Lieburo is a 2D shooter game in the spirit of Liero and Worms. It is a project work for Aalto University course 'C++ Programming'. The project was graded 5.
To compile and run the program you will to install Box2d and SFML on your computer. Instructions for Box2d and SFML can be found from following links: -Box2d: -SFML:
After installing those you can compile program with command "make all" and run it with command "make run" or just just the latter to compile and run at the same time. In case of any problems you can try command "make clean" to remove *.o files and to try to compile it with better success.
Credit: Music in menu screen is from a website called freesound and it has been made by user Erokia. The file can be found here: Music in game is from same website and it has been made by user FoolBoyMedia. The file can be found here: