
optional batch reference |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.fetchRecordInGroupByFilter(table, [filterArray], batch) ⇒ Promise.<(Record|WriteBatch|Transaction)>
fetches a SINGLE record from the database, using just a filter to identify the document. DANGEROUSLY assumes the filter identifies a SINGLE document, even if the query always returns an array
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Param | Type | Description |
table | string |
a properly formatted string representing the requested collection - always an ODD number of elements |
[filterArray] | filterObject |
array of objects describing filter operations |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
optional batch reference |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.deleteRecord(table, record, refPath, batch) ⇒ Promise.<(Record|WriteBatch|Transaction)>
deletes a single record from the database
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Param | Type | Description |
table | string |
string naming the parent collection of the document |
record | Record |
refPath | string |
optional document reference to base tablePath from |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
optional batch reference |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.deleteRecordByRefPath(docRefPath, batch) ⇒ Promise.<(Record|WriteBatch|Transaction)>
deletes a single record from the database
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Param | Type | Description |
docRefPath | string |
string identifying the full path to the requested document |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
optional batch reference |
update record by fields - Allows use of FieldPath options such as .delete(). Only specifically referenced fields will be affected. Assumes the originating docRef is passed as refPath: field
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Param | Type | Description |
recordUpdate | Record |
object of field:value entries to update. |
recordUpdate.refPath | string |
full path to document/record |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.updateRecordByRefPath(docRefPath, data, batch) ⇒ Promise.<(Record|WriteBatch|Transaction)>
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Param | Type | Description |
docRefPath | string |
full path to document to update |
data | Record |
Record of values to update |
data.Id | string |
document Id of record |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
batching object |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.writeArrayValue(fieldName, fieldValue, docRefPath, batch) ⇒ Promise.<(Record|WriteBatch|Transaction)>
adds a new value to a firestore record array entry
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Param | Type | Description |
fieldName | string |
the string name of the array to be updated |
fieldValue | any |
the value to add to the array |
docRefPath | string |
the reference path for the document to be updated |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
optional - used to chain transactions |
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: WriteBatch
| Transaction
- WriteBatch, Transaction or Void
Param | Type | Description |
incomingBatch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
a batching object passed into the subroutine Internal Transaction will be added to the incoming batch |
internalBatch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
a batching object as built in the routine, built on the incomingBatch if it exists |
export const suboperation = (data, batch = null) => {
let myBatch = batch || openWriteBatch(); //note short circuit
//stuff that happens in the routine
writeRecord(table, data, parent, myBatch);
writeRecord(otherTable, otherData, otherParent, myBatch);
return localBatchReturn(batch, myBatch);
creates and runs a series of record operations (executed in the param function) as an atomic operation. A transation object is passed to the callback parameter
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: Promise.<object>
- a promise with the result of updateFunction
Category: Batch
Param | Type | Description |
updateFunction | callback |
callback function that expects a Transaction token as it's sole argument. either all the included/chained record operations will succeed, or none |
Creates a WriteBatch object tocollect actions for Batch writing to backend
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: WriteBatch
- object that operations are added to for a bulk
Category: Batch
Dispatches an asynchronous Closure to submit Batch
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: Batch
Param | Type | Description |
batch | WriteBatch |
WriteBatch to close |
Creates a bulkWriter object to collect actions for Bulk writing to backend offers parallel operations, writes only, does NOT check for contentions, admin/Node-side only.
