Last Call Media Phing Build System is brought to you by your friends at Last Call Media. The purpose of this project is to aid in the automation of testing and code quality tools for Last Call Media's web projects. It is intended to be run either locally or in a CI environment, and it contains Phing tasks for some common operations. Phing documentation
From the project root, run the following command:
curl | sh
Edit the new build file that has been placed in build/build.xml, and change the parameters to fit your project.
When you are ready to setup Behat testing, run
vendor/bin/phing setup:behat
from the build directory. This will setup a behat directory at the location you have specified in build.xml. By default, the behat directory will be set up in sites/default. -
From the newly created behat directory, edit your behat.local.yml and set the base_url parameter to the correct URL for the local environment.
From the build directory, run vendor/bin/phing test:behat to run Behat tests.
From the build directory, run vendor/bin/phing ci-build to do a full "CI Build" as configured in your build.xml.
In CI environments, the ci-build target will be invoked with the following command:
cd build && composer install
vendor/bin/phing ci-build
Whatever is inside your ci-build target will be run. This means you can add steps to the build by adding tasks inside of the ci-build target. Having a task "fail" inside of the ci-build target will fail the entire build, so your tasks should be set up to check return codes. For example:
<drush command="updatedb" yes="true" checkreturn="true"/>
In this task, setting "checkreturn" to true means that if this command does not complete successfully, it will fail the build.
You can add composer script aliases to the build/composer.json file. For example, the following command will allow you to run
composer behat
:"scripts": { "behat": "vendor/bin/behat -c ../sites/all/behat/behat.yml" }
You can add any composer libraries you'd like to the composer.json. Commit the composer.json and the composer.lock to the repository, but not the vendor/ code.
This project and the Last Call Behat project will be updated frequently, so run composer update as often as you can.
This project uses Semantic Versioning. Using bounded version constraints in your composer.json is strongly encouraged to prevent pulling in changes that break backward compatibility. For example, this declaration in your composer.json will keep you on the latest stable release of the 1.x branch, which should never break backwards compatibility:
"lastcall/phing": "~1.0",
While using any of the following declarations may cause backwards-incompatible changes to be pulled in when a 2.0 release is created:
"lastcall/phing": "*", "lastcall/phing": "dev-master",
For more detailed information on Composer version constraints, see the Composer documentation
Please use the Github issue tracker to report bugs for this project. Please create pull requests to submit fixes to this repository. Always make sure your changes are adequately covered by tests.