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Lesson 6 (Inheritance)

Sally Steuterman edited this page Jul 28, 2020 · 3 revisions

Lesson 6: Inheritance

In the prep work this week, the students learned

  1. What inheritance is and how programmers can use it.
  2. What abstract classes and methods are.
  3. How to formally diagram classes and the relationships between classes.


  1. Check with your course manager for any important announcements.

Large Group Time (Instructor)

Lesson 6 Topics That Require Careful Attention

  1. Inheritance is a topic that can seem very intuitive to some and very confusing to others. Be mindful of this gap! Encourage discussion in pairs to help students hear other perspectives on why programmers use inheritance.
  2. The exercises for today and the studio require students to diagram their classes. By now, all of the students should be used to this, but now that they have learned more about the pillars of OOP, they should be following object-oriented principles. This would be a good time to go over a class diagram and talk about why you made the decisions you made.

Small Group Time: Lesson 6 Studio (TF Notes)

  1. This is another studio where the design of the classes can be subjective, but the implementation should match the design. While the design is subjective, encourage students to use OOP and inheritance as much as possible.
  2. Students should use TDD and the lessons from last week to implement their design this week. Some may be struggling to incorporate unit testing into their coding workflow. That's okay! Share with them ways they can use tests to make their classes work!