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: BulkWriter
- object that operations are added to for a bulk
Category: Batch
Dispatches an asynchronous Closure to complete BulkWriter
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: Batch
Param | Type | Description |
bulkWriter | BulkWriter |
bulkWriter to close |
a fieldPath value to represent the document Id - WARNING Google Firestore has a bug, and this actually represents the FULL PATH to the document
Kind: static constant of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: FieldPath
a sentinel value used to delete a field during an update operation
Kind: static constant of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: FieldValue
a sentinel value to set a field to a server-generated timestamp during set(0 or update())
Kind: static constant of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: FieldValue
return a sentinel to incrment/decrement a field
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: a sentinel value
Category: FieldValue
Param | Description |
n | If either the operand or the current field value uses floating point precision, all arithmetic follows IEEE 754 semantics. If both values are integers, values outside of JavaScript's safe number range (Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) are also subject to precision loss. Furthermore, once processed by the Firestore backend, all integer operations are capped between -2^63 and 2^63-1. If the current field value is not of type number, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation sets the field to the given value. |
return a sentinel to decrment/decrement a field NOT REALLY A FIREBASE FUNCTION Fire base has only increment; we implement this for legibility
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: a sentinel value
Category: FieldValue
Param | Description |
n | If either the operand or the current field value uses floating point precision, all arithmetic follows IEEE 754 semantics. If both values are integers, values outside of JavaScript's safe number range (Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) are also subject to precision loss. Furthermore, once processed by the Firestore backend, all integer operations are capped between -2^63 and 2^63-1. If the current field value is not of type number, or if the field does not yet exist, the transformation sets the field to the given value. |
returns a sentinel to remove elements from array field
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: sentinelValue
- a sentinel value
Category: FieldValue
Param | Description |
elements | REST expanded list of elements to remove |
return a sentinel to add/join elements to array field
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: a sentinel value
Category: FieldValue
Param | Description |
elements | REST expanded list of elements to add |
sets up a listener for changes to a single record
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: unsubscribe
- function to be called to release subscription
Category: Listeners
Param | Type | Description |
tablePath | string |
string describing relative path to document |
refPath | string |
string describing path to parent document |
dataCallback | CollectionListener |
function to be called with changes to record |
errCallback | callback |
function to be called when an error occurs in listener |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.ListenQuery(tablePath, refPath, dataCallback, errCallback, [filterArray], [sortArray]) ⇒ unsubscribe
Sets up a listener to a query
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: unsubscribe
- function to be called to release subscription
Category: Listeners
Param | Type | Description |
tablePath | string |
Name of table to query too - may be sub-collection of optional reference |
refPath | string |
An optional Firestore DocumentReference. If present, the "table" parameter above is relative to this reference |
dataCallback | CollectionListener |
callback function with query results |
errCallback | callback |
callback function with error results |
[filterArray] | filterObject |
a 3xn array of filter(i.e. "where") conditions |
[sortArray] | sortObject |
an (optional) 2xn array of sort (i.e. "orderBy") conditions |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.ListenCollectionGroupRecords(tablePath, refPath, dataCallback, errCallback) ⇒ callback
sets up a listener for changes to a collectionGroup
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: callback
- function to be called to release subscription
Category: Listeners
Param | Type | Description |
tablePath | string |
string describing relative path to document |
refPath | string |
string describing path to parent document |
dataCallback | CollectionListener |
function to be called with changes to record |
errCallback | callback |
function to be called when an error occurs in listener |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.ListenCollectionGroupQuery(table, [filterArray], [sortArray], dataCallback, errCallback) ⇒ unsubscribe
sets up a listener for changes to a collectionGroup by query
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: unsubscribe
- function to be called to release subscription
Category: Listeners
Param | Type | Description |
table | string |
string describing the name of a collectionGroup |
[filterArray] | filterObject |
a 3xn array of filter(i.e. "where") conditions |
[sortArray] | sortObject |
an (optional) 2xn array of sort (i.e. "orderBy") conditions |
dataCallback | CollectionListener |
function to be called with changes to record |
errCallback | callback |
function to be called when an error occurs in listener |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.ListenRecord(tablePath, Id, refPath, dataCallback, errCallback) ⇒ unsubscribe
Listen to changes to a single record
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: unsubscribe
- function to be called to release subscription
Category: Listeners
Param | Type | Description |
tablePath | string |
string describing relative path to requested record |
Id | string |
string of Id of requested document |
refPath | string |
string od full path to parent document |
dataCallback | RecordListener |
callback to handle changes to requested document |
errCallback | callback |
callback to handle error reporting and operations |
Kind: static class of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: Paginator
- .PaginateFetch
- new exports.PaginateFetch(table, filterArray, sortArray, refPath, limit)
- .limit :
- .status :
- .PageForward() ⇒
- .PageBack() ⇒
constructs an object to paginate through large Firestore Tables
Param | Type | Default | Description |
table | string |
a properly formatted string representing the requested collection - always an ODD number of elements | |
filterArray | array |
an (optional) 3xn array of filter(i.e. "where") conditions The array is assumed to be sorted in the correct order - i.e. filterArray[0] is added first; filterArray[length-1] last returns data as an array of objects (not dissimilar to Redux State objects) with both the documentID and documentReference added as fields. |
sortArray | array |
a 2xn array of sort (i.e. "orderBy") conditions |
refPath | string |
null |
(optional) allows "table" parameter to reference a sub-collection of an existing document reference (I use a LOT of structured collections) |
limit | number |
page size |
current limit of query results
Kind: instance property of PaginateFetch
current status of pagination -1 pending; 0 uninitialized; 1 updated;
Kind: instance property of PaginateFetch
executes the query again to fetch the next set of records
Kind: instance method of PaginateFetch
Returns: Promise.<RecordArray>
- returns an array of record - the next page
executes the query again to fetch the previous set of records
Kind: instance method of PaginateFetch
Returns: Promise.<RecordArray>
- returns an array of record - the next page
Kind: static class of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: Paginator
- .PaginateGroupFetch
- new exports.PaginateGroupFetch(group, [filterArray], [sortArray], limit)
- .limit :
- .status :
- .PageForward() ⇒
- .PageBack() ⇒
constructs an object to paginate through large Firestore Tables
Param | Type | Default | Description |
group | string |
a properly formatted string representing the requested collection - always an ODD number of elements | |
[filterArray] | filterObject |
an (optional) 3xn array of filter(i.e. "where") conditions |
[sortArray] | sortObject |
a 2xn array of sort (i.e. "orderBy") conditions The array(s) are assumed to be sorted in the correct order - i.e. filterArray[0] is added first; filterArray[length-1] last returns data as an array of objects (not dissimilar to Redux State objects) with both the documentID and documentReference added as fields. |
limit | number |
(optional) |
current limit basis for listener query
Kind: instance property of PaginateGroupFetch
current status of listener -1 pending; 0 uninitialized; 1 updated;
Kind: instance property of PaginateGroupFetch
executes the query again to fetch the next set of records
Kind: instance method of PaginateGroupFetch
Returns: Promise.<RecordArray>
- returns an array of record - the next page
executes the query again to fetch the previous set of records
Kind: instance method of PaginateGroupFetch
Returns: Promise.<RecordArray>
- returns an array of record - the next page
Kind: static class of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: Paginator
- .PaginatedListener
- new exports.PaginatedListener(tablePath, refPath, dataCallback, errCallback, limit, [filterArray], [sortArray])
- .limit :
- .status :
- .PageForward() ⇒
- .PageBack() ⇒
- .ChangeLimit(newLimit) ⇒
- .ChangeFilter([filterArray]) ⇒
- .unsubscribe()
new exports.PaginatedListener(tablePath, refPath, dataCallback, errCallback, limit, [filterArray], [sortArray])
Creates an object to allow for paginating a listener for table read from Firestore. REQUIRES a sorting choice; masks some subscribe/unsubscribe action for paging forward/backward
Param | Type | Default | Description |
tablePath | string |
a properly formatted string representing the requested collection - always an ODD number of elements | |
refPath | refPath |
(optional) allows "table" parameter to reference a sub-collection of an existing document reference (I use a LOT of structured collections) |
dataCallback | callback |
errCallback | callback |
limit | number |
(optional) | |
[filterArray] | filterObject |
an (optional) 3xn array of filter(i.e. "where") conditions |
[sortArray] | sortObject |
a 2xn array of sort (i.e. "orderBy") conditions defaults to [{ fieldRef: "name", dirStr: "asc" }] as pagination requires a sort The array is assumed to be sorted in the correct order - i.e. filterArray[0] is added first; filterArray[length-1] last returns data as an array of objects (not dissimilar to Redux State objects) with both the documentID and documentReference added as fields. |
current limit basis for listener query
Kind: instance property of PaginatedListener
current status of listener
Kind: instance property of PaginatedListener
resets the listener query to the next page of results. Unsubscribes from the current listener, constructs a new query, and sets it as the new listener
Kind: instance method of PaginatedListener
Returns: unsubscribe
- returns the unsubscriber function (for lifecycle events)
resets the listener query to the next page of results.
Unsubscribes from the current listener, constructs a new query, and sets it
as the new listener
Kind: instance method of PaginatedListener
Returns: unsubscribe
- returns the unsubscriber function (for lifecycle events)
sets page size limit to new value, and restarts the paged listener
Kind: instance method of PaginatedListener
Returns: unsubscribe
- returns the unsubscriber function (for lifecycle events)
Param | Type |
newLimit | number |
changes the filter on the subscription This has to unsubscribe the current listener, create a new query, then apply it as the listener
Kind: instance method of PaginatedListener
Returns: unsubscribe
- returns the unsubscriber function (for lifecycle events)
Param | Type | Description |
[filterArray] | filterObject |
an array of filter descriptors |
IF unsubscribe function is set, run it.
