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A Free Simple CMS to allow multiples users to edit a Quality System

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Repository files navigation

Quality System

You can find a demo here and a screenshot here


Files Plugin

This plugin allow the user to download and upload files to the webserver, it rename automaticly the files into a standard format and archive the olds files.

Publish a new version

You'll need to click on publish a new version, from the home page. You'll be asked to select two files (the universal format and the source format) and press Submit.

The files will be uploaded, the maximum size is 10MB per file. The extension will be overwritten to the standard one, so please upload the correct file. There is no control on the extension you are uploading.


  • An error message will be displayed if there are no files selected.
  • If you've cliqued on an old or bad link, it will automaticly allow you to choose between all the possibilities.

Accessing to the archive

The files are automaticly backed up, the new one are not replacing the olds one. If you want to acces to the archive, please go on one of this adresses :

The current one is name.pdf, the older one is name1.pdf and the newer is nameX.pdf (X higher than 1)

Problem Report Plugin

This plugin use a MySQL database in order to store some informations about problems.

View the currents problems in detail

From the home page, click on “Access to the database”, then you are viewing the currents problems, you can go to the previous or the next one by simply clicking on the arrows on the top right.


  • If you are trying to see a problem which doesn't exists, the website will ask you to choose between existing problems numbers.
  • The website auto correct bad links by asking you about the database to see.

View the currents the list of problems

From the problem viewer, simply click on the [list view] link on the top of the page. You can edit or view a problem in details by clicking on the pencil or magnifier on each problem.


  • The website auto correct bad links by asking you about the database to see.

Edit the current problem

From the problem viewer, simply click on the [edit] link on the top of the page. You can edit all the fields (except the problem number). Once finished please press “Save Changes” on the bottom of the page.


  • If you are trying to see a problem which doesn't exists, the website will ask you to choose between existing problems numbers.
  • The website auto correct bad links by asking you about the database to see.
  • The website will show debug infos, but the changes are saved successfully.
  • Please respect the date format (or the date will be 0000-00-00).

Add a problem

From the problem viewer, simply click on the [new] link on the top of the page. You can now register all the fields you want except the number which will be set automaticly (all the fields are optionals, you can register the information later).


  • The website auto correct bad links by asking you about the database to see.
  • The website will show debug infos, but the entry is saved successfully.
  • Please respect the date format (or the date will be 0000-00-00).

Delete a problem

You can't delete a problem

Back up the database

The website allow you to export the database in SQL server and archive all the backed up, You can export the database by clicking on “Export the database in SQL”.

The website will create a backup and show you the link to download it. First part of the link is the table name encrypted and the second part is the date.

You also can click on the here link, it will generate a CSV version of the database.



This website is a CMS, you can quickly edit the content without technical skills, but you need an FTP access and a text editor Notepad++ (or Notepad).

Access to the configuration file

The configuration file is /config.php, you'll need to download it, edit it and upload it (or editing it in live on the server).

General configuration

In the /config.php file, you'll see three differents variables. You can edit the value of each one by simply edit the content between "". Please read the comments before editing this file.

$full_name = "Eurolec Quality System"; // The name displayed on the top of each page
$footer_content = "© Eurolec Instruments Ltd. 2013"; // The footer content
$root = "http://localhost/Catalogs/ISO_Files/"; // URL of the folder containing this file

Moving the blocks

You can quickly move the blocks on the home page, access to the config file, and move the blocks in the order you want. A block is an array like this one (please do not destroy an array)

"vendor_approval" => array(
	"id" => "vendor_approval",
	"name" => "Vendor Approval",
	"plugin" => "files",
	"extension_readonly" => "pdf",
	"extension_editable" => "xls",

Editing a block

This is a block :

"$vendor_approval$" => array(
	"id" => "$vendor_approval$",
	"name" => "$Vendor Approval$",
	"plugin" => "$files$",
	"extension_readonly" => "$pdf$",
	"extension_editable" => "$xls$",

In this block, you only can change the values between tho $ sign. The two firsts value must be the same, without stange characters.

The name name value is the human readable value, which is displayed.

The plugin value is the type of the object, the list is at the end of the config file.

The others values depends of the plugin used, please read the end of the config file.

Database configuration

The MySQL database is used by the report_problem plugin to store the data, you must complete this values only if you want to use this plugin.

// The MySQL Database connexion used by problem_report plugin
$host = "localhost";
$user = "username";
$password = "secret!";
$base = "base_name";

Do not change this values if you are not sure.

Files Extensions

In the files plugin, you can easily change the file extension of both of read only and editable versions, in ordr to do that, you have to open the /config.php file, where you'll see the following lines for each block:

	"extension_readonly" => "pdf",
	"extension_editable" => "xls",

You can replace this extension by all the extensions in the world. No limit.

Drop-down menus

You also can easily change the drop-down menus in order to add an option (please do not remove or edit on option because the database will not be changed).

You will the this lines at the end of the /config.php file:

$type_of_pb_ddm = array(
	"Non Conforming Product",
	"Customer Complaint",
	$auditor_ddm= array(
	"Internal Auditor",
	"QA Manager",

You just have to add a line in the menu you want, use the same synthax than the others.

Access protected.

The access of this website can be protected, You can change add a password.

Change the password

Create a /.htpasswd file, you have to write a single line looking like that:


Add the security

In /.htaccess file, You can add the 4 lines like bellow:

AuthName "Secured Area"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile "/ABSOLUTE_PATH/.htpasswd"
Require valid-user

You must replace the ABSOLUTE_PATH by the absolute path looking like /home/xxx/qs/. Do not remove the error document line!

Install this software

You have two steps, the first one is important, the second option (you can skip it if you don't use the problem_report plugin).

Copy files

Connect you via an FTP client (like Filezilla) and copy all the source code folder to the folder you want on the website (accessible by the internet).


Connect you to the MySQL database using PHPMyAdmin, then open a database and a table (or create it if not exists). In the table view, click on import and select the database_stuct.sql file, click on import.

Now, in the file manager, go to the /config.php file and write the correct database name, username, password, table name and host adress.

You can now acces to the website, all is working !


A Free Simple CMS to allow multiples users to edit a Quality System






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