Kind: instance method of PaginatedListener
Contructs a filter that selects only the "owner" section of a collectionGroup query - in other words, descendents of a particular top=level document. This takes advantage of Firestore's indexing, which "names"/indexes all documents using the FULL PATH to the document, starting from the top-most, i.e.: TOP_COLLECTION/{dociId}/NEXT_COLLECTION/{docId}/NEXT_NEXT_COLLECTION/{etc} This functions knowns NOTHING about the actual schema; it simply uses the path of the indicated "owner" as starting portion of ALL the "child" documents of the owner. It also takes advantage of the strictly alpha-numeric nature of the path string. As such, ALL children paths strings MUST be "greater than" the owner bare path, and MUST be LESS THAN the alpha-numerically "next" value: e.g. if the "owner" path is TOP_COLLECTION/abcdefg, then
/TOP_COLLECTION/abcdefh > name > //TOP_COLLECTION/abcdefg (assuming LEXICAL SORT) IMPORTANT NOTE: Because this filter uses an INEQUALITY, .sortBy() conditions are not supported
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: Tree Slice
Param | Type | Description |
owner | Record |
queryFilter | filterObject |
additional filter parameters |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.listenSlice(owner, collectionName, dataCallback, response, errCallback, response) ⇒ callback
Uses the ownerFilter (above) to establish a listener to "just" the parts of a collectionGroup that are descendants of the passed "owner" record.
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: callback
- function to be called to release subscription
Category: Tree Slice
Param | Type | Description |
owner | Record |
owner.refPath | string |
string representing the full path to the Firestore document. |
collectionName | string |
name of the desired collectionGroup |
dataCallback | callback |
function to be called with changes to record |
response | QuerySnapshot |
errCallback | callback |
function to be called when an error occurs in listener |
response | string |
Wrapper around database fetch, using ownerFilter above to select/fetch just an "owner" parent document's descendants from a collectionGroup
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: QuerySnapshot
- response
Category: Tree Slice
Param | Type | Description |
owner | Record |
owner.refPath | string |
string representing the full path to the Firestore document. |
collectionName | string |
name of the desired collectionGroup |
Wrapper around database fetch, using ownerFilter above to select/fetch just an "owner" parent document's descendants from a collectionGroup
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: QuerySnapshot
- response
Category: Tree Slice
Param | Type | Description |
owner | Record |
owner.refPath | string |
string representing the full path to the Firestore document. |
collectionName | string |
name of the desired collectionGroup |
queryFilter | filterObject |
filter parameters |
FirebaseFirestoreWrapper.listenQuerySlice(owner, collectionName, filterArray, dataCallback, response, errCallback, response) ⇒ callback
Uses the ownerFilter (above) to establish a listener to "just" the parts of a collectionGroup that are descendants of the passed "owner" record.
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: callback
- function to be called to release subscription
Category: Tree Slice
Param | Type | Description |
owner | Record |
owner.refPath | string |
string representing the full path to the Firestore document. |
collectionName | string |
name of the desired collectionGroup |
filterArray | filterObject |
filter parameters |
dataCallback | callback |
function to be called with changes to record |
response | QuerySnapshot |
errCallback | callback |
function to be called when an error occurs in listener |
response | string |
Returns the "type" (collection name) of the top-most parent of a record, derived from the refPath
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: string
- the collection name
Category: Tree Slice
Param | Type |
record | Record |
Returns the Id (documentId) of the top-most parent of a record, derived from the refPath
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: string
- the Id
Category: Tree Slice
Param | Type |
record | Record |
Returns the Id (documentId) of the top-most parent of a record, derived from the refPath
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: string
- the Id
Category: Tree Slice
Param | Type |
record | Record |
Returns the bare owner record reference to the parent (root) of a provided child
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: Record
- reference to the parent (root) record
Category: Tree Slice
Param | Type | Description |
record | Record |
child record |
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: Record
- reference to the parent (root) record
Category: Tree Slice
Param | Type | Description |
ownerId | string |
Document ID of owner account |
ownerType | string |
"type" (top-level collection) of owner account |
returns the record for the top-most parent of a record, derived from the refPath
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: Tree Slice
Param | Type |
record | Record |
Returns the "type" (collection name) the passed record is stored in, derived from the refPath
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: string
- the collection name
Category: Typed
Param | Type |
record | Record |
Returns the Id (documentId) of the passed record derived from the refPath
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: string
- the Id
Category: Typed
optionally batched record update - abstracts batch process from specific types
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: Promise.<Record>
- record, with Id & refpath
Category: Typed
Param | Type | Description |
data | Record |
the data object/record to update. This will create a new one if it doesn't exist |
data.refPath | string |
only part used |
parent | Record |
parent object (if any) this belongs to |
parent.refPath | string |
full path to parent document |
type | string |
name of type of object - i.e. the sub-collection name |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
batching object. Transaction will be added to the batch |
optionally batched record update - abstracts batch process from specific types
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: Promise
- record, with Id & refpath
Category: Typed
Param | Type | Description |
data | Record |
the data object/record to update. This will create a new one if it doesn't exist |
tree | ArtistTree |
Object with properties of refPath segments |
type | string |
name of type of object - i.e. the sub-collection name |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
batching object. Transaction will be added to the batch |
optionally batched record update - abstracts batch process from specific types
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: Promise
- WriteBatch, Transaction or Void
Category: Typed
Param | Type | Description |
data | Record |
the data object/record to update. This will create a new one if it doesn't exist |
tree | ArtistTree |
Object with properties of refPath segments |
type | string |
name of type of object - i.e. the sub-collection name |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
batching object. Transaction will be added to the batch |
Creates a new document reference of the indicated type, and writes it to the backend. Specific intent is when the Id needs to be pre-specified, or shared outside this function. Normal writing action will silently create a new document, which has to then be found by query
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: Promise
- WriteBatch, Transaction or Void
Category: Typed
Param | Type | Description |
data | Record |
the data object/record to create. This will create a new one if it doesn't exist |
parent | Record |
parent object (if any) this belongs to |
parent.refPath | string |
full path to parent document |
type | string |
name of type of object - i.e. the sub-collection name |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
batching object. Transaction will be added to the batch |
Extracts a tree of document ID's from a child document (assumes is a child)
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: Typed
Param | Type | Description |
child | Record |
document (regardless of depth) of a tree |
child.refPath | string |
Builds a refPath down to a desired collection/type from an existing RecordTree Map.
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: string
- constructed TablePath (collection)
Category: Typed
Param | Type | Description |
tree | RecordTree |
type | string |
branchType | string |
a collection name to start branching from. This is in case tree was built from a sister collection/document |
Builds a refPath down to a desired collection/type from an existing RecordTree Map.
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: string
- constructed refPath (document)
Category: Typed
Param | Type |
tree | RecordTree |
type | string |
Looks up a "tree" to find the Id of the document at the requested collection level ("type")
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: Typed
Param | Type | Description |
child | Record |
document (regardless of depth) of a tree |
child.refPath | string |
type | string |
name of desired type/collection level in tree |
Builds a refPath up to a desired collection/type from an existing child in a tree
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: string
- constructed refPath (collection)
Category: Typed
Param | Type | Description |
child | Record |
document (regardless of depth) of a tree |
child.refPath | string |
type | string |
Builds a refPath up to a desired collection/type from an existing child in a tree
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Returns: string
- constructed refPath (document)
Category: Typed
Param | Type | Description |
child | Record |
document (regardless of depth) of a tree |
child.refPath | string |
type | string |
function to fetch a document from "up" the collection/document tree of a child document
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: Typed
Param | Type | Description |
child | Record |
assumed to be an object in a collection/document Tree |
refPath | string |
type | string |
type/collection to fetch parent document from |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
optional batch object to chain |
function to fetch a document from "up" the collection/document tree of a child document
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: Typed
Param | Type | Description |
tree | RecordTree |
assumed to be an object in a collection/document Tree |
refPath | string |
type | string |
type/collection to fetch parent document from |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
optional batch object to chain |
function to collect documents from "up" the collection/document tree of a child document
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: Typed
Param | Type | Description |
tree | RecordTree |
assumed to be an object in a collection/document Tree |
type | string |
type/collection to fetch parent document from |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
optional batch object to chain |
function to collect documents from "up" the collection/document tree of a child document
Kind: static method of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
Category: Typed
Param | Type | Description |
child | Record |
assumed to be an object in a collection/document Tree |
type | string |
type/collection to fetch parent document from |
batch | WriteBatch | Transaction |
optional batch object to chain |
Kind: inner class of FirebaseFirestoreWrapper
class for a Firestore timestamp processor
A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase firestore, storage and auth. Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database; originally conceived to port from one database to another.
- FirebaseStorageWrapper
- static
- .FirebaseStorageWrapper(firebase)
- .makeStorageRefFromRecord(record, key, filename) ⇒
- .listReference(storageReference, optionsObject) ⇒
- .makeFileURLFromRecord(record, key, filename) ⇒
- .makePrivateURLFromRecord(record, key) ⇒
- .makePrivateURLFromReference(reference, key) ⇒
- .makePrivateURLFromPath(fullPath) ⇒
- .storeBlobByRecord(blob, record, key, filename) ⇒
- .storeDataURLByRecord(dataURL, record, key, filename) ⇒
- .getDefaultImageURL(key) ⇒
- .getURLFromFilePath(filePath) ⇒
- .dataURLToBlob(dataURL) ⇒
- inner
- ~File :
- ~FileMetadata :
- ~File :
- static
Initializes the Auth service of the provided firebase app. Also instantiates various constants and helper functions
Kind: static method of FirebaseStorageWrapper
Param | Type |
firebase | firebase |
import * as firebase from "firebase/app";
import "firebase/storage";
import FirebaseStorage from "@leaddreamer/firebase-wrapper/FirebaseStorageWrapper";
import {config} from "whereever-you-put-it";
((myconfig) {
try {
} catch (err) {
Kind: static method of FirebaseStorageWrapper
Returns: StorageReference
- a Firestore Storage Reference
Param | Type | Description |
record | string |
A firestore document Record - the '/' separated collection/ document path is used as the path to the stored item. |
key | string |
An optional string identifying the specific field an stored item is associated with |
filename | string |
an optional name to be associated with the stored item. |
Kind: static method of FirebaseStorageWrapper
Param | Type | Description |
storageReference | StorageReference |
a storage reference to a "directory", not a file. More accurate to state that it is treated as a directory, since such niceties are a Firestore convention, not a physical reality |
optionsObject | ListOptions |
Kind: static method of FirebaseStorageWrapper
Fulfil: string
a "long-lived" URL to access the file.
Reject: string
Param | Type | Description |
record | RecordObject |
A firestore document Record - the '/' separated collection/ document path is used as the path to the stored item. |
key | string |
An optional string identifying the specific field an stored item is associated with |
filename | string |
an optional name to be associated with the stored item. |
Kind: static method of FirebaseStorageWrapper
Returns: string
- The resulting Security-Rule-compliant URL
Param | Type | Description |
record | RecordObject |
A firestore document Record - the '/' separated collection/ document path is used as the path to the stored item. |
key | string |
An optional string identifying the specific field an stored item is associated with |
Kind: static method of FirebaseStorageWrapper
Returns: string
- The resulting Security-Rule-compliant URL
Param | Type | Description |
reference | StorageReference |
A firestore document Record - the '/' separated collection/ document path is used as the path to the stored item. |
key | string |
An optional string identifying the specific field an stored item is associated with |
This function is part of a storage scheme that uses parallel structures between Firestore collection/documents and Storage paths. The concept here is all Storage items are part of/belong to Firestore documents. This function takes a full path to a Storage object and turns it into URL. If "type"is not included, the URL will return the metadata, not the contents. Note this simply makes the URL - it does not carry out any operations
Kind: static method of FirebaseStorageWrapper
Returns: string
- constructed Security-Rule-compliant URL
Param | Type | Description |
fullPath | string |
required path to the stored item. |
Firestore's document sizes can be limited - 1MB - so our system stores larger digital "blobs" in a parallel Firestore Storage.
Kind: static method of FirebaseStorageWrapper
Returns: UploadTask
- Firestore Storage UploadTask Object
Param | Type | Description |
blob | blob |
A data blob in DataURI format to store in Storage |
record | RecordObject |
A firestore document Record - the '/' separated collection/ document path is used as the path to the stored item. |
key | string |
An optional string identifying the specific field an stored item is associated with |
filename | string |
an optional name to be associated with the stored item. |
Firestore's document sizes can be limited - 1MB - so our system stores larger digital "blobs" in a parallel Firestore Storage.
Kind: static method of FirebaseStorageWrapper
Returns: Firestore Storage UploadTask Object
Param | Type | Description |
dataURL | dataURL |
A data blob in DataURI format to store in Storage |
record | RecordObject |
A firestore document Record - the '/' separated collection/ document path is used as the path to the stored item. |
key | string |
An optional string identifying the specific field an stored item is associated with |
filename | string |
an optional name to be associated with the stored item. |
Kind: static method of FirebaseStorageWrapper
Param | Type | Description |
key | string |
name/key of default image file |
Kind: static method of FirebaseStorageWrapper
Param | Type |
filePath | string |
Kind: static method of FirebaseStorageWrapper
Returns: Object
- {ext: extension, base64: data}
Param | Type |
dataURL | object |
Kind: inner typedef of FirebaseStorageWrapper
Name | Type | Description |
metadata | FileMetadata |
acl | object |
name | string |
//various methods |
Kind: inner typedef of FirebaseStorageWrapper
Name | Type | Description |
kind | string:"storage#object" |
id | string |
selfLink | string |
name | string |
bucket | string |
generation | long |
metageneration | long |
contentType | string |
timeCreated | datetime |
updated | datetime |
customTime | datetime |
timeDeleted | datetime |
temporaryHold | boolean |
eventBasedHold | boolean |
retentionExpirationTime | datetime |
storageClass | string |
timeStorageClassUpdated | datetime |
size | ulong |
md5Hash | string |
mediaLink | string |
contentEncoding | string |
contentDisposition | string |
contentLanguage | string |
cacheControl | string |
metadata | object |
Custom metadata key:value pairs |
metadata.firebaseStorageDownloadTokens | string |
metadata.key | string |
[acl] | objectAccessControls |
owner | object |
owner.entity | string |
owner.entityId | string |
crc32c | string |
componentCount | integer |
etag | string |
customerEncryption | object |
customerEncryption.encryptionAlgorithm | string |
customerEncryption.keySha256 | string |
kmsKeyName | string |
A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase storage Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database and Storage as a parallel structure originally conceived to port from one database to another.
- FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator
- static
- inner
- ~adminRef
- [~child
creates and returns a new adminRef object from existin path(path)](#module_FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator..child
creates and returns a new adminRef object from existin path) ⇒
- [~delete
Deletes the referenced storage item()](#module_FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator..delete
Deletes the referenced storage item) ⇒
- [~getDownloadURL
Generates a long-lived (essentially permanent until revoked)
Public-Access URL for a storage item in FIREBASE (not Cloud Storage)
Generates a long-lived (essentially permanent until revoked)
Public-Access URL for a storage item in FIREBASE (not Cloud Storage)
format) ⇒
- [~getToken
Fetches (or creates as needed) a unique token for a storage object()](#module_FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator..getToken
Fetches (or creates as needed) a unique token for a storage object) ⇒
- [~getMetadata
Fetches the FileMetadata for the storage object. Custom/Client metadata
is located in FileMetadata.metadata()](#module_FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator..getMetadata
Fetches the FileMetadata for the storage object. Custom/Client metadata
is located in FileMetadata.metadata) ⇒
- ~put(data, metadata) ⇒
- ~putString(dataString, stringFormat, metadata) ⇒
Initializes the Storage service of the provided firebase app. Also instantiates various constants and helper functions. This is a WRAPPER around CLOUD STORAGE (admin) functions to emulate FIREBASE functionality, keeping a similar API between client & cloud code. NOTE: admin "references" ARE NOT the same as client references, and are NOT interchangeable. Do not mix client & admin code (not actually possible in this wrapper)
Kind: static method of FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator
Param | Type |
firebase | firebase |
Kind: inner class of FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator
Create a class that emulates a Firebase Storage storageRef using Firebase Admin Cloud Storage Functions. This is not an exact replica, but one with similar static members and methods. Intended for use with a higher-level Wrapper library This returns an object that has many of the same members and methods as a Firebase storageRef, but only in conjunction with the methods here, and likely only with the "wrapper" it is defined for.
Param | Type | Description |
bucket | StorageBucket |
A bucket instance |
path | string |
a string representing the "path" to the intended target document |
used to affect file operations to emulate Firebase Storage functions
Kind: instance property of adminRef
Full path, including file name
Kind: instance property of adminRef
filename portion only
Kind: instance property of adminRef
name of containing bucket
Kind: instance property of adminRef
Cloud Storage object don't really have a parent or root
Kind: instance property of adminRef
app instance
Kind: instance property of adminRef
access token
Kind: instance property of adminRef
creates and returns a new adminRef object from existin path(path) ⇒ StorageRefEmulation
Kind: inner method of FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator
Param | Type | Description |
path | string |
a relative path from the existing storageRef to create child |
Deletes the referenced storage item() ⇒ Promise
Kind: inner method of FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator
Generates a long-lived (essentially permanent until revoked)
Public-Access URL for a storage item in FIREBASE (not Cloud Storage)
format() ⇒ string
Kind: inner method of FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator
Fetches (or creates as needed) a unique token for a storage object() ⇒ Promise.<string>
Kind: inner method of FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator
Fetches the FileMetadata for the storage object. Custom/Client metadata
is located in FileMetadata.metadata() ⇒ FileMetadata
Kind: inner method of FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator
puts a block of data (and optional metadata) into storage at location specified by adminRef
Kind: inner method of FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator
Param | Type |
data | blob |
metadata | object |
puts a string (possibly encoded data) into a storage file described by the provided reference.
Kind: inner method of FirebaseStorageAdminEmulator
Param | Type |
dataString | string |
stringFormat | string |
metadata | FileMetadata |
A set of helper-wrapper functions around firebase firestore, storage and auth. all-in-one wrapper for a solid subset of CLIENT-SIDE Firebase functions, with a consistent interface. There is a parallel set for ADMIN-SIDE functions as well. Intent is to treat Firestore as a hierarchical record-oriented database; originally conceived to port from one database to another. NOTE: Most helpers return PROMISE.REJECT if no documents are returned. it is assumed projects using this library might want to have an explicitly error trap for such events.
- FirebaseWrapper
- static
- inner
- ~FirebaseConfigObject :
- ~FirebaseConfigObject :
- ~FirebaseConfigObject :
Kind: static method of FirebaseWrapper
Returns: none
Param | Type | Description |
config | FirebaseConfigObject |
Firebase Admin object |
//this specifically loads ALL the subsections, specifically for
//the Browser. See later (tbd) notes for NodeJS
import FirebaseWrapper from "@leaddreamer/firebase-wrapper";
FirebaseWrapper(config); //see below
export * from "@leaddreamer/firebase-wrapper";
Kind: static method of FirebaseWrapper
Returns: none
Param | Type | Description |
config | FirebaseConfigObject |
Firebase Admin object |
//this specifically loads ALL the subsections, specifically for
//the Browser. See later (tbd) notes for NodeJS
import FirebaseWrapper from "@leaddreamer/firebase-wrapper";
FirebaseWrapper(config); //see below
export * from "@leaddreamer/firebase-wrapper";
only authDomain, databaseURL and storageBucket are present when called from a cloud environment
Kind: inner typedef of FirebaseWrapper
Name | Type | Description |
apiKey | string |
required api Key from Firebase Console, |
appId | string |
required app ID from Firebase Console |
projectId | string |
required Firebase projectID from Firebase console |
authDomain | string |
(optional) auth domain from Firebase Console |
databaseURL | string |
(optional) Firestore database URL from Firebase console |
storageBucket: | string |
(optional) URL of Firestore Storage Bucket |
messagingSenderId: | string |
(optional) ID for Messaing service from Firebase Console |
measurementId: | string |
(optional) Analytics/Measurement ID from Firebase Console |
mapsAPIKey | string |
(optional) App ID for Google Maps API, from Google |
only authDomain, databaseURL and storageBucket are present when called from a cloud environment
Kind: inner typedef of FirebaseWrapper
Name | Type | Description |
apiKey | string |
required api Key from Firebase Console, |
appId | string |
required app ID from Firebase Console |
projectId | string |
required Firebase projectID from Firebase console |
authDomain | string |
(optional) auth domain from Firebase Console |
databaseURL | string |
(optional) Firestore database URL from Firebase console |
storageBucket: | string |
(optional) URL of Firestore Storage Bucket |
messagingSenderId: | string |
(optional) ID for Messaing service from Firebase Console |
measurementId: | string |
(optional) Analytics/Measurement ID from Firebase Console |
mapsAPIKey | string |
(optional) App ID for Google Maps API, from Google |
Kind: global constant
Category: Paginate Constants
Kind: global constant
Category: Paginate Constants
Kind: global constant
Category: Paginate Constants
Kind: global constant
Category: Paginate Constants
Kind: global constant
Category: Paginate Constants
Kind: global constant
Category: Paginate Constants
© 2020-2021 Tracy Hall